Tirade against the NME on Morrissey Official FB by Peter Katsis

Appears to come from Peter Katsis. Appallingly written mess of a statement.

Link here:

Text here:

"The N.M.E. used to represent the underground.

Now they are becoming known as The Guardian of rock music.

They had to stop printing copies.

Not because no one buys magazines.

Print publications like Q Magazine and Kerrang! still exist, because they remember who they are.

But not N.M.E.

They forgot who they were.

And because they just aren’t cool anymore.

N.M.E. are also just full of shit.

And can’t even afford good writers to work for them.

They like to remind readers of all the past allegations of the year, despite their lack of any basis in fact, despite that they are just re-hashing stories over and over, old news, fake news, etc.

But they leave out their own old issues, of lawsuits lost, and legal battles that forced them to apologize to M in the past.

And they lie more than Donald Trump.

-N.M.E. asked no one from M’s camp for comment to their recent story.

-Haslam was never a Moz fan. He was a publicity hound who had a new book coming that no one cared about.

-We didn’t cancel our summer shows because of Haslam’s weak event, the protest that drew no people.

-Moz in not a racist.

None of M’s latino fans care about UK politics, but hell…..why not call them up and try and find a story where one doesn’t exist?

Not like they have anything real to write about……like music.

Because they don’t even know what music is anymore.

Basically all this points to the fact that writer(?) Bob Chiarito and his editors at N.M.E. have been relegated to meaninglessness.

Not really even worth writing about for this Facebook post.

We stand up for ourselves here, not because we give a shit anymore what these folks say…..

…..but to point out to the fans and music industry of the UK that they’ve changed their title.

Now N.M.E. stands for …….Now Mostly Excrement.

No longer of any value to the music community…. they have decided to be the TMZ of music news.

Good riddance. - PK"

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To be fair there is a long tradition of artists embarassing themselves in this way, although usually more specifically in response to a bad review. Check out this atrocity from Chris de Burgh, complete with the classic 'the reviewer must have been bullied as a child' trope so common to such things. https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/chris-de-burgh-sees-red-1.735963

Holy hell, this is brilliant. I love his snipe about one of the columnists being "put out to pasture in the wine section", dedicated reader of the Irish Times is Mr de Burgh. And this is comedy gold: "I wonder what they have in mind for you in your dotage? Searing critiques of primary school Christmas plays perhaps, or judging knife-sharpening competitions in Sligo?" :lbf:

The dig about Ireland being "... a country with the population of Greater Manchester" wherein the writer is "rifling through the garbage bins of despair" sounds a bit strange coming from de Burgh, who is Irish himself.

I've never been so entertained by Chris De Burgh in my life. He should pack in music and write furious letters for a living, I'd buy them.
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To be honest I think he's been pretty stupid. He's got his media from a biased source and run with it. If you want to read identical things that he's said there are people saying identical things with the exact same wording all over the net. Since when was Morrissey a person who just regurgitated others' opinions (outside of song lines of course)? Something has gone wrong. Morrissey was always outspoken but he was never the sheep before.

Yeah. Morrissey is a far cry from the witty, intelligent, funny person he was in the 80s. From a man who made a big deal out of reading Wilde etc, his current diet of reading and viewing has numbed his mind.
I have to agree on this one! I stopped buying NME in the middle of the 90s, as it was starting to become less interesting and turning into more kind of gossip magazine of music instead of intelligent journalism and interesting interviews.
To be honest I think he's been pretty stupid. He's got his media from a biased source and run with it. If you want to read identical things that he's said there are people saying identical things with the exact same wording all over the net. Since when was Morrissey a person who just regurgitated others' opinions (outside of song lines of course)? Something has gone wrong. Morrissey was always outspoken but he was never the sheep before.

He’s complicated and I find contrary. I don’t believe he’ll cast
his vote. At the end of the day I don’t think he’s really that interested in politics or enough to really inform himself on what he’s talking about. He is (a type) of artist and human being
that is more or less ruled by his heart, some would say he’s touched. Personally I wouldn’t hold him in such high regard as an artist if he wasn’t a little touched.
By the way ! Talking of "Fake News"
Has that footage of Steve being harassed on the streets of Rome by the Motorcycle cop surfaced yet anyone ?
Love to see it. :brows: :tiphat:

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:
Yeah. Morrissey is a far cry from the witty, intelligent, funny person he was in the 80s. From a man who made a big deal out of reading Wilde etc, his current diet of reading and viewing has numbed his mind.

