Wearing your Smiths / Morrissey t-shirts

I found a thread from a few years back in the archive, and thought I would revive the idea.

Does anyone fancy sharing their experiences/stories of any reactions gotten while wearing a Smiths/Moz t-shirt? They can be the good, the bad, the ugly and the funny. :D

Personally, (with my one and only Smiths t-shirt, although hopefully that will soon change) I've never really had any comments from anyone apart from the odd "who are they" from my friends and acquaintances, so very boring really. I always hope that when I go out wearing it I will have like-minded people come up to me and chat etc, but it never happens.
Ah well, you can't win them all... :lbf: I just like showing my appreciation for the music, because I'm proud to be a fan.

How about you, fellow Mozzites? :)
I think my only was walking into a gas station one night wearing my Quarry Tee when a young(er) guy standing outside belted "Morrissey!"

All I could think up was "No, it's Jim but thank you."
My mom makes fun of me when I wear my t-shirt of the album cover of YoR. She thinks it's crazy that he's holding a baby.
I still don't quite get the point of the whole baby thing- maybe a display of newfound maturity or something, I dunno- but it's still a pretty cool and inventive album cover. :)

I know! I think it's really clever.

But I think he looks a little awkward holding him.
I don't think I'd ever let him hold my baby.
I was out with friends one night, about 4 years ago, wearing a t-shirt with the The Queen Is Dead album cover on it. This girl came up to me, we danced for a bit, she looked at my t-shirt, then looked back at me with a look of absolute confusion on her face. Then walked off.

I didn't go home and cry and want to die, though. I just pulled someone else.
I was out with friends one night, about 4 years ago, wearing a t-shirt with the The Queen Is Dead album cover on it. This girl came up to me, we danced for a bit, she looked at my t-shirt, then looked back at me with a look of absolute confusion on her face. Then walked off.

I didn't go home and cry and want to die, though. I just pulled someone else.

Shocking... I'm disappointed at your disobedience of HSIN.

An asain beauty (who I'm very much in love with, but alas) told me how she laughed for hours while looking at this pic on my myspace. Typical tons-o-bourbon type of night with a bunch of obnoxious metalheads
Salesmen try to work their pitches on me by complimenting whatever band is on the t-shirt. I see through it.
My college professors noticed my shirts more than the students. There was one who said that he'd been listening to "Louder Than Bombs" lately, and that "Sheila Take a Bow" is one of his favorite songs. One day I wore my Moz shirt, while someone else in my astronomy class also wore hers. Now that I'm not in school, no one ever notices my shirts at all.:rolleyes:
I don't often wear any Morrissey / The Smiths t-shirts but when I was wearing "Je Suis Morrissey" somebody asked me if it was a "Designer" t-shirt! The person asking was wearing a "I adore Dior" t-shirt and I am sorry to say he was probably "batting the other way"...;)

He didn't know who Morrissey was.
My old Geography teacher used to laugh at me whenever I wore smiths t-shirts on own clothes day, he thought it was really funny that I liked the Smiths, and one of the security people at the Manchester Academy told me that nobody wearing a Morrissey shirt was allowed in :p

Considering I wear nothing but band t-shirts at college, I don't think anybody's ever commented on any of them, except one girl who said "Pete Doherty's fit".
Yes, there was a review on my local newpaper on "YoR" somtime ago. Yes, the reviewer mentioned Morrissey did carry the baby in an awkard way. :)

Also, my friends make fun of where is hand is when he's holding the baby, they think it's a weird place to hold the baby...
I was in Toronto once wearing a Morrissey shirt, and some local chap came up and introduced himself as a "Smiths" fan.....we ended up having a brilliant night, and he even showed me around the "Red Light" area......All of those " Working" Ladies were EXTREMELY Beautiful (...Not like the BirkenVegas sort..... yuk..)...but they wern't wearing any Morrissey T- shirts....).
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