Tirade against the NME on Morrissey Official FB by Peter Katsis

Appears to come from Peter Katsis. Appallingly written mess of a statement.

Link here:

Text here:

"The N.M.E. used to represent the underground.

Now they are becoming known as The Guardian of rock music.

They had to stop printing copies.

Not because no one buys magazines.

Print publications like Q Magazine and Kerrang! still exist, because they remember who they are.

But not N.M.E.

They forgot who they were.

And because they just aren’t cool anymore.

N.M.E. are also just full of shit.

And can’t even afford good writers to work for them.

They like to remind readers of all the past allegations of the year, despite their lack of any basis in fact, despite that they are just re-hashing stories over and over, old news, fake news, etc.

But they leave out their own old issues, of lawsuits lost, and legal battles that forced them to apologize to M in the past.

And they lie more than Donald Trump.

-N.M.E. asked no one from M’s camp for comment to their recent story.

-Haslam was never a Moz fan. He was a publicity hound who had a new book coming that no one cared about.

-We didn’t cancel our summer shows because of Haslam’s weak event, the protest that drew no people.

-Moz in not a racist.

None of M’s latino fans care about UK politics, but hell…..why not call them up and try and find a story where one doesn’t exist?

Not like they have anything real to write about……like music.

Because they don’t even know what music is anymore.

Basically all this points to the fact that writer(?) Bob Chiarito and his editors at N.M.E. have been relegated to meaninglessness.

Not really even worth writing about for this Facebook post.

We stand up for ourselves here, not because we give a shit anymore what these folks say…..

…..but to point out to the fans and music industry of the UK that they’ve changed their title.

Now N.M.E. stands for …….Now Mostly Excrement.

No longer of any value to the music community…. they have decided to be the TMZ of music news.

Good riddance. - PK"

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No it's not. It's a 3am drunken soliloquy. Sometimes a lot of sense is spoken at such times.

Such as on Haslam's night: 'The protest that drew no people...'[/QUOT
You are talking to peeps that want to
become millionaires via receiving more and more govt assistance. They are left wing elitists, wanting to avoid anything that even vaguely smacks
of 'work'. Are you kidding? Working class?:lbf:
The lazy loons?

None of them dne a days work ffs.:straightface:
You are obsessed with work. I'd think you were the only person in the entire world who had ever been to work. To you, there is work and there is nothing. Work = Good, Anything Else = Bad. There are thousands of people in employment raiding the work's stationery cupboard as you speak. I've worked for 30 yrs, but I still admire anyone who can get by with doing as little of it as possible. As for being lazy, there are plenty of fat lard arses where I work.
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Fundamentally 'right wing' = less state or no state, and 'left wing' = more state or total state.
Fascism and Nazism arose at the same time as the rise of Bolshevism and, although right wing philosophies, do indeed share the socialist/communist idea that the individual and individual rights are irrelevant and should be subsumed entirely into the all-encompassing state. This is ultimately a left wing idea, not a right wing one, which clearly both Mussolini and Hitler were very attracted by. Hitler also believed in the nationalisation of some industries. 'National Socialism' was exactly what it said on the tin - a rejection of the 'international socialism' of Marx and Lenin, and an attempt to attract the German working class to a 'nationalist' version of socialism that also had racist and anti-semitic ideas at its heart, and right wing ideas, e.g. the banning of trade unions (no denying that). Hitler thought capitalism was invented to make Jewish bankers rich and he believed in state control (hardly a right wing idea). He also thought that Marxism was a Jewish conspiracy to weaken Europe. Hitler and Stalin were mirror images of each other and Stalin killed more if you want to play 'body count'. The only people who deny this are unreformed communists who still yearn for the old USSR.
Well, exactly the point Moz was making.
The Guardian, the ‘Loony left’, pretending to be left-wing, socialist, ‘tolerant’ but in reality just as intolerant to anyone else’s opinion as the Nazi’s.

Now we all know Moz likes a good hyperboles.

