“Morrissey, so much to answer for” by Dorian Lynskey - New Statesman

Morrissey, so much to answer for - New Statesman
There are no excuses left for the former Smiths frontman’s repugnant political views.

By Dorian Lynskey. Illustration by Ellie Foreman-Peck.

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simple question,why do a lot of American homes have the us flag on their front porch and yet if someone put a union jack in their garden in the uk they would be classed as right wing,confusing to say the least.hail hail.7.

I can only speak to the first part of your question. Regardless of the "televised news" that travels throughout the connected world, Americans in general take pride in our country. It is not intended to prove that "America is Best" or that we prevail over other nations, but simply a love of country.

Whether anyone agrees with the wars that have been fought or the way we have evolved as a nation, I respect those mothers and fathers that lost children protecting our country and for those who fought and died for their beliefs. Love of country...it is really that simple. When I see an American Flag hung on a front porch more than filling me with pride it makes me feel connected to the people who live inside. I know that I could, in distress, knock on their door and I would be welcome. This is something that I don't think those on the other side of the pond truly understand.

We have one flag...some burn it, some wear it as a head band, some drape it over them as a blanket of success, and others hang it on their front porch. And that is the beauty of America. Freedom of expression. What a wonderful and joyous thing to be able to express yourself without reciprocity or reproach. We are far from perfect, but all things considered the sense of community in America...and I have lived all over the country in many different cities...must be valuable or else why would so many people want to come here.

To me the more the merrier. Differences are blessings not curses. Nothing is better than what comes out of a melting pot of different spices!
Nobody out there except for your other posting avatars believes that tall tale about you working for 18 months, for Chrissakes:straightface:
Hippos will ballet before you work 55 hours for one single week.:crazy:

I take it that you go to the job interview, start screaming hysterically commie slogans, before
you are escorted out to the streets from where you will promptly march yourself to the nearest
unemployment office and sign up for the dole.. drink the free coffee while you kvetch about being
exploited by work. A common sight.:squiffy:

Thank God Moz ia alerting the People about all the gamers around.:cool:

The great thing is, whether you believe it or not, I did work 55+ hour weeks for 18 months, and that's a fact. That's the great thing about facts, whether you wish to believe them or not, they are still true, like Morrissey being a big old racist, or like Morrissey being a vegan, while wearing an expensive will cardigan, or like Morrissey claiming his free speech is being taken away from him, all the while forcing people at his gigs to not eat the foods he has banned.
The great thing is, whether you believe it or not, I did work 55+ hour weeks for 18 months, and that's a fact. That's the great thing about facts, whether you wish to believe them or not, they are still true, like Morrissey being a big old racist, or like Morrissey being a vegan, while wearing an expensive will cardigan, or like Morrissey claiming his free speech is being taken away from him, all the while forcing people at his gigs to not eat the foods he has banned.
Reds might not realise it, but everyone loves it when they get wound up, all gnashing their teeth and spitting swearwords. So for pleasure we wind them up all the time. They're so gullible and quite childish. For example, I'm white, Anglo Saxon and proud of my heritage. I even shaved my head and got a swastika tattooed across my forehead for St George's day. And wore the jackboots of course, Sieg Heiling down the High Street singing Horst Wessel Lied. What do you think of that?
Reds might not realise it, but everyone loves it when they get wound up, all gnashing their teeth and spitting swearwords. So for pleasure we wind them up all the time. They're so gullible and quite childish. For example, I'm white, Anglo Saxon and proud of my heritage. I even shaved my head and got a swastika tattooed across my forehead for St George's day. And wore the jackboots of course, Sieg Heiling down the High Street singing Horst Wessel Lied. What do you think of that?

I'm proud of you, honestly. I'm surprised you know what the Horst Wessel Lied is.

But honestly, we love seeing you Morrissey sychophants completely change your opinions and points of view so they all fit in and around Morrissey's increasingly right-wing politics.
The great thing is, whether you believe it or not, I did work 55+ hour weeks for 18 months, and that's a fact. That's the great thing about facts, whether you wish to believe them or not, they are still true, like Morrissey being a big old racist, or like Morrissey being a vegan, while wearing an expensive will cardigan, or like Morrissey claiming his free speech is being taken away from him, all the while forcing people at his gigs to not eat the foods he has banned.

