UFOs, Aliens & Darth Vader

Do Aliens exist?

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THought of you Davieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....

Hollywood Blvd in 1977. You can't see that wall now, that parking lot is a big ol' mega mall.


Wow. Who would have thought it would have become a massive success?

Edit: oh and here's Darth Vader to keep everyone happy here

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Following the successful "Ghost" thread, I will follow it with the "Aliens" topic. Has anyone seen anything extraterrestrial? Does anyone believe it's possible aliens could be visiting our world? Could Roswell be true? What really happens in Area 51? Feel free to discuss till your content

I'm certain they're out there. Somewhere. It seems impossible that we could be the only intelligent life in the universe - and of course many of us aren't even that intelligent...

As a youth I was fascinated by the Cumberland Spaceman photograph (also known as the Solway Spaceman) and the Rendlesham Forest incident. But I do think the vast majority of the sightings, encounters, etc. have a rational, earthly experience.

Roswell is really interesting too, because while it may not have been a crashed "flying saucer" and its alien occupant(s), they were certainly keen on covering up something...
Roswell is really interesting too, because while it may not have been a crashed "flying saucer" and its alien occupant(s), they were certainly keen on covering up something...

A flying saucer built to see if it could perhaps beat the plane? That's my only other theory on Roswell.
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