Yes, he used to have a very distinctive voice, now he's on a course that seems to be leading to songs such as "When You're Slandered By Libtard Cucks You Know You've Taken The Red Pill"
Yeah. Morrissey is a far cry from the witty, intelligent, funny person he was in the 80s. From a man who made a big deal out of reading Wilde etc, his current diet of reading and viewing has numbed his mind.

I love it how Thewlis "disliked" this post, because he knows I'm right. Listen, anyone who proclaims "Hitler was left wing" is a f***ing imbecile, through and through.
I wouldn't recommend completely shutting yourself off from the news, otherwise you risk being uninformed about the world around you. The best thing is to read from a variety of decent news sources, with differing editorial stances, otherwise you end up living in an echo chamber.

Well it depends on how much value you put on ‘ the world around you’. I mean, I find it better to place a higher value on the world inside rather than the world outside. I just find it a bit strange when people try to take action on the outside world when they are too scared to face and so unable to fix what is broken inside of them first. All of ones actions will come to nought if you don’t start with yourself first.
I love it how Thewlis "disliked" this post, because he knows I'm right. Listen, anyone who proclaims "Hitler was left wing" is a f***ing imbecile, through and through.
Anyone who can’t even read or quote properly must be überthick, über and unter.
Do your history please! Or do you want to live up to your username?

Please enlighten me. I mean, I did study Contemporary History and Politics at university, and I was a history teacher, and the below picture is just a small selection of my books on the Third Reich, but please TELL ME what I've got wrong over all these years of study, O Great One Thewlis!!?


  • IMG_20180807_231457~2.jpg
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Some more from my vast collection, but please, tell where I missed the bit about Hitler being left-wing! Is it because they were called the National Socialist German Workers' Party? Wait! Does that mean North Korea actually is democratic???


  • IMG_20180807_232109.jpg
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Some more from my vast collection, but please, tell where I missed the bit about Hitler being left-wing! Is it because they were called the National Socialist German Workers' Party? Wait! Does that mean North Korea actually is democratic???
I think what you’re missing is the context in which it was said.
Left-wing can easily be or become right-wing, and it is hard to tell the difference sometimes.
And Moz loathes both left- and right-wing thinking.
By the way ! Talking of "Fake News"
Has that footage of Steve being harassed on the streets of Rome by the Motorcycle cop surfaced yet anyone ?
Love to see it. :brows: :tiphat:

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:

Ah! The "Troll" response :clap: :tiphat:
Well ! If it makes you feel better it can't do any harm can it ? :clap:

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:
(Getty 4ck :tiphat:)
No, it doesn't sound familiar - you're reciting the Tory tabloid version of the white working class. Most people I know either don't have kids or have one, two at very most because of a lack of money and the future looking bleak for them. People want their kids to either have a better upbringing than they had or at least of equal quality. Thay say they would like to have kids (or more kids) but things are too f***ed up nowadays. The system has engineered this atmosphere.

Migrants on the other hand are experiencing the promised land in relation to where they came from, so they are pumping out children by the dozen. Crack dealers next door, gangs everywhere, two local boys stabbed dead last week? - compared to the third world that's no biggie. These people are grateful and therefor easier to exploit. To pay low wages to, to make work longer hours in crap conditions, to generally live in a country that has somewhat gone to the dogs AND to never rebel against the system because they feel the system has been great to them.

This is white working class replacement. Emotional manipulation about the plight of asylum seekers is an elite governed sham. Yes, the third world exists and it's not nice. But we can't solve poverty in the third world by bringing them all over here - and the elite know that.

The elite don't do altruism. Everything they do is about lining their own pockets at the expense of humans who they think can be moved about like pawns on a chess board.
Listen, I live in London. I've got eyes. I see housing going up and I see the people who the housing associations move there. This is what councils have been denying for years - the fact that foreigners get more 'points' to qualify for social housing. They just do - everyone else is told to go packing. Can't afford to rent privately in London? Goodbye, the designated white flight zones are that way.

But of course you won't read that in the Guardian etc. You won't get Loach doing a film about it either as it isn't a cuddly subject. Migrants in detention centres make up only a minority of the migrants living here. Stop reading bullshit propaganda stats and use your eyes and the sense I know you've got.
Listen, I live in London. I've got eyes. I see housing going up and I see the people who the housing associations move there. This is what councils have been denying for years - the fact that foreigners get more 'points' to qualify for social housing. They just do - everyone else is told to go packing. Can't afford to rent privately in London? Goodbye, the designated white flight zones are that way.

