Recent content by Rob77

  1. R

    Boz - anyone else find him annoying?

    Yeah. Totally correct. 😂
  2. R

    Boz - anyone else find him annoying?

    Don’t like him. Tbh
  3. R

    Morrissey Central "CAPITOL WRECKERS" (October 15, 2023)

    He’s has been taking the piss since Day 1. No surprises here. Just Moz being Mozi. X
  4. R

    Hollywood, FL - Hard Rock Live (Oct. 8, 2023) post-show

    Right. If you paid cash and had a shit time then by all means complain until the cows come home. If you didn’t… well, I suggest you find something better to do with your time.
  5. R

    Forget the hate. Watch this and remember He is this person. Still. And always

    Yes. But you are here. Why? Because of what he is now? No. Because of what he was then.
  6. R

    Striptease with a difference has crept into my top 10

    I love this song! Thought it was nice but throwaway. I now think it is genius. TBF this shift happens often.
  7. R

    London - Troxy (July 22, 2023) post-show

    River clean? Same vibe.
  8. R

    London - Troxy (July 22, 2023) post-show

    You could have said this in like three sentences.
  9. R

    London - Troxy (July 22, 2023) post-show

    It don’t matter.
  10. R

    London - Troxy (July 22, 2023) post-show

    Thewlis? I’m not sure if you are a man or a woman.
  11. R

    London - Troxy (July 22, 2023) post-show

    I’m getting married next year. What we want to do is replicate the TomorrowVideo. We just need one more person.
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