What a difference 20 years makes

Aly Panic

Slap Me On The Patio
20 years ago 16 people were shot dead in Hungerford.
Stop Me I You Think You've Heard This One Before is pulled from release because of the line about committing a mass murder.
20 years on 32 people are shot dead at Virginia Tech.
Stop Me I You Think You've Heard This One Before by Mark Ronson gets massive radio play.
Good point, do you think that God Save The Queen by the Sex Pistols would still be banned today?
does the cover version use the same line thou? is the radio play edited?
its a fair point - does this mean that controversy in music no longer exists or is it a case of no one listens to the radio anymore

Id say the latter. The only reason ive heard it is becuase i downloaded it out of curiosity then realised its pants. Most people just listen to the radio in thier cars nowadays.
20 years ago 16 people were shot dead in Hungerford.
Stop Me I You Think You've Heard This One Before is pulled from release because of the line about committing a mass murder.
20 years on 32 people are shot dead at Virginia Tech.
Stop Me I You Think You've Heard This One Before by Mark Ronson gets massive radio play.

sorry but this is an extremely misleading comparison. smiths version wasnt due out for a few weeks when hungerford massacre took place.
stop me had already been high in airplay charts and had 2 weeks in real chart when the recent atrocity took place. also, different countires involved. stop me is presumably not al over radio in US at the mo...
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