To BG:



You should have learned one thing by now. If you leave me alone, I leave you alone. You don't post things about me, I won't post things about you. Your bringing my name up and making comments about my religion or lack thereof when someone posted the admittedly tasteless picture of Holocaust victims with the caption "I Have Forgiven Jesus" was uncalled for. That had nothing to do with me. This is what I mean by your throwing down the gauntlet. Prior to that, for several weeks, I had either ignored you or replied to your posts in a civil manner. I ignored unkind posts you made about my friends here. You are the one who decided to end the truce.

I am prepared to once again begin to ignore you. All I ask is that you do not talk to or about me here and that you leave my friends alone. Don't mention my name or make veiled (but still obvious) references to me. Don't reply to my posts. Don't even acknowledge my existence. I don't care if you talk to my friends here as long as they don't mind (and besides, I'm not going to tell you who you can or cannot talk to, apart from myself). Just don't troll them under other identities because I will out you.

It really is as simple as that.
OK, I agree with what you have said (because it is exactly what I said yesterday when you were still making "veiled" references to me), and ask that you do the same toward me, and I add what is written below to our agreement.

"All I ask is that you do not talk to or about me here AND THAT YOU DO NOT INJECT YOURSELF IN A HOSTILE/MESSAGE BOARD POLICE TYPE MANNER INTO EXCHANGES BETWEEN MYSELF AND OTHERS THAT DO NOT CONCERN YOU EVEN IF YOU TAKE UMBRAGE TO SAID CONVERSATIONS, BECAUSE EVERYONE HERE IS A GROWN UP AND CAN DEFEND THEMSELVES. Don't mention my name or make veiled (but still obvious) references to me. Don't reply to my posts. Don't even acknowledge my existence."


And I, BG/Pops, promise that I won't "troll" your "friends" unless they troll me, first.
Agreed, except you should keep in mind that if my friends don't troll you first and you troll them, I will interject.

Finally, should you have any unresolved issues you wish to discuss with me outside this board, you may email me at [email protected]. I won't report you for emailing me there so long as the emails are of a non-threatening, non-harassing nature. That way, if you have something that just needs to be said, you can keep it the hell off this board and away from everyone else, but still out of my main mailbox. Of course, I don't expect you to use it (but if you do, you will of course understand if I ask you to stop should your messages become intimidating in nature), but I'm just throwing that out there so that next time you have a problem, you can deal with it privately.

Agreed, except you should keep in mind that your friends are grown adults who can take care of themselves. And if they can't, then they should not come here. But oh well, defend away should I troll them, if you must, but try to be civil about it before coming out guns ablazing and making mountains out of ant hills, like you did with the GenderNectar Smiley Face post. I can assure you that I do respond much better to reason than to anger. If you don't believe me, ask your friend Crushing Bore who has had a greater impact on me with honey than you have with piss & vinegar.

And since I never email you or instant message you, I am not even taking note of that email address should you try and trump up more false accusations against me.

Goodbye. Good Riddance. Forever.
advice to LGD

> Agreed, except you should keep in mind that your friends are grown adults
> who can take care of themselves. And if they can't, then they should not
> come here. But oh well, defend away should I troll them, if you must, but
> try to be civil about it before coming out guns ablazing and making
> mountains out of ant hills, like you did with the GenderNectar Smiley Face
> post. I can assure you that I do respond much better to reason than to
> anger. If you don't believe me, ask your friend Crushing Bore who has had
> a greater impact on me with honey than you have with piss & vinegar.

> And since I never email you or instant message you, I am not even taking
> note of that email address should you try and trump up more false
> accusations against me.

> Goodbye. Good Riddance. Forever.
LGD- better post on Bob The Builder or Jay Jay the jet plane from now on.
Mindy mindy mindy....whyare you torturing yourself like this???? Bg is a f***in useless worthless pile of f***in spooge that didnt get washed down the drain originally when his dad impregnated his mom. Now,society's forced to f***in listen to this f***in dickless turd babble on and on about how bad he wants to be the PIMP. But he cant be...first he was suckin my cock trying to be friends with me,now he's my so called "enemy". Next month,he'll probably want to tongue my ballsack again(why not??? his mom already has a few times)??? h'es just a sorry piece of worthless spooge. He cant f*** with the PIMP of the nation,so he feels he's somehow created this fantasy that he's "won" something over me???? the only thing you've "won" that nice case of hemmorhoids from your dogs ass.

Face it mindy,no matter what you say...BG will always be a worthless,pathetic,pile of f***in spooge. but he should take a bow,he does it with pride!!!!!
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