I'll have to mentally file that as a euphemism for talking for complete bollocks.

"Johhny Mathis is an alien. I'm not talking shit,It's just that I like a good hyperboles."
Im going to state for the record that I do not agree with piling on and being abusive to this person in light of their issues.

I agree with you about the thing we should probably assume is in the past, I think anyone who is saying that Hitler is left-wing today is asking for it today however.
So because "the left" traditionally don't tolerate your type of racism etc, that makes them intolerant and they are therefore comparable to Hitler, who was left wing because he was intolerant like "the left" who you perceive to be intolerant? I don't even think Morrissey thought it through that much. I believe he genuinely thinks Hitler was left-wing because of the word "socialist" in the Nazi's full title and because YouTube told him so. He really isn't as intelligent as you think.
You really are dim-witted. Good to hear you don’t teach anymore... Who the hell was talking about racism let alone ‘your type of racism’???
Absolutely vile!
Jesus, you're even thicker than I realised.

He’s just a troll, trying to provoke responses. It’s what they do, rather sad really that he will have no wife, no kids, no friends, no life, he will also probably suffer with health issues due to being overweight as he lacks in physical activity.
So much for Surface’s world view: Trolls or no trolls, people with wives or people without, people who are overweight or who are not :straightface:

Talk about taking your user name very seriously :lbf:
The Nazi Party was officially known as the "National Socialist German Workers' Party". I believe that Morrissey was right when he said that Adolf Hitler was left-wing. People associate 'socialism' with being left-wing. Also the fact that it was called a 'workers' party I'm guessing that they were trying to appeal to the working-class.

I take your point that people immediately associate Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler with the far-right but that is because they maybe haven't thought deeply about it the way that Morrissey has. That isn't reason though to call people names or to swear. I don't like swearing/profanity.

I would say that Joseph Stalin was every bit as bad as Adolf Hitler was. They were both tyrannical dictators and they both caused so much death and misery in this world.

Oh my god, you're f***ing thick. Read some history books; read my other posts. I'll break it down for you. The Nazis used the words "socialist" and "workers" to con people, that's it. In policy and once in government, they were nothing like a socialist government. Do you think that North Korea is democratic because it's called the People's Democratic Republic of Korea? f*** me, there are so many thick c***s here with no understanding of basic history and ideology.
Maybe you think the USSR WAS NOT LEFT WING!!!!!! I can picture the poor student in your class raising his hand and asking "the USSR was NOT LEFT WING WTF?" An avant garde type of teaching LOL

Hitler just hated the Jews but he loved Islam:rolleyes:

Stalin had one of his henchmen make an anti Semitic speech at the party congress; those that clapped halfheartedly he sent to the Gulag those that clapped too hard, he shot.:lbf:

Of course the USSR was left wing, but of the socialist authoritarian type, not the libertarian communist type.

And Stalin himself probably resembled a fascist at times, particularly in terms of his anti-Semitism. This is a problem we still see today in some left wing circles (see the anti-Semitism of some Labour supporters at the moment), even though some of the best known socialists have been Jews.
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Fundamentally 'right wing' = less state or no state, and 'left wing' = more state or total state.
Fascism and Nazism arose at the same time as the rise of Bolshevism and, although right wing philosophies, do indeed share the socialist/communist idea that the individual and individual rights are irrelevant and should be subsumed entirely into the all-encompassing state. This is ultimately a left wing idea, not a right wing one, which clearly both Mussolini and Hitler were very attracted by. Hitler also believed in the nationalisation of some industries. 'National Socialism' was exactly what it said on the tin - a rejection of the 'international socialism' of Marx and Lenin, and an attempt to attract the German working class to a 'nationalist' version of socialism that also had racist and anti-semitic ideas at its heart, and right wing ideas, e.g. the banning of trade unions (no denying that). Hitler thought capitalism was invented to make Jewish bankers rich and he believed in state control (hardly a right wing idea). He also thought that Marxism was a Jewish conspiracy to weaken Europe. Hitler and Stalin were mirror images of each other and Stalin killed more if you want to play 'body count'. The only people who deny this are unreformed communists who still yearn for the old USSR.

