Where Are You All From?


Yeah, you two, bwahaha!! oooh, ZING!:D:p:D

as a consolation i did like talladega nights

You need to go back to the looney bin. Talladega Nights isn't half the movie Anchorman is! I do love the scene when they are saying grace and Ricky Bobby proclaims "Dear 8 pound, 9 ounce, infant baby Jesus..."

I think we should stop hijacking. I am beining to feel badly :o
shake and bake. baby!

Will Ferrell is funny but I feel like most of his movies are astounding letdowns for me. He was so great on SNL and when I watch his movies I'm like... "meh".
I don't own Talladega I've only seen it once, I'm not sure I could watch it over and over.
The only thing he made that I own is "Elf", and gosh darn it, its cute and I like it. Plus I LOVE Bob Newhart.
There was one quasi serious film Ferrell did that I enjoyed. Maggie Gyllenhaal was in it.
And I am still from Florida.
shake and bake. baby!

Will Ferrell is funny but I feel like most of his movies are astounding letdowns for me. He was so great on SNL and when I watch his movies I'm like... "meh".
I don't own Talladega I've only seen it once, I'm not sure I could watch it over and over.
The only thing he made that I own is "Elf", and gosh darn it, its cute and I like it. Plus I LOVE Bob Newhart.
There was one quasi serious film Ferrell did that I enjoyed. Maggie Gyllenhaal was in it.
And I am still from Florida.

"If you were a man I would punch you, right in the mouth"

OK...you've made me feel guilty about hijacking. Thanks. :rolleyes::p

But before I go:
Ron Burgundy:
"I wanna say something. I'm gonna put it out there...if you like it, you can take it, if you don't, you can send it right back. I want to be on you."

Ron Burgundy:
"Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I... I wanna be on you."
Born in Brooklyn

Currently living on Long Island (Strong Island to the guidos)
I was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii and went to the same high school as Barack Obama and Kelly Preston (haha does anyone know who she is anymore). I actually cannot surf though I lived there for 18 years! Living on an island in the middle of the ocean can be quite limiting and everyone knows everyone else's bizness :) So I moved to San Diego, California for college and have stayed ever since. Now I can drive to LA in 2 hours, Vegas in like 5 hours, and Mexico in 45 minutes.

p.s. I've been to Toledo...not a fun town! I was happy when I discovered a Target there!

Really?! I was born and raised (two years) in Honolulu (Navy brat). I always wonder what my life would have been like had we stayed in Hawaii...pro surfer? pro beach bum?! :p We moved to Crystal Lake (n/w 'burb) and I grew up there until I broke free and high tailed it to Chicago almost 17 years ago (wow :eek: has it been that long?!!) I've been back to HI but to Kauai and Maui. Do you still have family there? You're lucky to live so close to the islands and other cool places. I've been to San Diego once and I thought it was absolutely gorgeous.
Born in Brooklyn

Currently living on Long Island (Strong Island to the guidos)

Born in Brooklyn, NY. Moved to Portland, Oregon, then Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, back to Portland, then Memphis, then Portland, then Phoenix. I have a very unique accent which is impossible to place.:D
-Raised in Flint, Michigan (about an hour from Detroit)

-Pit stop in Baltimore, Maryland (My whole family moved there after high school and I still visit regularly)

-For the past 10+ years I've been in the Los Angeles/Orange County area and this is where I call "home."
I'm from Joisey Shaw..


(Jersey Shore, New Jersey)

Is there anyone else from my area or am I the only shore girl??
Really?! I was born and raised (two years) in Honolulu (Navy brat). I always wonder what my life would have been like had we stayed in Hawaii...pro surfer? pro beach bum?! :p We moved to Crystal Lake (n/w 'burb) and I grew up there until I broke free and high tailed it to Chicago almost 17 years ago (wow :eek: has it been that long?!!) I've been back to HI but to Kauai and Maui. Do you still have family there? You're lucky to live so close to the islands and other cool places. I've been to San Diego once and I thought it was absolutely gorgeous.

Heeehee, oh Corrissey, if you had stayed there I have a feeling you'd end up being a total bleached blonde surfer girl living in a rented house on the North Shore with a bunch of long haired surfer boys. I can't believe you were born there! My only connection to the Chicago area is that my dad went to Northwestern for undergrad and still complains to this day about how cold the winters were there!!! Yep, my parents and all my aunts/uncles all still live in Honolulu (my parents' house is about 5 mins from Waikiki) so I usually go back a few times a year. It's certainly not a bad place to call home...I just wish it was a little cheaper to fly there! :)
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Heeehee, oh Corrissey, if you had stayed there I have a feeling you'd end up being a total bleached blonde surfer girl living in a rented house on the North Shore with a bunch of long haired surfer boys.

Am I that much of an open book?! :D ha ha

Doesn't sound like too bad a life you've got for me there ~ lol, but I'd probably have to have three jobs just to make rent...unless one of my many boys pitched in :p Oh, could you make half of those surfer boys sport a Moz quiff :D?! thanx

p.s. yes, the winters are cold here but it builds character =o)

Just wanna give a pop to Long Island NY!!!!!
Am I that much of an open book?! :D ha ha

Doesn't sound like too bad a life you've got for me there ~ lol, but I'd probably have to have three jobs just to make rent...unless one of my many boys pitched in :p Oh, could you make half of those surfer boys sport a Moz quiff :D?! thanx

p.s. yes, the winters are cold here but it builds character =o)

omg if you had stayed there you probably wouldn't have even heard of Moz!!! :p
South shore, MA, just a ways from Boston.
South shore, MA, just a ways from Boston.

Do you say "wicked" ?

Pats perfect season + 1st round playoff loss = My belief that there is justice in the universe.
I'm from Melbourne, Australia. Spent a couple of years living in New Zealand and London, but I have spent most of my life here. Melbourne kicks arse.

The red cross on this map marks where I am melting at this very minute. It is 5000 degrees celsius here today, help!!
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