Why do people Keep Voting For Hillary Clinton?

What the hell is Man-love?

Ask him..........

Obama is awesome cuz he bought a $2 PBR and tipped 18 bucks. :D


I can't decide whether to take the obvious, "but the cameras were on him, and he's campaigning, and... and... and..." or something about how that's the way government spends out money every day with Halliburton in Iraq, so it's really business as usual, or something about how I thought he was all about change, so why didn't he want his change, but that's lame, and would take work to turn into a punchline, which might fail anyway.

That's all I've got on that right now. :p

oh wait... how come the one guy is drinking from the bottle, but Obama is drinking from a glass?
and... what is the deal with the candidates "having a beer"? I'm sure it's happened before, but I don't remember it.
I can't decide whether to take the obvious, "but the cameras were on him, and he's campaigning, and... and... and..." or something about how that's the way government spends out money every day with Halliburton in Iraq, so it's really business as usual, or something about how I thought he was all about change, so why didn't he want his change, but that's lame, and would take work to turn into a punchline, which might fail anyway.

That's all I've got on that right now. :p

but Dave, he's OBVIOUSLY for change! he's black and he tipped...and tipped well!!! :eek:

oh snap! was that racist? :o:p

He's a racist??? who is he??? EOH is so out of the loop on politics lately. :tears:

haha what? no. i was saying hes for change cuz hes black and he tipped and if youve ever worked in the restaurant business, black people generally do not tip well, or sometimes not AT ALL. :rolleyes:

basically i was making a racist joke, so sue me. :cool::p
It's been made perfectly clear. She CAN NOT win the nomination by conventional Means. It is impossible for her to win by popular vote. She is too far behind and the race is just about over. The only way she can win is to cheat....

and you think that may be a problem for her...???? ;)

I also find it sad how the clintons have somehow tricked a lot of the white middle class voters into thinking Obama is some kind of elitist ...

Some friends and I were discussing this last night....
When and how did Hillary Clinton become the candidate for the working class Democrat?

...but seriously, this is just giving time to the other side, she should save some dignity and exit stage left.

Did Hillary ever have any dignity? :confused:
I don't understand it either! :confused: I'm going for Obama all the way, not just because Moz is supporting him; because he's just the clear and rational choice! :) But I have no hatred for Hillary. I just think Barack is the One. It's a very exciting time in America, well, hell, the world! This is going to be the most exciting time. Since I have been able to vote, there was never a candidate I was crazy about. Barack is different. I hope he gets the nomination (he will) and I hope to hell he can beat McCain.
baby, we can have a pity party together. I'd cry too. :tears:

As long as you don't start talking in third person.

Sharpton to Clinton: It's over
Posted: 09:15 AM ET


(CNN) – The Rev. Al Sharpton has some blunt words for Hillary Clinton: "It's over."

Speaking on New York's Channel 1 Thursday night, Sharpton said it is now impossible for the New York senator to win the White House "without the total destruction of the Democratic Party.

Sharpton also likened Clinton to an entertainer that doesn't know when to exit the stage.

"The worst thing in the world is when an entertainer doesn’t know when the show is over," he said. "The audience is gone, the lights are down, you’re getting ready to cut the mics off and you are still on the stage singing. You're making a fool of yourself, so get off the stage". (Worm added a Morrissey reference to his story, so I figured why not do the same.)

"It’s over, it’s all right, it’s over," he said. "Come sing another day, but this show is over, Senator Clinton."

Sharpton to Clinton: It's over
Posted: 09:15 AM ET


(CNN) – The Rev. Al Sharpton has some blunt words for Hillary Clinton: "It's over."

Speaking on New York's Channel 1 Thursday night, Sharpton said it is now impossible for the New York senator to win the White House "without the total destruction of the Democratic Party.

Sharpton also likened Clinton to an entertainer that doesn't know when to exit the stage.

"The worst thing in the world is when an entertainer doesn’t know when the show is over," he said. "The audience is gone, the lights are down, you’re getting ready to cut the mics off and you are still on the stage singing. You're making a fool of yourself, so get off the stage". (Worm added a Morrissey reference to his story, so I figured why not do the same.)

"It’s over, it’s all right, it’s over," he said. "Come sing another day, but this show is over, Senator Clinton."

Just what Obama didn't need: Al Sharpton speaking out for him. Democrats apparently don't understand the concept of addition by substraction.
Just what Obama didn't need: Al Sharpton speaking out for him. Democrats apparently don't understand the concept of addition by substraction.

He is dead on about her destroying the party. It wouldn't surprise me if she finishes behind in votes (which she will) and doesn't get the backing of enough Superdelegates, which she won't, she will run on her own with all the money she has swindled away from her nieve supporters. She will split the party and hand the presidency to John McCain. She is a selfish bitch.
crackpot paris hilton politics are boring screed
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