Again, like others, your understanding of ideology is bafflingly incorrect. The idea that small state/no state = right wing and large state = left wing is horrendously wrong.

Both right wingers and left wingers of many colours support a stateless society. In the case of left wingers, these are often libertarians (I mean libertarians in the 18th/19th century French tradition, not the bastardised American version) or anarchists; anarcho communists; Marxist libertarians. Further, Marxism is ultimately a libertarian ideology, in that Marx's end goal was the complete eradication of the state in favour of a cooperative society. Plus, Marxism isn't the only version of communism. I'd suggest you read some Murray Bookchin, who was a modern anarchist in favour of the eradication of the state who combined both anarchist thought and communist thought.

In terms of right-wingers, it's often neo-liberals or "classical liberals" which favour a small state. In America you do get libertarians, but this is a bastardised version of the word which has origins in French left-wing anarchism.
I agree with you about the thing we should probably assume is in the past, I think anyone who is saying that Hitler is left-wing today is asking for it today however.

Totally. Anyone who actually thinks a racist, Jew murdering, genocidal, homophobic, disabled-people murdering, war starting, socialist murdering regime was "left-wing" is f***ing stupid.
You really are dim-witted. Good to hear you don’t teach anymore... Who the hell was talking about racism let alone ‘your type of racism’???
Absolutely vile!

In the same breath Morrissey said "Hitler was left wing" he ranted about how he doesn't like it when people call him racist.
So much for Surface’s world view: Trolls or no trolls, people with wives or people without, people who are overweight or who are not :straightface:

Talk about taking your user name very seriously :lbf:

Do you realise that Vegan has trolled the site for a few years using different names. In past guises all his posts were negative towards Morrissey. He is a Troll and is not interested in Morrissey at all, he simply posts to wind people up and get the responses he craves to feed his addiction.
In the same breath Morrissey said "Hitler was left wing" he ranted about how he doesn't like it when people call him racist.
Please read that interview again.

‘The Loony Left call me racist.
The Loony Left think they’ve got the moral high ground, but in fact are no better than Hitler as far as tolerance goes. And both are ‘left-wing’. I am not a racist.’

That’s all he said. No way did he hold a long dissertation on the Third Reich and concluded they were left-wing.
Please read that interview again.

‘The Loony Left call me racist.
The Loony Left think they’ve got the moral high ground, but in fact are no better than Hitler as far as tolerance goes. And both are ‘left-wing’. I am not a racist.’

That’s all he said. No way did he hold a long dissertation on the Third Reich and concluded they were left-wing.

The below quote is taken from a Morrissey interview, posted on his official blog Morrissey's World (bold is what I've highlighted):
"And as far as racism goes, the modern Loony Left seem to forget that Hitler was Left wing! But of course, we are all called racist now, and the word is actually meaningless. It’s just a way of changing the subject."


Morrissey isn't necessarily a white supremacist, but these are tropes so often seen in white-supremacist circles. The "Hitler was left-wing" thing is used to try and distance their own racist ideology from Hitler's racist ideology, as Hitler's actions showed the world what happens when racist ideology is in power, so white supremacists only option is to pretend they aren't like Hitler. The thing about racism is an attempt at pretending that left-wingers call anyone with views different to theirs "racists", which isn't true, and argue that racist is overused to try an legitimise their opinions.
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Ignore Skinny. He is the NUMERO UNO TROLL ON HERE, so getting a troll mark from him is like a certification of sanity.:straightface:
Skinnny claims fungus are not fungus:crazy:
And you, what are you? The king of the trolls of the universe....:brows:
If this forum wasn't exist, you would be the sadnest personn in this world, and you would try to find something to do day after day....... after day....... after day....... after day....... after day....... after day....... after day....... after day....... after day (ad lib)o_O

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