who put the m in manchester(meet your meat)?

Fish are intelligent. They can be taught to swim a maze. I saw it on Mythbusters. They do not, however, scream when caught on a line. I should know, my grandpa used to take me fishing on the Mississip.

And, they're full of pollution these days, which is half of why I can no longer eat them, even when they're wrapped up in rice and seaweed and presented artistically with some shredded radish and an edible orchid, a dollop of wasabi, and some tender slices of ginger, and sided with a lovely big bottle of Sapporo.

If they're so friggin' smart why are they so easy to catch? Maybe you've been watching Finding Nemo too much. They just don't have much of a brain at all, and in my judgment are completely lacking in self-awareness. When you catch 'em on a hook, they have physical responses to it, but I don't think they're aware enough to actually feel anything or be bothered about it.

I love pretty much all seafood, so it's in my interests to buy into the scientists who tell me what I wanna hear. But they make a good case and it only confirms what I observed myself when I tried to run an aquarium as a kid. When I finally decided to get rid of the aquarium and terminated the last surviving fish by scissoring off his head (I had enough compassion to not send him down the toilet alive), I felt about as much for him as I would for a plant. That he had sadistically eaten the fins and eyeballs off of my fave fish didn't help his case to have his death sentence commuted.

I think the deal with poisons in seafood is you should just not eat too much of it in too short a period of time.

Sometimes I see Lake Erie Walleye on restaurant menus, but there I have to draw the line. You'd have to put a gun to my head before any creature from that filthy lake goes into my body.
esp to Theo.

All beings tremble before violence.
All fear death, all love life. See
yourself in others. Then whom can
you hurt? What harm can you do?
I became a semi-veg after seeing that and countless other videos on youtube. (I only eat bird and fish now. One day I believe I will phase them out too.)
The only reason I boycott red meat is because of the torture these animals deal with.

but actually, cows usually have a much better life than chickens and pigs. most "meat" cows are raised on pastures while 99,9% of all chicken + turkeys are raised in masses in gruesome huge shacks and never get to see the light of day - and pigs have it the worst.
I became a semi-veg after seeing that and countless other videos on youtube. (I only eat bird and fish now. One day I believe I will phase them out too.)
The only reason I boycott red meat is because of the torture these animals deal with. If there was a farm that garunteed their animals were raised properly and killed fast, I would buy red meat again, but ONLY through them.
I don't know if that makes me a bad semi-veg, but I am standing up for what I believe in. Humans need protien to live and animal meat is the basically the best version, but THERE IS NO NEED TO TORTURE THE ANIMALS WHILE RAISING THEM AND THEN DRAG OUT THE KILLING.

i agree ,the way they torture and kill those animal that`s what i`m against, that`s why i don`t eat meat anymore but i still eat eggs,and fish maybe i`m not considerate as vegetarian, cos as far as i know you can`t eat fish or can you? i created this thread because i wanted another views i really appreciate all the nice comments, is good to know what you think,and its more interesting because i can have opinions from both sides(vegetarians and carnivorous) i appreciate and respect everyone`s point of view and opinions about this subject. thank you all :)
esp to Theo.

All beings tremble before violence.
All fear death, all love life. See
yourself in others. Then whom can
you hurt? What harm can you do?

Fish do not experience fear or love, so I reject the notion that they "fear death" or "love life." You needn't go all the way up to human beings for me to be with ya on what you're saying, but you'll have to be talking about creatures with a bit more brain power than a fish.
As others here have said, you have to do what's best and right for you. Other factors do go into what you eat - who you live with, who your friends are, where you live and so on.

I became a vegetarian when I was 9 years old. Not because I was particularly enlightened, but because I liked animals and I was a picky eater. I was fortunate to have parents who, while not vegetarians themselves, were totally supportive. Not everyone has that. When I became a vegan a few years later, they were again helpful and willing to learn and help me. They still eat fish/meat, but they eat much less.

At this point in my life, eating fish/meat would be like, I don't know, eating paper or plastic or something. I know that sounds weird, but it just isn't even in the food category to me anymore. It happens eventually!

I do wish that after a zillion years of being vegan, I would be excused from having to be exposed to those horrible farming videos. I understand why they exist, but they still break my heart. :(
Aren't pregnant women not supposed to eat fish?

Why do you ask, Cassius?

Pregnant woman are recommended to avoid unpasteurized foods, such as foreign cheeses and soft cheeses like brie; undercooked foods; and many types of seafood.

Many kinds of fish that are commonly eaten in the US, such as tuna, tend to be high in mercury. Certain varieties of tuna are higher in mercury than others. Unfortunately, my kids love tuna sandwiches, so I can only make them once in awhile for them. There was a big in-depth report in the Chicago Tribune last year, I'm sure you could find it easily if you search for it.
Fish do not experience fear or love, so I reject the notion that they "fear death" or "love life." You needn't go all the way up to human beings for me to be with ya on what you're saying, but you'll have to be talking about creatures with a bit more brain power than a fish.

how can you be sure... imagine if you are wrong? That's quite a risk to take on something that is not your experience and mere guess work.

I have seen a fish out of water... I saw suffering.
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