Truly disappointing

Sold out. Selling out re-realsing. And I quote "At the record company meeting". No slags just money, money and that's easy money. For 35 years this man was my idol. As a judge once said...... greedy man. The judge was right. This man cares nothing about his music now. Grab. Grab. Grab.
Don't want to throw too much criticism at a mann
whose music is helping to keep me alive, but when I saw that the cheapest tickets for a recent tour were £70 I was really saddened. Maybe the cheap ones had sold out, I don't know.
Don't want to throw too much criticism at a mann
whose music is helping to keep me alive, but when I saw that the cheapest tickets for a recent tour were £70 I was really saddened. Maybe the cheap ones had sold out, I don't know.
I always remember going to see a big star late 70s/early 80s and the ticket was 22% of my weekly "dole" money (supplementary benefit, in fact). So different now!
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