The Smiths Survival Game (The Smiths)

A moment of silence please for Pretty Girls Make Graves....... okay, that's enough.... next, the death of hand in glove:lbf::lbf:

reel around the fountain-37 (+)
still ill-36
hand in glove-26 (-)
reel around the fountain-38
still ill-35 (-1)
hand in glove-26 (+1) the minority here I guess, but I'll keep pushing for Hand in Glove...
reel around the fountain-39 (+)
still ill-34 (-1)
hand in glove-26
As the founder of all this I decree today that this game is simply taking from others and not giving to others. It's to give Still Ill the appreciation it deserves!

reel around the fountain-38 (-1)
still ill-35 (+1)
hand in glove-26
As the founder of all this I decree today that this game is simply taking from others and not giving to others. It's to give Still Ill the appreciation it deserves!

reel around the fountain-38 (-1)
still ill-35 (+1)
hand in glove-26

reel around the fountain -39 (+)
still ill -34 (-)
hand in glove -26
reel around the fountain -38 (-)
still ill -34
hand in glove -27 (+1)

Reel vs Ill might give HIG a chance to gain some momentum here. Could get interesting.

It's to give Still Ill the appreciation it deserves!

I will when we do Rank. The studio version is crap.
reel around the fountain -39 (+1)
still ill -34 (-1) (Billy, you owe me a pint for not voting against HIG)
hand in glove -26
reel around the fountain -40 (+1)
still ill -33 (-1)
hand in glove -26
reel around the fountain - 39 (+1)
still ill -33 (-1)
hand in glove -27
2daywddimdies byebye idoya facebookable watchnpaintdry
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