"Facts" LOL which facts, the ones made up by the Halal Butcher? You have to actually take a look at the jacket itself to determine any facts about it:crazy: Halal Butcher=:dog:=US. Hows that for true facts. The commie octopus

You should save the fairy tale about the 55 hrs for April Fools Day. :popcorn:
I'm proud of you, honestly. I'm surprised you know what the Horst Wessel Lied is.

But honestly, we love seeing you Morrissey sychophants completely change your opinions and points of view so they all fit in and around Morrissey's increasingly right-wing politics.
Morrissey doesn't need any theories or ideologies swallowed whole at university government indoctrination centres to form his opinions. He bypassed all that, as individuals usually do. For someone in the public eye he's got his ear to the ground and talks a lot of common sense. Much of which I agree with or at least find interesting. I don't support For Britain but admire him for saying he does as no other celebrity would ever stray from the script like this. Having your own individual thought is modern day rebellion. It's as rebellious and shocking as Johnny Rotten sneering I am an anti-Christ was in the 70s. Good indoctrinated uni boys like you (footsoldiers of the elite) have helped make it like this. The Labour/Tory system worked for you - it took you in, guided you along and eventually provided the comfortable middle class lifestyle you enjoy today, while you still chant the same tired nostalgic leftist slogans. But what you fear most of all is change - the rug being pulled from under your feet - and that's why you hate and even fear people like Morrissey who by speaking out and making new opinions acceptable, could, even slightly, help deliver that change.
Morrissey doesn't need any theories or ideologies swallowed whole at university government indoctrination centres to form his opinions. He bypassed all that, as individuals usually do. For someone in the public eye he's got his ear to the ground and talks a lot of common sense. Much of which I agree with or at least find interesting. I don't support For Britain but admire him for saying he does as no other celebrity would ever stray from the script like this. Having your own individual thought is modern day rebellion. It's as rebellious and shocking as Johnny Rotten sneering I am an anti-Christ was in the 70s. Good indoctrinated uni boys like you (footsoldiers of the elite) have helped make it like this. The Labour/Tory system worked for you - it took you in, guided you along and eventually provided the comfortable middle class lifestyle you enjoy today, while you still chant the same tired nostalgic leftist slogans. But what you fear most of all is change - the rug being pulled from under your feet - and that's why you hate and even fear people like Morrissey who by speaking out and making new opinions acceptable, could, even slightly, help deliver that change.

Well, where to begin.

Morrissey could have benefitted from some form of education. He is very knowledgeable at some level, but he isn't inherently intelligent. You say people who go to university "swallow" ideologies or theories "whole", yet Morrissey has done just that. He believed right-wing lies that refugees caused an increase in rape in Berlin, making it the rape capital of the world. He perpetrated the long held belief of chauvinist men that the victim is to blame in cases of sexual harassment. He peddled the age old lie, peddled by the far-right over the years, that Hitler and the Nazis were left wing.

There is nothing to be admired or brave about supporting For Britain, nothing at all. Morrissey once sung that "It's so easy to laugh, it's so easy to hate, it takes guts to be gentle and kind", and that is extremely true. The sort of politics For Britain, and their predecessors peddle is one of hatred, and it's a simple, easy politics of scapegoating, which makes no efforts to address social problems. There are many things to be brave about, like standing up against a world that is increasingly xenophobic, determined to create war and violent, and one in which a tiny wealthy elite control 90% of the world's wealth. Saying "it's the immigrants fault" is nothing new or interesting. It's the same old bullshit ideology that has caused misery and death throughout the world.

The far-right are a part of the establishment. History has shown that it's what the right wing and liberal elites revert to and rely on when their whole existence is under threat. For Britain are not an exception to that. As the Tories showed with their pandering to UKIP voters, the political establishment are just as reactionary as the far right they deride so much. They rely on it in order to guarantee their existence. If anything, you have been "had" by the political establishment into believing that For Britain are new and different, and to endorse them is brave, even if you don't support them yourself.

