some thought about Scandinavia

Just as a slight note, at Vina del Mar he sang "pinned to a crime." So perhaps these are his finished lyrics after experimenting with the song lyrically live.

That'd be infinitely preferable imho, and may be what he's been singing, misheard.
Morrissey's Scandinavia

I was bored in a Fjord
& i curse the heart & soul of Scandinavia
Let the people burn
let their children cry
& die in blind asylums

But then you came along
& you held out your hand
& I fell in love with you & Scandinavia

I kiss the soil
I eat the soil
I hug the soil
and I praise the God who made you

Stab me in your own time in Scandinavia
Un~protesting i'll die in Scandinavia

Into a crime in Trondheim
I despise each syllable in Scandinavia
Let the people burn
let their children cry
& die in blind asylums

But then you came along
and you held out your hand
and I fell in love with you & Scandinavia

I kiss the soil
I eat the soil
I hug the soil
& I praise the God who made you

Stab me in your own time in Scandinavia
are we happy to die ? in Scandinavia

It's like the Swedish song but also clearly different in being only in thrall to a country because of someone's inspiring/romantic influence.

Ack Vaermeland, du skoena
English translation

Oh Vaermland, you beautiful, you magnificent land
You crown jewel among Sweden's provinces
And if ever I should reach the Promised Land
I would still return to my beloved Vaermland.

For there I want to live, there I want to die
If one day I take me a bride from Vaermland
I know it's something I shall never regret.
For there I want to live, there I want to die
If one day I take me a bride from Vaermland
I know it's something I shall never regret.
translation provided by Ulrich Menzel

The swedish lyrics use the word "jorden" (soil) and it ends with that very word.

I read Moz's lyrics again and thought about the possible reference to the vikings who are the only ones who ever slew the irish and maybe he as an irishman finds that irritating as the irish are very proud. It would explain the obvious hate for the scandinavians in the lyrics as the words used remind me of a very old way to put things.

Irish blood though. :straightface:

Yeah, anyone with irish blood would never ever describe him or herself as english. I learned that all too well during my visits in Manchester. It was like swearing to ever use the words english or England among those people with irish blood who had been born in England. I think most people understood that part of my post.

No need for face off, since the Vikings mongered war in Ireland and in England, and all over Europe. : )
I find Scandinavia and Art Hounds to be the most interesting of the new songs. I just hope Morrissey can find a producer who will avoid the "loudness wars" and find some finesse on the next album.
No such thing. He's English.

Er, have you heard of the song "Irish blood, English heart"? In which he sings "Irish blood, English heart, is what I'm made of"? I thought the reference didn't need any further explanation, but no matter. It was just a joke.
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Er, have you heard of the song "Irish blood, English heart"? In which he sings "Irish blood, English heart, is what I'm made of"? I thought the reference didn't need any further explanation, but no matter.

Yeah, that might've worked better if you'd consulted the lyric sheet first. Anyway, come back and try to patronise me some more.

What I meant was that the idea that a person's nationality is part of their biological make-up is equally f***-witted, whether it's being asserted by a singer or by someone who just posts on an Internet message board. I didn't think that it'd need any further explanation, but no matter.

It was just a joke.

You should try your hand at stand-up, Chuckles. You're a natural.
Ah, right. "anonymous". "guest". Not happy with being on the ignored list then? Fortunately you are eminently ignorable also without physical removal. Trolls will be trolls.
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