Why Does Morrissey Still Bother with the NME?


New Member
Honestly, how many times have they screwed him over and warped his words in the past? Fool me once...

and aren't there any other music magazines in the world? Jesus...I don't know if Morrissey's people have been informed, but anyone who cares even a little about music does not use the NME to get their daily scoop....
oi get outta here sweetcheeks!

you are much to bright to be mucking about here.
come back when youve broken a few hearts... dont waste time. get out there and kick ass.
oi get outta here sweetcheeks!

you are much to bright to be mucking about here.
come back when youve broken a few hearts... dont waste time. get out there and kick ass.

oh you.
can i take you along with me? you don't deserve this place as much as moi!
hugh stop it. just stop the madness.

pandy get a boyfriend. kick his ass. make him move to new york or something.
Honestly, how many times have they screwed him over and warped his words in the past? Fool me once...

and aren't there any other music magazines in the world? Jesus...I don't know if Morrissey's people have been informed, but anyone who cares even a little about music does not use the NME to get their daily scoop....

Because they generate press for each other. Lets be real... Morrissey keeps his name in the media with this interview.

Now people will be talking about the interview, Morrissey, the controversy as well as the new ... ahem... record deal and concerts...

Its really a win win for everyone involved.
Because they generate press for each other. Lets be real... Morrissey keeps his name in the media with this interview.

Now people will be talking about the interview, Morrissey, the controversy as well as the new ... ahem... record deal and concerts...

Its really a win win for everyone involved.
Well I have to admit I think it's great to see him on a cover. No such thing as bad publicity??
Well I have to admit I think it's great to see him on a cover. No such thing as bad publicity??

Took the words right outta my mouth.
Well I have to admit I think it's great to see him on a cover. No such thing as bad publicity??

Never a bad thing as bad publicity....
Well I have to admit I think it's great to see him on a cover. No such thing as bad publicity??

Really? You think so? Because I really don't see how showing him as this backward thinking close-minded nationalist really helps him in any way.
Really? You think so? Because I really don't see how showing him as this backward thinking close-minded nationalist really helps him in any way.

See above... he is/becomes the immediate hot topic.

See Jack Johnson's "Good People" for further reference. No one cares about the fireman who rescued the cat from the tree. They want to read about the guy that put the cat up there for fun.
Honestly, how many times have they screwed him over and warped his words in the past? Fool me once...

and aren't there any other music magazines in the world? Jesus...I don't know if Morrissey's people have been informed, but anyone who cares even a little about music does not use the NME to get their daily scoop....

try to catch a younger audience/generation

IMHO He could do that via better musicmagazines, the NME hypes
every month or so a band which will be the new Smiths/Cure/Jam/DM
..or better the 80's generation musicians who still stand strong in the

Personally I think Morrisseys backstabbed, they took him back in his arms
since Quarry, and praise all over till the last issue, so I'm totally flabbergasted why the NME once again slag Morrissey
I am hesitant to comment on this because I have not read the article, but it does indeed sound like Morrissey has been back stabbed. Fine, publicity might be a biproduct but that is besides the point. I want to read this and I have not and I should before saying this but I just read the tty statement and I am a little bit .... rrrrr :mad:

Why do they have to prey on him like he is a moving target? Anybody who does not write a fake speech... anybody who is not a politician, anybody who is authentic and speaking in the moment without weighing every pro and con and crafting sentences so they are politically correct - ANYBODY WHO IS NOT A POLITICIAN and who is acting in the moment out of the moment is attacked. I do not support that. I want a scan of that article because I am not giving money to that pack of wolves who attack and dissect and cast stones at anybody who is not speaking like a politician. :mad:

oh gosh... i have gotten all flustered over here and I promised myself i would not do that... that I would read this article. But it pisses me off at some point when all this crap is thrown Moz's way just because he is not some hyper pc politician.

Honestly, how many times have they screwed him over and warped his words in the past? Fool me once...

and aren't there any other music magazines in the world? Jesus...I don't know if Morrissey's people have been informed, but anyone who cares even a little about music does not use the NME to get their daily scoop....

I'm a little confused, thus far, as to what the NME did wrong. However, all I've read so far are two quotes on their cover. Were words placed into quotation marks that were not actually said by Morrissey? Frankly, the quoted words are so much in line with what he's said in both song and interview for, oh, since "Bengali in Platforms" some 19 years ago, that I'm not sure why I'm supposed to think he's been misquoted. If the NME has placed quotation marks around words Morrissey did not say, that would be inexecusable. Morrissey could clear this up by telling True To You to post what exactly he said on the subject.
It seems to me if the guy who interviewed him says that an editorial team rewrote the article and it no longer resembles his feelings (he is the one who was sitting with Moz and there is soooo much in how something is said - esp with Moz) something is not honest in that report - after reading the letters that they sent to him and his team... I just don't like these people.
but i really should read that article...
I just realized that I don't have to even read the article to know that jerk off who wrote that Morrissey is a man in his 50's looking back... CRAP... well...

I'm just gonna say it flat out. This guy is a disrespectful, ungrateful, asshole trying to make himself look like he is salvaging Morrissey in saying this load of crap.... a political, transparent, weak move on his part. Do these people realize that they are feeding their families off great talent like Morrissey? This man is a parasite if you ask me... yeah, just for that one sentence - totally disrespectful and low and then turning around and making a political statement with a smile acting like he is salvaging Morrissey after Moz supposedly made stupid foolish poorly articulated statements or something to that effect - in the meantime Morrissey is a genius and a master wordsmith.... and they rewrote the story to the extent that the interviewer walked away from it asking that his name be take off of it. I am so turned off by this particular cowardly individual. Plus all this garbage about "poor me, I never wanted to be the editor of the NME, I had no other option..." acting like he is a single mother of 8 who was forced to pump gas at the local station because it is the only business for 120 miles.

WHAT A CROCK. That poor me political crap is really sickening. I feel bad for Morrissey even having to talk to such people. In fact, I really don't think he should... although I do like to read the articles and look at the pics... so i guess that is part of it... but how disgusting... just the way they write a letter and explain themselves and whatnot. ewww.
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This will kill the NME, and rightly so. I'm stunned that they think it's acceptable to rewrite an interview to the extent that the writer wants his name taken off it (and I was involved with Melody Maker in its last days, so I've seen plenty of mad editorial decisions). I wonder if this is being seen by IPC as an opportunity to get the NME off its publications list? There have been stories going round for some time about the mag being about to fold... I'm sure this'll get it plenty of attention and quite a few copies sold, but I doubt it'll make enough to cover the libel fees. What were the IPC lawyers thinking? Good God. McNicholas will be gone by 2008, I should imagine, with NME following closely behind. Unless that's just wishful thinking.
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