When will it all end!!!!!!!!!



It's Funny how some of you get off on hurting people,and still think you are Moz Fan HA!
stop lieing to youreself!

It's so easy to be mean hurtful,and disloyal,But it takes Guts to be Gentle and kind,as one wise man said...!

This message board should be funny friendly latest news,about Morriseey,I would also of said The Smiths,But as Morrissey put The Smiths are dead boys!
well,you get the point!

Let not forget self expressive!!!
But not so as to insult other's

>"it takes Guts to be Gentle and kind"

Am I the only one who is sick of people quoting Moz lyrics when trying to make a point in their post?? I am not saying that I disagree with the general gist your post. Can't you use your own words, though? [this would be an ideal place to drop in a line or two from 'Cemetry Gates,' but I will refrain...]
> It's Funny how some of you get off on hurting people,and still
> think you are Moz Fan HA!
> stop lieing to youreself!

> It's so easy to be mean hurtful,and disloyal,But it takes Guts
> to be Gentle and kind,as one wise man said...!

> This message board should be funny friendly latest news,about
> Morriseey,I would also of said The Smiths,But as Morrissey put
> The Smiths are dead boys!
> well,you get the point!

> Let not forget self expressive!!!
> But not so as to insult other's

Hey,yeah hes ,like right,guys,like yeah,hey,why dont we love each other,hey maybe hes got something perhaps we should listen to this guy!!!-SPEAK WISE ONE
> Am I the only one who is sick of people quoting Moz lyrics when
> trying to make a point in their post?? I am not saying that I
> disagree with the general gist your post. Can't you use your own
> words, though? [this would be an ideal place to drop in a line
> or two from 'Cemetry Gates,' but I will refrain...]
yes it makes me cry,as wellwhen will it stop?they say its gonna happen now but when exactly do they really mean?That joke really isnt funny anymore is it?nobody ever talks about castration do they....................etc etc etc etc etc etc
Re: David , give pittsburghers back the morrissey- tour-message board..

> Hey,yeah hes ,like right,guys,like yeah,hey,why dont we love
> each other,hey maybe hes got something perhaps we should listen
> to this guy!!!-SPEAK WISE ONE

Meater Maid ...I was almost wondering where were you ...

being too sickened with "wise" quotes..
I know am

Please...Give it a rest won't you!!!!

> -----------

> Meater Maid ...I was almost wondering where were you ...

> --
> being too sickened with "wise" quotes..
> I know am

> UnlovEABLE

Thank you !!!!

I Think it rather Wise to quote a wise person!!
And I'm going to continue!!
and as far as my mind is!
I can hold up to my own words
and here they are!

Love Love Love,now co's in the end there is no winning only loseing...!
Why, so that you can whine more? AH, no.

GET OVER IT! It ended, as we all said it would, without a concert in your miserable town. So, boo, try to on with your miserable lives.

*Kisses for all the miserable Pitts-burgers*
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