Buffy Saint Marie is a pretendian

Another great conversation between two actual Fist Nation' people talking about the rampant narcissism of white people absolving themselves of their white guilt by pretending to be Indians.

Kim Wilde is a ‘pretendian’ ?

What a rascal! I always had my suspicions about her.

She must be one of the narcissists people talk about online, it’s all the rage.
People have known this for decades but as you know it's not a popular activity to question the validity of native heritage. Much like the Harvey Weinstein case. A lot of people knew and were afraid to talk and liked their well paid jobs too much to speak up. There are a lot of benefits to keeping the lies alive.

I’ve been a fan of her’s for awhile. Who are these enablers over the decades that you’re talking about? Links to old articles or discussions would be cool.
All that I can find at the moment are articles from this year. The other thing I can find on Reddit is that her son Cody posted on Facebook 3 years ago(true? can’t find the original link) explaining that his mother was not born Native American.

Though as much of a fan as I am, I didn’t hear about that. And if I did, I would be hesitant to believe him. Simply because I don’t know anything about him or his relationship with his mother.

A lot of people knew and were afraid to talk and liked their well paid jobs too much to speak up. There are a lot of benefits to keeping the lies alive.

I agree, but I already mentioned that the only enablers that I could imagine to have maybe existed were those working in the record industry, and helped perpetuate the story because it benefited them. So yes that’s a possibility.

But as far as I know, I don't think her fans knew over the decades. Not that I’m a part of any Buffy fan community or anything. Just never came across any comments in the past pertaining to what seems to be a recent incident due to the news/investigation show.

Did you watch any of the interview with Peter Boghosian? This is not just about Buffy Saint Marie. It's about the hundreds of people claiming native hertitge under false pretences.

Well, you already told me the plot.
Actually did you watch the video with Anton Treuer I sent in my third post to you? Well if you watched the beginning it also goes into it, so I think I had my fill on the subject.
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I’ve been a fan of her’s for awhile. Who are these enablers over the decades that you’re talking about? Links to old articles or discussions would be cool.
All that I can find at the moment are articles from this year. The other thing I can find on Reddit is that her son Cody posted on Facebook 3 years ago(true? can’t find the original link) explaining that his mother was not born Native American.

Though as much of a fan as I am, I didn’t hear about that. And if I did, I would be hesitant to believe him. Simply because I don’t know anything about him or his relationship with his mother.

I agree, but I already mentioned that the only enablers that I could imagine to have maybe existed were those working in the record industry, and helped perpetuate the story because it benefited them. So yes that’s a possibility.

But as far as I know, I don't think her fans knew over the decades. Not that I’m a part of any Buffy fan community or anything. Just never came across any comments in the past pertaining to what seems to be a recent incident due to the news/investigation show.

Well, you already told me the plot.
Actually did you watch the video with Anton Treuer I sent in my third post to you? Well if you watched the beginning it also goes into it, so I think I had my fill on the subject.
If you listen to the conversation with Kim Tall Bear you'll hear how rampant this epidemic of pretendians is. I don't need to supply "links". There is plenty of information out there. I think I've supplied enough and like you I've had enough of this thread. I thought I'd find a few people here who are just as disgusted as I am but apparently not. Her music can't be that good.
If you listen to the conversation with Kim Tall Bear you'll hear how rampant this epidemic of pretendians is. I don't need to supply "links". There is plenty of information out there. I think I've supplied enough

I never doubted that, but you haven’t supplied any links to substantiate your claim that her fans knowingly over the decades enabled her to perpetuate her fictional story.

and like you I've had enough of this thread. I thought I'd find a few people here who are just as disgusted as I am but apparently not. Her music can't be that good.

To me, her music is that good. And her human folly, forgiven.

no, wild T, nobody gives a shit! first nations arent woke enough to realize that they should be offended on principle by something that has no negative effect on them whatsoever, but maybe if enough people who arent them condescend to explain to them whey they should be outraged and offended they might catch on.

by the way, wild T, i dont want to cast aspersions but ive heard it said you're a pretenditurkian! whats that about, wild T?! o_O

All ya have to do is check the information.
Wild Tremendous is extra membus.
It weren't ever a worry.
Lol. Now you know how I feel when I simply asked for proof about Buffy’s enablers over the decades.
Art is a lie that tells the truth.

Yes, I said as much in my earlier posts here. Lots of artists, will try to delete their past, cut ties, choose their own name, etc, etc. And I’m sure that played a role in Buffy’s situation.