But of course you won't read that in the Guardian etc. You won't get Loach doing a film about it either as it isn't a cuddly subject. Migrants in detention centres make up only a minority of the migrants living here. Stop reading bullshit propaganda stats and use your eyes and the sense I know you've got.

I work in the world of housing and you are incorrect about "migrants get more points". That is utter bullshit, other than possibly in certain boroughs where there has been corruption eg Tower Hamlets where there was political corruption and another, I forget which, where the housing staff were allocating homes to their friends and family or accepting bribes.
The housing situation is complex and is affected by immigration but mainly due to increased demand generally and in particular for private rented homes. 50 percent of council properties have been sold off by the government since the 1980s so often people perceive immigrants to be getting a council house when in fact they are privately renting a former council property. Sometimes they are asylum seekers/refugees who are not eligible for social housing but whose private rent is paid by the state.
I think what you’re missing is the context in which it was said.
Left-wing can easily be or become right-wing, and it is hard to tell the difference sometimes.
And Moz loathes both left- and right-wing thinking.

Well, not really, because the Nazis were categorically ultra far-right, despite having socialist in their name. Anyone who understands how to infer and read between the lines understood the use of socialist and any proclamations of being for the workers was just marketing/propaganda, to gain the mass support of the working class, which the Nazis never did in a legal election, always losing to the SPD and KPD.

Once in power, this lack of socialism and workers' policy became even more apparent, considering the Nazis abolished unions, all socialist parties, imprisoned socialists and communists, drove wages down in real terms, were hand in hand with big business, enlisted workers in what was essentially slave labour, and made lots of money along with large German corporations through war, conquest, occupation and enslavement of Europe. Plus, the Nazis were an explicitly racist and authoritarian party (see their 25 point programme), and never hid this fact.
Not as bad as America, apart from a few cities the place is backward as f***
It's a slag heap where people just work work work and then die. Even the educated are thick.
America is the land of dreams only if you come from a backward country like Mexico.
By the way what have Mexicans ever given America?
Black people have soul, blues hip hop funk ect etc. Mexicans just gave mariachi. What a bunch of flakes

The funny part is the Mexicans think they are like moz or like the Irish. The relationship between the Irish and English is nothing like the relationship between Mexicans and Americans.
The Irish and English speak English, the cultures and DNA have been mingling for centuries,.

The Irish didn't "mingle" with the British through choice anymore than the native peoples of Mexico did with the Spanish.
Genocide through, violence, disease, famine and Oppression by the foreign crown. Theft of land, natural resources and displacement by waves of foreign settlers. Racist depiction of the native people as primitive and animalistic
Intentional destruction of language, culture and spiritual beliefs in favour of that represented by their "royal" crown.

The Irish and Mexicans have quite a lot in common. Where the inbred crown left off the Catholic Church took over and continued the job of oppressor.
Anyone with Irish roots knows this history including morrissey and all despise the inbred f*** wits who bend the knee to or call themselves royalty.
Trump isn't the only joke. 70m a year the British taxpayer gives these "royal" dole spongers. No wonder there's a shortage of social housing .
Look truthfully at how native people's who had a different culture and language were treated and depicted up to recent times. No Irish, no Black's, no dogs. History is written by the Victor's.
These days it's written by mainstream media controlled by a few who decide what version of "truth" we learn.
Mexicans go to America to escape poverty inflicted by historical factors, much as the Irish have done as a result of "mingling" with the English.
Well, not really, because the Nazis were categorically ultra far-right, despite having socialist in their name. Anyone who understands how to infer and read between the lines understood the use of socialist and any proclamations of being for the workers was just marketing/propaganda, to gain the mass support of the working class, which the Nazis never did in a legal election, always losing to the SPD and KPD.

Once in power, this lack of socialism and workers' policy became even more apparent, considering the Nazis abolished unions, all socialist parties, imprisoned socialists and communists, drove wages down in real terms, were hand in hand with big business, enlisted workers in what was essentially slave labour, and made lots of money along with large German corporations through war, conquest, occupation and enslavement of Europe. Plus, the Nazis were an explicitly racist and authoritarian party (see their 25 point programme), and never hid this fact.
Well, exactly the point Moz was making.
The Guardian, the ‘Loony left’, pretending to be left-wing, socialist, ‘tolerant’ but in reality just as intolerant to anyone else’s opinion as the Nazi’s.

Now we all know Moz likes a good hyperboles.

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