I still find it odd that you are offended and insulted that people who have a relatively comfortable life can still support social justice and solidarity of communities. I come from a working class background, a son of parents who were raised on council estates in Rochdale, themselves siblings in large, working class families. I went to a normal state comprehensive, went to Salford University, educated myself and now I have a half-decent job. I get the feeling that you resent working class people who have improved their lives through their own means, yet they haven't turned into individualistic, selfish scapegoaters, who still crave social justice for all. I don't know why you have these feelings of resentment, but maybe I can understand them. Perhaps you are of a generation or a part of society that was left behind, or didn't have someone to encourage them to work hard to improve their life, so instead of trying to do it for yourself, you merely scapegoat the "other", those who are vulnerable, the people the press and media constantly tell you are to blame for your own individual woes and the problems of society at large. I don't know why you have these opinions, but I do know that they have never solved anything.
Moz is very proud of the Union Jack, as well as it should be. Very few countries would provide handouts
to so many mediocre Stalinists and shiftless layabouts.
Only disgraceful riff raff burn the Union Jack of the USA flag while promoting the Islamic ones. This is a true fact.:thumb:
This is Morrissey's remaining fan base: a few troll button pressing sycophants and a few Nazis (I would refer to them as "alt-right" but I know how much they hate political correctness, so let's not pussyfoot around it) who make the comments section on Breitbart look nuanced.

Good times.
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This is Morrissey's remaining fan base: a few troll button pressing sycophants and a few Nazis (I would refer to them as "alt-right" but I know how much they hate political correctness, so let's not pussyfoot around it) who make the comment section on Breitbart look nuanced.

The Stalinist Scapegoat went on for quite a bit there.....as suspected he got govt job/assistance going.

No pussyfooting aside, Im afraid this post also makes 0 sense.:squiffy: Loons were never part of the fan base
having no purchasing power.
The Stalinist Scapegoat went on for quite a bit there.....as suspected he got govt job/assistance going.

No pussyfooting aside, Im afraid this post also makes 0 sense.:squiffy: Loons were never part of the fan base
having no purchasing power.

Honest question, vegan, but how much have you spent on your Morrissey/Smiths records? Like, seriously? Because you like to make lots of assertions in your semi-literate, triggered posts, yet you don't actually say very much. So, how much cash have you wasted on Morrissey records and merch? I could actually just link you to a part of my collection, and you could see who was part of the "fanbase". (Clue, many of us former fans have been propping up Morrissey's career for a long time).

Honest question, vegan, but how much have you spent on your Morrissey/Smiths records? Like, seriously? Because you like to make lots of assertions in your semi-literate, triggered posts, yet you don't actually say very much. So, how much cash have you wasted on Morrissey records and merch? I could actually just link you to a part of my collection, and you could see who was part of the "fanbase". (Clue, many of us former fans have been propping up Morrissey's career for a long time).

Snowlfake loons get triggered, the description was invented so as to apply to themdoh:
Her Majesty Govt paid for you 'collection' had it existed. You refered as wasteful spending money on some of
the best music since Verdi.. left wing loons usually refer to something as wasteful spending when they are
broke and cant buy it or were unable to swipe from the record store. They lack funds necessary.

Take all Smiths/Moz releases mutiply by 10 pounds and there you have a rough estimate.
No sucky Johnny /The The/ Electronic in my collection.:ha-no:
The banking elite are purposely flooding Europe with immigrants to weaken society. That's where you and me do not agree. Do you think migrants are allowed here out of kindness? Rescued from hellholes to enrich, bring diversity etc? That's Tony Blair PR talk that nobody believes anymore. The elite see humans as pawns on a chess board. All they care about is money - bringing migrants from dead economies to Europe fills their coffers. It also weakens the morale, unity and confidence of the people living here. How do I know that? Because every single person I've grown up with in London has moved away because of this very reason (and they're not all white by the way). The working class have been virtually decimated from London and replaced by those more easily exploitable. Migrants (and young black men also) commit more crime and more rapes than whites - the prisons are packed with them. That speaks for itself. Check the suspects of virtually all rapes in London: black or foreign. It's a power crime against white women. Similarly, in London most muggings are black on white and have been since the 80s at least. Yes, blacks might knife and shoot each other but these are mostly inter-gang attacks to do with turf and drugs.
No wonder so many people are disillusioned with the same 2 party Labour/Tory roundabout over and over. What's wrong with suggesting an alternative? Is it a crime? Obviously so.
These are all uncomfortable facts that don't fit into a Marxist agenda where no evil people exist (apart from whites). Maybe you need to move on from your nostalgic teenage /uni mindset and accept certain realities about the world. False stats by paid 'research groups' that say everything's hunk dory might be comforting, but they're not true. There's a big sinister plan at work here - and those that know (like Morrissey) aren't going to shut up about it. In Berlin rapes by migrants are a big problem. Let's face it, modern young Muslim migrant men see Western women as loose easy meat. They are misogynist to the max with no respect even for their own women, yet alone a white woman showing a bit of leg. Speak to young German women who have to travel home from work at night (not rich lefties who get taxis everywhere) - I have.