‘Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he’ll tell you the truth’

‘Hear how the bargain was made for the West
With her shivering children in zero degrees
Blankets for your land, so the treaties attest
Oh well, blankets for land, is a bargain indeed
And the blankets were those Uncle Sam had collected
From smallpox diseased dying soldiers that day
And the tribes were wiped out
And the history books censored‘

I still love Buffy and I think this investigation is snide. I think it is quite common for a persons origins to be confused and clouded is some secrecy, certainly in the 1940s. Maybe her mother had an affair and things were covered up. What right do we have to know everything. Buffy has, as far as I can see, done a lot of good for the indigenous community. They have adopted her into their community and they say she is one of them. That is good enough for me. Her songs are great and she remains an important voice. There is an obsession with exposing people these days,pulling people down and shaming them. There are better targets out there and terms like Pretendian are ugly and the tone of this documentary is very crass.
It is always easier to destroy than to create. And as someone else pointed out, no one would be wanting to crucify her if she had identified as a man.
And yet a woman identifies as a Native American woman, and they want to hang her out to dry?
Yes, I said as much in my earlier posts here. Lots of artists, will try to delete their past, cut ties, choose their own name, etc, etc. And I’m sure that played a role in Buffy’s situation.

‘Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he’ll tell you the truth’

‘Hear how the bargain was made for the West
With her shivering children in zero degrees
Blankets for your land, so the treaties attest
Oh well, blankets for land, is a bargain indeed
And the blankets were those Uncle Sam had collected
From smallpox diseased dying soldiers that day
And the tribes were wiped out
And the history books censored‘


Buffy found out for herself and followed where
it took her.

I watched the CBC Fifth Estate exposé. A primer on an issue I hadn't heard of before. Pretendians.

Buffy was already talented and performing when she went to the pivotal pow-wow in her early 20s during the 60s. She didn't need the indigenous badge. Didn't someone quote Johnny Cash as saying native identity alone would not guarantee higher pay, and was more often, for the longest time, an albatross round wearers' necks preventing regular social opportunities.?

I think most people know that birth certificates do not necessarily reflect true parentage. Zoom2G or someone said Buffy's Caucasian mother had an affair with someone of Native American ancestry around the time she was born. I wonder why the programme omitted that salient information. It sounds like there was always a question mark.

The way Buffy was accepted by the Piapot Cree family from the time of the pow-wow onward, and her embrace of their welcome, stands on its own merit as a sort of rebirth.

Many artists use their own as well as others' identities as part of their creations. They make things up. They generally take greater liberties with reality. You could argue that's their job. It came up for List of the Lost. How do you represent the other's experience authentically? Do you you even have any right to, if you're not the one who has lived what the art describes? If the answer is no, it's easy to see how limited art would then become.

The legal letter sent to her brother's family was serious, but why had he taken it upon himself before that to embark on an energetic public campaign to dispute her claims about belonging to her newfound clan? That seems quite malicious and destructive, and there's something admirable about her bravery to square up to him and get him to cease and desist.

Was Buffy at least sincere enough to avoid harming the people she claimed to belong to if her belief about her origins were inaccurate? Most would say she brought much-needed attention to issues. The fruits of her actions are virtuous.

The impressions I formed of the people going after her and accusing her of misrepresentation were of narrowminded obsessiveness, and mean glee. They displayed an undue faith in state data and failure to grasp the imprecisions and grey areas of people, families, institutions and shifting mores. They mention some gaining handsomely from grants, subsidies and other awards by waving an indigenous label. Those situations need to be clarified. There are always deliberate bad actors. Buffy gets the benefit of my doubt. Keep the records!

An apt poem;

