What would you feed to Morrissey?

Oui oui Julie, nothing better than pumpkin soup on a crisp autumn day in the Mitten State. Excepting perhaps a milk chocolate Hob Nob covered in peanut butter followed by a glass of milk.


Maybe I'd serve him a glass of Vernors and a huge slice of Sanders bumpy cake with a scoop of Stroh's ice cream on the side. And after he passed out from the sugar.....I'd take him downtown and we'd go on an architecture tour, highlighting the old historic churches and run-down mansions. Then we'd hit up an old pub for dinner and people watch. Nothin fancy. :D
Well, let's hear it! Pretty please? I need a laugh.

I used to have an interesting boyfriend who’d get upset at the littlest things. He’d just SNAP quite unpredictably and there was nothing you could do about it but let it run it’s course and go along for the ride. Dysfunctional, I know, but I was confused at the time and stuck it out with him. Anyway, a few years ago my sister had to go into the hospital. She lived with our mother at the time and the the both of them have strange eating habits. They only eat prepackaged food that doesn’t require cooking or dishes or anything natural. It’s equally dysfunctional but I can only save the world one soul at a time and food consumption isn’t a priority for me so I always looked the other way at it. This boyfriend however was one of those three square meals a day sort of person where everyone sits down at the table and shares food. So my sister’s in the hospital and we rush to her side to help her and take care of things, a 300+ mile trip. We even brought the dog because we weren’t sure how long she’d be in. So after about the third day it’s apparent that my sister is going to be alright, there’s only a few odds and ends that need to be taken care of, maybe we’ll be there two more days. During the whole trip we’re forced to eat on a budget at fast food places or cold cereal that only requires a spoon and a bowl which we brought. So we’re getting ready to go to bed, it’s about 11pm. He starts to wind up into one of his uncontrollable outrages, being verbally abusive, saying he isn’t being cared for but he’s doing all the caring for my sister, etc, etc. The yelling wakes up my mom who comes sleepy out into the living room. She listens for a few minutes and decides the best solution is to offer a plan for the next day, “My friend has a recipe for pumpkin soup...” She didn’t get to even finish her sentence when he screams “PUMPKIN f***ING SOUP?”, he collects his clothes, his books, the dog and the dog bed, storms out of the house and drives all the way home without me. Those were his final words. Okay, so now that I retell it it sounds more dysfunctional and sad than funny, but I’ll never forget pumpkin f***ing soup and I always laugh when I think back on it. Asshole. I had to take the bus home. When I got there it was like nothing had ever happened though I fretted all the way home. I got off the bus and he said, “Do you want to go to Taco Bell for dinner?” I swear to God. Oh the lives we lead.

Have you seen Night on Earth, where Roberto Benigni plays a Taxi Driver in Rome who confesses to his shocked passenger (a priest!) that his first, erm, sexual encounter was with a pumpkin? (It gets worse from there).

Sorry to go off on a tangent, but that quote reminded me of that scene.

I'm glad the soup nazi is out of your life now. He didn't know what he was missing.

