What did make you smile today?

Don't knock acupuncture until you've tried it.

Or do atheists not believe in pressure points either?

Well atheists just don't believe in the existence of god(s). See where this post is... not in the atheist thread. :p

However, skeptics do question the efficacy of alternative medicine. Medicine with evidence, is simply called, medicine.

I am an atheist and a skeptic. While most atheists are skeptics, not all skeptics are atheists... many are agnostics. And I am certain a few are believers. Though I have not come across any.

I believe in massage.
Boom, f***ers.

I saw a southern screech owl on my way to the store tonight. I also made delicious tacos for the whole family tonight. Oh, and my purse arrived in the mail. Today was a great day.

I laughed when I saw this.

Coincidentally , I was reading about confirmation bias earlier today ... and some other stuff about the overlap between regression to the mean ( or the "regressive fallacy") and the placebo effect as explanations for the seeming effectiveness of alternative medicine ...
If men posed as women in ads:

My friend took this for me while on vacation. :sweet: Honest food. Honest vices.

I was at the saddest wedding reception ever tonight in a large room with dirty carpet at an Embassy Suites. Guess what color the roses were on the bouquet the bride tossed to the ladies? :lbf: Blue.

I was a good sport though. I did the chicken dance. :D I sat out the hokey pokey and the Electric Slide though.

#hell #elopeifyouhavetonobodylikesweddingreceptions
I must learn your ways...

None of those crabby potatoes.

attention seeking ep bestest. bloody nuisance dmb ginger balls happiness is for the weak happyhappyjoyjoy i love ep i'm so happy!!11!!!1! ignore button love :) schadenfreude
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