geez, what an annoying DH , that Tony Blair. He's like a talking mouse. Left wing loons hated him
back when he was mates with W but now follow him like an Oracle.:squiffy:
Morrissey just endorsed a Holocaust denying political party. Enough said.

If you continue to support him after that, you're a scumbag.

It's the exact same rhetoric and platform that Neo Nazis have used, and in the case of Britain First, they've even transferred over the Hitler animal rights soft spot.

You can't whitewash this now. These aren't vague sentiments, but open endorsements.

Please provide proof For Britain denies the Holocaust. I've yet to see that.
Well, where to begin.

Morrissey could have benefitted from some form of education. He is very knowledgeable at some level, but he isn't inherently intelligent. You say people who go to university "swallow" ideologies or theories "whole", yet Morrissey has done just that. He believed right-wing lies that refugees caused an increase in rape in Berlin, making it the rape capital of the world. He perpetrated the long held belief of chauvinist men that the victim is to blame in cases of sexual harassment. He peddled the age old lie, peddled by the far-right over the years, that Hitler and the Nazis were left wing.

There is nothing to be admired or brave about supporting For Britain, nothing at all. Morrissey once sung that "It's so easy to laugh, it's so easy to hate, it takes guts to be gentle and kind", and that is extremely true. The sort of politics For Britain, and their predecessors peddle is one of hatred, and it's a simple, easy politics of scapegoating, which makes no efforts to address social problems. There are many things to be brave about, like standing up against a world that is increasingly xenophobic, determined to create war and violent, and one in which a tiny wealthy elite control 90% of the world's wealth. Saying "it's the immigrants fault" is nothing new or interesting. It's the same old bullshit ideology that has caused misery and death throughout the world.

The far-right are a part of the establishment. History has shown that it's what the right wing and liberal elites revert to and rely on when their whole existence is under threat. For Britain are not an exception to that. As the Tories showed with their pandering to UKIP voters, the political establishment are just as reactionary as the far right they deride so much. They rely on it in order to guarantee their existence. If anything, you have been "had" by the political establishment into believing that For Britain are new and different, and to endorse them is brave, even if you don't support them yourself.