Pumpkin soup rocks :guitar:
Images of soup f***ing pumpkin.
I used to have an interesting boyfriend who’d get upset at the littlest things. He’d just SNAP quite unpredictably and there was nothing you could do about it but let it run it’s course and go along for the ride. Dysfunctional, I know, but I was confused at the time and stuck it out with him. Anyway, a few years ago my sister had to go into the hospital. She lived with our mother at the time and the the both of them have strange eating habits. They only eat prepackaged food that doesn’t require cooking or dishes or anything natural. It’s equally dysfunctional but I can only save the world one soul at a time and food consumption isn’t a priority for me so I always looked the other way at it. This boyfriend however was one of those three square meals a day sort of person where everyone sits down at the table and shares food. So my sister’s in the hospital and we rush to her side to help her and take care of things, a 300+ mile trip. We even brought the dog because we weren’t sure how long she’d be in. So after about the third day it’s apparent that my sister is going to be alright, there’s only a few odds and ends that need to be taken care of, maybe we’ll be there two more days. During the whole trip we’re forced to eat on a budget at fast food places or cold cereal that only requires a spoon and a bowl which we brought. So we’re getting ready to go to bed, it’s about 11pm. He starts to wind up into one of his uncontrollable outrages, being verbally abusive, saying he isn’t being cared for but he’s doing all the caring for my sister, etc, etc. The yelling wakes up my mom who comes sleepy out into the living room. She listens for a few minutes and decides the best solution is to offer a plan for the next day, “My friend has a recipe for pumpkin soup...” She didn’t get to even finish her sentence when he screams “PUMPKIN f***ING SOUP?”, he collects his clothes, his books, the dog and the dog bed, storms out of the house and drives all the way home without me. Those were his final words. Okay, so now that I retell it it sounds more dysfunctional and sad than funny, but I’ll never forget pumpkin f***ing soup and I always laugh when I think back on it. Asshole. I had to take the bus home. When I got there it was like nothing had ever happened though I fretted all the way home. I got off the bus and he said, “Do you want to go to Taco Bell for dinner?” I swear to God. Oh the lives we lead.



That's horrible! I hope you dumped him soon after! See, stories like this scare me for my daughter's future. It seems like everyone I know has had at least one really unpredictable and dysfunctional boyfriend.
Yum! Hey, looks like we're from the same neck of the woods, Nightingale! Hola!

Well, let's hear it! Pretty please? I need a laugh.

I'd offer him some marmalade and fresh French bread and some Earl Grey tea. With some Rice Dream to put in his tea. But I don't think one is supposed to put anything in Earl Grey. It's too delicate.

Maybe I'd serve him a glass of Vernors and a huge slice of Sanders bumpy cake with a scoop of Stroh's ice cream on the side. And after he passed out from the sugar.....I'd take him downtown and we'd go on an architecture tour, highlighting the old historic churches and run-down mansions. Then we'd hit up an old pub for dinner and people watch. Nothin fancy.

:D VERNOR'S?? I have never known ANYONE (outside of my ex bf who introduced me to it) who actually drinks it. I love it. You have good taste!
This boyfriend however was one of those three square meals a day sort of person where everyone sits down at the table and shares food.
...and his eating habits sounded so normal! :eek: CG, since I met you in person I can definitely say you deserve soooooooo much better than a verbally abusive, pumpkin soup hating boyfriend. I hope your momma told you to dump his ass the moment he got in his car and drove home without you! :mad:
Yeah, he's gone. After putting up with him for so long ( he was sweet and nice also so it's complicated) I certainly feel if I ever had children I'd be seriously protective of their relationship decisions, so I know what you mean scarlet. But the story was supposed to be funny! Okay, next topic.
I wouldn't feed him sprouts, because apparently, they scream when you cook them. Wouldn't want to upset his delicate sensibilities.
Thank you. I can't help but wonder, "Now what?"
Well, when you're 40 and you're trying to figure out what you'd feed Morrissey, come talk to me.

Well I'm not far behind you. I'm 33 and wondering if his cholesterol numbers are healthy.
Well I'm not far behind you. I'm 33 and wondering if his cholesterol numbers are healthy.

I wonder about that as well. I sometimes wonder if someone as stubborn and independent as Morrissey goes for regular check-ups. He seems like the kind of person who would let symptoms go on for far too long before seeking help.

Morrissey, if you read this silly thread, please get your blood work done regularly... for Crystal and me if nothing else. :)
Now what?! It's time for us to book our tickets to London to see Morrissssseeey! Hot British boys here we come!

*hijack alert*

speaking of hot british boys, I'm watching the Bachelor right now. I havent watched it in years, but the dude is actually really cute, and British. I usually think the guys are meathead toolbags, but I kinda like this dude.
*hijack alert*

speaking of hot british boys, I'm watching the Bachelor right now. I havent watched it in years, but the dude is actually really cute, and British. I usually think the guys are meathead toolbags, but I kinda like this dude.

haha I'll be watching that in like an hour here. He is kinda hot!!! The accent does not hurt AT ALL. :guitar:
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