To go,or not to go ?

There's just no pleasing some people as far as Morrissey gigs are concerned is there.The guy has toured his arse off for nigh on two years.He's played at just about every conceivable venue there is in the USA/UK.He's done plenty festivals in Europe,TV etc but still it seems that there are an unhappy few on this site.
Of course, he's not doing these shows for free but neither are his band,roadcrew,catering/management,security etc.Not to mention the transport/hotels and the rest.
If his reasons for touring were purely financial I doubt if he would have played so many shows in small venues over the past few years because there is no way that they are profitable on such a scale as he has done in recent times.
Obviously the larger arenas are the places where the money is made,bigger venues=less shows=less travelling expenses for the artist/promoter and that is probably a better deal for him. Of course he has done those and no doubt made a few bob.
But I don't really see what the problem is with him doing a few shows at the same venue.If he's offered it why not ? Nobody is forcing anyone to part with their hard earned cash to go to any of his shows anywhere.
It's not as if he tours and only plays in half a dozen city's is it ? I'm sure that a very high percentage of the people on this site have saw him at least once in the past two years.
The bottom line being, if your not happy don't go.......ahh...rant over...thanking you.

"float up to the roundhouse on a sunday afternoon"
There's just no pleasing some people as far as Morrissey gigs are concerned is there.The guy has toured his arse off for nigh on two years.He's played at just about every conceivable venue there is in the USA/UK.He's done plenty festivals in Europe,TV etc but still it seems that there are an unhappy few on this site.
Of course, he's not doing these shows for free but neither are his band,roadcrew,catering/management,security etc.Not to mention the transport/hotels and the rest.
If his reasons for touring were purely financial I doubt if he would have played so many shows in small venues over the past few years because there is no way that they are profitable on such a scale as he has done in recent times.
Obviously the larger arenas are the places where the money is made,bigger venues=less shows=less travelling expenses for the artist/promoter and that is probably a better deal for him. Of course he has done those and no doubt made a few bob.
But I don't really see what the problem is with him doing a few shows at the same venue.If he's offered it why not ? Nobody is forcing anyone to part with their hard earned cash to go to any of his shows anywhere.
It's not as if he tours and only plays in half a dozen city's is it ? I'm sure that a very high percentage of the people on this site have saw him at least once in the past two years.
The bottom line being, if your not happy don't go.......ahh...rant over...thanking you.

"float up to the roundhouse on a sunday afternoon"

i second that... then don't go!!! If anybody has proved themselves NOT a sell out it is Moz! In 100000 ways!
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