I still find it odd that you are offended and insulted that people who have a relatively comfortable life can still support social justice and solidarity of communities. I come from a working class background, a son of parents who were raised on council estates in Rochdale, themselves siblings in large, working class families. I went to a normal state comprehensive, went to Salford University, educated myself and now I have a half-decent job. I get the feeling that you resent working class people who have improved their lives through their own means, yet they haven't turned into individualistic, selfish scapegoaters, who still crave social justice for all. I don't know why you have these feelings of resentment, but maybe I can understand them. Perhaps you are of a generation or a part of society that was left behind, or didn't have someone to encourage them to work hard to improve their life, so instead of trying to do it for yourself, you merely scapegoat the "other", those who are vulnerable, the people the press and media constantly tell you are to blame for your own individual woes and the problems of society at large. I don't know why you have these opinions, but I do know that they have never solved anything.
The banking elite are purposely flooding Europe with immigrants to weaken society. That's where you and me do not agree. Do you think migrants are allowed here out of kindness? Rescued from hellholes to enrich, bring diversity etc? That's Tony Blair PR talk that nobody believes anymore. The elite see humans as pawns on a chess board. All they care about is money - bringing migrants from dead economies to Europe fills their coffers. It also weakens the morale, unity and confidence of the people living here. How do I know that? Because every single person I've grown up with in London has moved away because of this very reason (and they're not all white by the way). The working class have been virtually decimated from London and replaced by those more easily exploitable. Migrants (and young black men also) commit more crime and more rapes than whites - the prisons are packed with them. That speaks for itself. Check the suspects of virtually all rapes in London: black or foreign. It's a power crime against white women. Similarly, in London most muggings are black on white and have been since the 80s at least. Yes, blacks might knife and shoot each other but these are mostly gang related attacks to do with turf and drugs.
No wonder so many people are disillusioned with the same 2 party Labour/Tory roundabout over and over. What's wrong with suggesting an alternative? Is it a crime? Obviously so.
These are all uncomfortable facts that don't fit into a Marxist reading where no evil people exist (apart from whites). Maybe you need to move on from your nostalgic teenage /uni mindset and accept certain realities about the world. False stats by paid 'research groups' that say everything's hunky dory might be comforting, but they're not true. There's a big sinister plan at work here - and those that know (like Morrissey) aren't going to shut up about it. In Berlin rapes by migrants are a big problem. Let's face it, modern young Muslim migrant men see Western women as loose easy meat. They are misogynist to the max with no respect even for their own women, yet alone a white woman showing a bit of leg. Speak to young German women who have to travel home from work at night (not rich lefties who get taxis everywhere) - I have.
Anyone up for a bit of Sun entertainment? Here's Diane Abbott earlier today getting 'Paxmanned' by Piers Morgan (yes, I know but persevere) about what Labour plan to do with the million estimated illegals in the UK. She refuses to answer over and over displaying her fine IQ level. Her existence as Shadow Home Secretary is proof that the elite do not want Labour to succeed (yet).
I can only speak to the first part of your question. Regardless of the "televised news" that travels throughout the connected world, Americans in general take pride in our country. It is not intended to prove that "America is Best" or that we prevail over other nations, but simply a love of country.

Whether anyone agrees with the wars that have been fought or the way we have evolved as a nation, I respect those mothers and fathers that lost children protecting our country and for those who fought and died for their beliefs. Love of country...it is really that simple. When I see an American Flag hung on a front porch more than filling me with pride it makes me feel connected to the people who live inside. I know that I could, in distress, knock on their door and I would be welcome. This is something that I don't think those on the other side of the pond truly understand.

We have one flag...some burn it, some wear it as a head band, some drape it over them as a blanket of success, and others hang it on their front porch. And that is the beauty of America. Freedom of expression. What a wonderful and joyous thing to be able to express yourself without reciprocity or reproach. We are far from perfect, but all things considered the sense of community in America...and I have lived all over the country in many different cities...must be valuable or else why would so many people want to come here.

To me the more the merrier. Differences are blessings not curses. Nothing is better than what comes out of a melting pot of different spices!

Dear evennow, what a wonderful world we could live in (in our own respective countries) if everybody was feeling and thinking the same as you and could have the same attitude.

I even think there is a song about it. :rolleyes:
This song is old. And has not lost anything of it’s true longing.

Unfortunately, that is imho,
I can’t ignore the dark side of humane nature that seems to be rooted very deeply in the genes and is the heritage of a drive to survive and seeing other people as competitors in the struggle for survival.

It is all very disturbing when you realise humans are capable of doing, creating extraordinary things and are at the same time intelligent, altruistic as well.

It is a miracle and a never to to solved mystery how humans are capable of being good and evil.

I hope something, anything good can be done about the growing overpopulation as I believe it creates hunger, war, fear and horrific violence out of that fear and people thrown back at a level of fighting to survive, as they think they do.

I saw an experiment with rats in a cage.
Scientists trying to figure out how big a territory needed to be before the rats started fighting and killing each other.
Of course the rats were male.

So there was a cage with two male rats in it, and it was big enough cause they both had the territory they needed, enough food and water. They were getting along fine. Like friends, it appeared.

But when the cage was made smaller, less water and food they started to fight and it became a bloody mess.

I always remembered that and I wondered why it would be different for human beings as they are still animals too.
Anyone up for a bit of Sun entertainment? Here's Diane Abbott earlier today getting 'Paxmanned' by Piers Morgan (yes, I know but persevere) about what Labour plan to do with the million estimated illegals in the UK. She refuses to answer over and over displaying her fine IQ level. Her existence as Shadow Home Secretary is proof that the elite do not want Labour to succeed (yet).

Diane abott, is She a mix of Arbus and berenice
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