tell us about the last Film you saw


Disturbing. Thought-provoking. Will frustrate and anger you. But stick with it. It is worth seeing. A great film with a brilliant cast. 4 out of 4 stars.
Re: tell us about the last Film you saw.

Only God Forgives

Ryan Gosling stars in this violent, pretentious mess of a film. It's a story of the revenge of the slaying of his brother in Bangkok. Ryan Gosling moves very slowly and says very little at all, the film is full of long takes of people staring into space. This probably helped the film achieve its running time of just over 80 minutes. Direct by Nicolas Winding Refn, who also made the far superior Drive. This is a major disappointment, its only saving grace was that it wasn't any longer.
Re: tell us about the last Film you saw.

Only God Forgives

Ryan Gosling stars in this violent, pretentious mess of a film. It's a story of the revenge of the slaying of his brother in Bangkok. Ryan Gosling moves very slowly and says very little at all, the film is full of long takes of people staring into space. This probably helped the film achieve its running time of just over 80 minutes. Direct by Nicolas Winding Refn, who also made the far superior Drive. This is a major disappointment, its only saving grace was that it wasn't any longer.

I too was very disappointed with this effort by Refn. Was hoping for another Drive. This was all violence and no heart.
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I am Yours

A film about a young pakistani/norwegian mother who after her divorce struggles to find a new man and goes to great lengths to find one. Caught between two cultures her pakistani parents finally cuts all ties with her. The opening scenes may have been the first time I have seen female masturbation to porn in a film. Quite a lot of sex scenes and as this young womans search for love and a normal life continues the more destructive she gets. Very moving and I really felt bad for her.
Inside Llewyn Davis, the new Coen brothers movie, set primarily within the folk scene of Greenwich Village in 1961.

Hmmmm. Sharp dialogue and great supporting cast, of course. The principles are also impressive, particularly Oscar Issac in the lead role, but for me it didn't quite spark. This may well be because I've watched The Man Who Wasn't There and A Serious Man already this week and as I write this I'm watching No Country For Old Men on the TV, so their brilliance may have skewed my expectations, but may also be because Llewyn Davis himself isn't all that likeable a character, so I found myself half hoping his dreams didn't come true.

As Llewyn wanders around the streets of the Village huddled against the cold I was reminded again and again of the cover of The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan. I'd like to think it was deliberate, but it might just be me hoping it was.

Pluses include a great turn by John Goodman, who steals every scene he is in and was a bit like Colonel Sanders meets Burl Ives with a Mr. Spock haircut, a decent performance by Carey Mulligan, a very good soundtrack and an ending you half expect but is nice when it finally arrives. There's also a folk singing GI who must surely owe something to Pete Seeger. Oh, and Neelix from Star Trek: Voyager turns up.


Five minutes into it I thought it would be a crap film about some band and as we know films about bands and even sports rarely come good in films. But then this film changes into a drama where the female singer of the band has a love affair with the new band member and she is torn between him and his husband with whom she has twins. The film then continues to surprise you and turns into something I would describe as a mix between a thriller and a horror film.

I was really entertained by this one and very positively surprised.
Inside Llewyn Davis, the new Coen brothers movie, set primarily within the folk scene of Greenwich Village in 1961.

Hmmmm. Sharp dialogue and great supporting cast, of course. The principles are also impressive, particularly Oscar Issac in the lead role, but for me it didn't quite spark. This may well be because I've watched The Man Who Wasn't There and A Serious Man already this week and as I write this I'm watching No Country For Old Men on the TV, so their brilliance may have skewed my expectations, but may also be because Llewyn Davis himself isn't all that likeable a character, so I found myself half hoping his dreams didn't come true.

As Llewyn wanders around the streets of the Village huddled against the cold I was reminded again and again of the cover of The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan. I'd like to think it was deliberate, but it might just be me hoping it was.

Pluses include a great turn by John Goodman, who steals every scene he is in and was a bit like Colonel Sanders meets Burl Ives with a Mr. Spock haircut, a decent performance by Carey Mulligan, a very good soundtrack and an ending you half expect but is nice when it finally arrives. There's also a folk singing GI who must surely owe something to Pete Seeger. Oh, and Neelix from Star Trek: Voyager turns up.


No Country For Old Men is one of my all-time favorite films. I too love the Coen brothers. But ILD was a miss for me as well. Yes, Carey Mulligan was great--as always. Loved her in Shame and Drive as well. She is one of my favorite British actresses. Certainly my favorite from her generation.
The Salton Sea, Val Kilmer and a really great performance by Vincent D'Onofrio - the bloke who played Private Pyle in Full Metal Jacket - as a psycho drug dealer.

I started tuning out about half an hour or so in, but when D'Onofrio arrived it perked up. It was a decent 90 minutes or so but nothing you wouldn't have seen before.

Worth a watch for D'Onofrio's performance, and the Bob Hope heist.
The Fifth Estate

Only lasted about half an hour and then skipped watching it. The drama about Assange and Wikileaks but I think I will focus on the documentaries. It just becomes silly when Assange is made out like some cool James Bond cause if I wanna watch that I can watch the Bond films. So sad when some films destroys the magic by presenting people that made something major like they were untouchables that just walked through life all cool without any major hassle. We know his story and what it took and this film cannot even give his life some justice in the first 30 minutes. Such a shame and not for me.
The Counselor

Three words: waste.of.talent. Skip it. Or just watch the first five minutes with Fassbender and Cruze engaging in a playful sexual dialog.
The Swimmer ( 1968)

Burt Lancaster does a decent job of being the bewildered suburbanite , imbalanced and tempted by nostalgia

Film goes a bit heavy on the whole "sympathetic landscape" bit ...

uneven, a lot not to like in it, but I thought that John Cusack made a great Poe, so I give it a:
the main thing is that now I want to go back and watch some of his great movies like:
Better Off Dead, The Sure Thing, Tapeheads, Say Anything, Grifters, Bullets Over Broadway, Grosse Pointe Blank, Being John Malkovich, High Fidelity & even Hot Tub Time Machine :o
but I have not seen

so I'll probably just dl that :guitar:
So yesterday I was in the perfect mood to watch "Diana". That sort of things happens only once a year...
I've always liked Diana. I've always found her an interesting character. It seems to me if you don't like the Royal family then you can't not like Diana...Unless I'm missing something the jet set is aware of...
The film was soppy and silly, and I think IRL the poor Pakistani dude must have stared at the screen in horror and disbelief. Maybe he didn't see the film? Can you imagine how surreal it must have felt for him? Oh, YES.
The mixtape bit had me laughing, it was so cheesy. Did that really happen?!
But in the end I found myself wanting to see Lady Di again. Like a big character gone too soon and that you expect to return.
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