To Let's Go Devils and Celtic from Belligerent Ghoul

  • Thread starter The Internet Informer
  • Start date

The Internet Informer

Devils & Celtic, sorry never exchanged words with her in my life, but she is New Jersey white trash, American as apple pie, scum.
To Girl Unafraid from Belligerent Ghoul

Girl Unafraid, I hope she drops dead as she abuses her powers as a moderator and trolls perfectly innocent comments. I sincerely hope she gets hit by a bus and that her children are raised as orphans.
To Chill from Belligerent Ghoul

Mindy/Chill/JoansWalkman/Lipgloss, I wish nothing but the very worst for her for the rest of her life as she is an incorrigible, insufferable, preaching, lecturing, self-righteous, pseudo intellectual c***, who does nothing but try to make herself sound smarter than everyone on the message board (because she is hideous) and in so doing purposefully puts people down. She is the very epitome of a Troll. I hope she dies of a heart attack as she is so fat, that it should happen sooner than later
Re: To Steven Patrick Morrissey from Belligerent Ghoul

Morrissey is a Misogynist.
Re: To Girl Unafraid from Belligerent Ghoul

how sick are you?
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Re: To Girl Unafraid from Belligerent Ghoul

> Girl Unafraid, I hope she drops dead as she abuses her powers as a
> moderator and trolls perfectly innocent comments. I sincerely hope she
> gets hit by a bus and that her children are raised as orphans.

You f***ing disgusting c***
Re: To Girl Unafraid from Belligerent Ghoul

> You f***ing disgusting c***
what the hell is going on here? some people around here need to branch out...

Re: To Girl Unafraid from Belligerent Ghoul

can i join in the fight? ...........
hey dickcheese,the only reason why you say that devils is "white trash from jersey" is because she wouldnt bang you. But,thats a simple thing even a dumb dumb like you can answer:she doesnt f*** losers. Thats why you'll never get any from her. have you ever seen her in a thong???? You wont either. I have...simply marvelous.

By the way,about that part about American as apple pie"

Without the us funding 99.9% of the other f***in countries in this wouldnt be allowed to f***in eat. It always amazes me how some people like to shit on america,yet when it comes to our money,you're suckin our cocks to get it. remember this dickf***,We own you!! You should be thankful we even allow you to come here and trash us. Dickless wonder.
France for example...these french toast fattys were dumb enough to say'we dont want to help out the us in its war with iraq(which to this day,i still dont get-why did we go to war with a country that didnt bother us in the first place??? i dont give a f***ity f*** f*** how many WMD they have...they know like we do,that the minute the release these on anyone,they'll become what they shouldve became a long time ago:sand and lost of it.

Now,back to f***in the french and their fatty's,France then has the f***in cheese to say"oh yeah,we'll re build irq and take care of all that oil for you".....Huh???? Nothing good has ever come out of france,why the f*** would we want to have them help in anything????? These dolt sammiches were better off peddling their stinky eau de stinkette cologne's and parfumes,not trying to "rebuild"anything.

So,I say this(and dont even f***in think i give a shit about being pro- or anti war,I dont.......)...f*** france and there whole goddamned smelly country and everyone else who doesnt like it here...if you dont....take your shit...and get the f*** out!!!!! Simple as that. Go back to your democracy and leave us the f*** alone!!!!
Re: Proper!

Right back atcha babe. Will you wear that sexy little number I got you this year in bed????? it'll make the PIMP go into overdrive.
Re: Proper!

> Right back atcha babe. Will you wear that sexy little number I got you
> this year in bed????? it'll make the PIMP go into overdrive.
You mean this one?

Re: Proper!

Yes indeed......Simply delicious.
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