Fallen Leaves​

by Mary Cornelia Hartshorne

An Indian Grandmother’s Parable
Many times in my life I have heard the white sages,
Who are learned in the knowledge and lore of past ages,
Speak of my people with pity, say, “Gone is their hour
Of dominion. By the strong wind of progress their power,
Like a rose past its brief time of blooming, lies shattered;
Like the leaves of the oak tree its people are scattered.”
This is the eighty-first autumn since I can remember.
Again fall the leaves, born in April and dead by December;
Riding the whimsied breeze, zigzagging and whirling,
Coming to earth at last and slowly upcurling,
Withered and sapless and brown, into discarded fragments,
Of what once was life; dry, chattering parchments
That crackle and rustle like old women’s laughter
When the merciless wind with swift feet coming after
Will drive them before him with unsparing lashes
’Til they are crumbled and crushed into forgotten ashes;
Crumbled and crushed, and piled deep in the gulches and hollows,
Soft bed for the yet softer snow that in winter fast follows
But when in the spring the light falling
Patter of raindrops persuading, insistently calling,
Wakens to life again forces that long months have slumbered,
There will come whispering movement, and green things unnumbered
Will pierce through the mould with their yellow-green, sun-searching fingers,
Fingers—or spear-tips, grown tall, will bud at another year’s breaking,
One day when the brooks, manumitted by sunshine, are making
Music like gold in the spring of some far generation.
And up from the long-withered leaves, from the musty stagnation,
Life will climb high to the furthermost leaflets.
The bursting of catkins asunder with greed for the sunlight; the thirsting
Of twisted brown roots for earth-water; the gradual unfolding
Of brilliance and strength in the future, earth’s bosom is holding
Today in those scurrying leaves, soon to be crumpled and broken.
Let those who have ears hear my word and be still. I have spoken.
- https://poets.org/poem/fallen-leaves
Buffy has responded to the attacks against her.

I want to begin by thanking the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences for the honour. As one of the most prestigious awards in the global entertainment industry, it is a true recognition of the outstanding team who worked on my story – the true story of my life.

I’ve always believed it takes rain and sunshine to bring a rainbow. This great honour does indeed come after the rain – as I continue to absorb and process the recent attack on my character, life and legacy. It’s a deep wound to my inner child, but as an 82-year-old now, I’m strong – and these allegations do not shake me.

Now it is time for me to shine a light on the truth, my truth.

I have never lied about my identity. The more I’ve known, the more I’ve pieced together a sense of self from what information has been available to me.

What I know about my Indigenous ancestry I learned from my growing up mother, who was of Mi’kmaq heritage, and my own research later in life. My mother told me that I was adopted and that I was Native, but there was no documentation as was common for Indigenous children at the time.

When I grew up, I was adopted into a Cree family by Emile Piapot (son of Chief Piapot, Treaty 4 Adhesion signatory), and Clara Starblanket Piapot (daughter of Chief Starblanket, Treaty 4 signatory), in accordance with Cree law and customs. They were kind, loving, and proud to claim me as their own. I love my Piapot family and am so lucky to have them in my life.

I have always struggled to answer questions about who I am. For decades, I tried to find my birth parents and information about my background. Through that research what became clear, and what I’ve always been honest about: I don’t know where I’m from or who my birth parents are, and I will never know. Which is why, to be questioned in this way is painful, both for me, and for my two families I love so dearly.

My Indigenous identity is rooted in a deep connection to a community which has had a profound role in shaping my life and my work. For my entire life, I have championed Indigenous, and Native American causes when nobody else would, or had the platform to do so. I am proud to have been able to travel the world, sharing Indigenous stories. I have always tried to bridge gaps between communities and educate people to live in love and kindness.

This is my truth. And while there are many things I do not know; I have been proud to share my story – as I know it – throughout my life.

The attack on my character is full of mistakes and omissions. While I will not stoop to respond to every false allegation, I feel it is important to clarify two things.

First, the central proof used to question my identity is a story fabricated by my abuser and repeated by two members of my estranged family I don’t even know. This has been incredibly re-traumatizing for me and unfair to all involved. It hurts me deeply to discover that my estranged family grew up scared of me and thinking these lies because of a letter I sent intended to protect me from further abuse from my brother. I want to be clear, I do not blame them. They, of course, want to believe their father. I have evidence I was sexually abused by my brother, but I can’t tolerate discomforting his children even more. I wish them only the best and hope they move forward from this and find peace, as I am trying to do.

The second is my “birth certificate”. As many Indigenous people know, and the National Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation of Canada has stated, it was common for birth certificates of Indian children to be “created” by western governments after they were adopted or taken away from their families. So it was quite shocking to me to hear a city clerk say she had 100% confidence in its authenticity. I have never known if my birth certificate was real. I have used it because it was the only document I’ve had my whole life. I’ve heard from countless people with similar stories – who do not know where they are from and feel victimized by these allegations and one-sided reporting as I do.

Most importantly, this is my life – I am not a piece of paper. I am a product of both my families and all my experiences in this world.

If you are a pure-blood documented something, I’m glad for you. It’s awesome and beautiful to hear you speak your lineage, history and genealogy. But even if your documentation says you’re racially pure, you might miss the point. Being an “Indian” has little to do with sperm tracking and colonial record keeping: It has to do with community, culture, knowledge, teachings, who claims you, who you love, who loves you, and who’s your family.

With respect and love.

Buffy Sainte-Marie
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