The Parenthood Thread


last years nativity
I`ve got a really annoying relative whoi haven`t seen in ages and she won`t bring my kids cousins around because we have dogs and they are asthmatic. What rubbish! A friends daughter is severley asthmatic and her doctor father bought her a dog!!You cannot sheild your children from everything.

I'm convinced that many people just say that they're allergic (is that what you meant?) to something or other in order to get out social obligations. Hell, I would, too, if I thought that I could keep the ruse up.
I'm convinced that many people just say that they're allergic (is that what you meant?) to something or other in order to get out social obligations. Hell, I would, too, if I thought that I could keep the ruse up.

I hope that's what Hellie was implying. I have an 8 yr old nephew who is very allergic to dogs, in fact they had to give their golden retriever (their 1st born! :p) to my other brother to take care of. I've seen first hand his reactions and it's pretty scary. His 2 bros and parents are fine, seems HE got all the allergies, poor thing.

I believe peeps when they say they have animal allergies...and with my 2 cats, well that's less company prep-housework I have to do :rolleyes:
Thank God for this thread.
No lie...
I'm home w/my almost 4 yr old (DH and 8yr old went to store)

No rudeness or disrespect intended here, but what does "DH" stand for?
Drunk Husband? Designated Hitter? Domestic Helpmate? or something simple like his initials?
Or if it's private, never mind.
No rudeness or disrespect intended here, but what does "DH" stand for?
Drunk Husband? Designated Hitter? Domestic Helpmate? or something simple like his initials?
Or if it's private, never mind.

Ha Ha! No offense taken! I like your 'other' options ;) tho it means Dear Husband.... most of the time.... :p yesterday morning it was Dick Head :D

I'm a DH too I 'spose... Desperate Housewife :)
If that's the case, then don't underestimate the power of barf-bag puppets. Seriously. Kept my kids (at the time, 4, 1, and 1) quite entertained. But don't break out the puppets until absolutely necessary--like during the last hour of the flight.

The barf-bag puppet trick worked! We were on the flight home & the little one did not want his seatbelt I got out the bag, did a bit of puppet action & he was so entertained that he forgot all about his seatbelt! Thanks for the tip....they then both slept for the rest of the flight.
The barf-bag puppet trick worked! We were on the flight home & the little one did not want his seatbelt I got out the bag, did a bit of puppet action & he was so entertained that he forgot all about his seatbelt! Thanks for the tip....they then both slept for the rest of the flight.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's awesome. I'm so glad that it worked!
Hahaha, we need to have some guilty pleasures in our life.

How's your grand mother?
Hope she had a lovely Christmas and a new year with you and your family. :)
Hahaha, we need to have some guilty pleasures in our life.

How's your grand mother?
Hope she had a lovely Christmas and a new year with you and your family. :)

Not so good...physically well recovered...but mentally not so good and confused more often than not these days (a family trait maybe?!)

She did enjoy Christmas though...thanks for asking Kewpie! :)
What a great thread....can't believe I just saw it for the first time!

My three kids, ages 11,10, and 10, all received a few extra Christmas presents this year....they knew the way to my heart by asking, "please Mommy would you put lots of Morrissey songs on our ipods?"

I told them they were the best kids ever! It's not so easy finding people who will allow me to indulge in my passion for Morrissey!

Perhaps I should have more children! :eek:
What a great thread....can't believe I just saw it for the first time!

I second that! I never came across this thread before. I'm glad to see there are other parents with kids here. I guess it shouldn't be too suprised seeing that Morrissey/The Smiths have been around for a long time.

BTW- My son is 5 and he's completely awesome! :p
Welcome to The Parenthood Thread then Troubleluvsme and Tamkin....apart from Moz-fandom being a Mummy (or Daddy!) really is one of life's greatest adventures! :)
Yes, welcome to you two!

Last night was night #3 that the littlest ones have been out of their cribs and in toddler beds. I dismantled their cribs last night (*sob*). This morning was the first time that they realized that not only could they leave their bedroom on their own, but come downstairs to climb in bed with us. It was so cute.
Yes, welcome to you two!

Last night was night #3 that the littlest ones have been out of their cribs and in toddler beds. I dismantled their cribs last night (*sob*). This morning was the first time that they realized that not only could they leave their bedroom on their own, but come downstairs to climb in bed with us. It was so cute.

Ditto on the welcome to Tamkim & troubleluvsme :)

YES it's one of those heartwrenching-why-do-they-have-to-grow-up-so-fast moments :(
Almost as heartwrenching as their first day of school...
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