Sunday afternoon trash tv



Though I doubt it, has anyone but me seen that episode of Relic Hunter that plays in Germany??

Thank you whoever is responsible for that programme because I haven't laughed so painfully hard in a very long time. But well....I know you obviously didn't have millions to blow on filming but you could have bothered just a little bit more. I mean even Joe Simple from Loonyville, Idaho will have a vague guess that not all Germans run around in Lederhosen and Dirndls. The best were all the street scenes that were SO clearly filmed in L.A. and not in Berlin. And next time you try something similar note that the Stasi files can practically be viewed in every other public library and are not stored in some Fort Knox guarded by Arnold Schwarzenegger rip-offs with blood-thirsty german shepards. God I'm so pissed of the programme was overdubbed, I would have loved to hear those fake german accents. ("Wot arr you doing zere?? Hands ap orr I vill haf to shoot you!!")

Well the whole thing was clearly aimed at raising PRRRRAISE for America, the country that brought the world true worthy cultural achievements like Howard Stern, Walt Disney and of course....(taaa-daaaa!!): quality television.

God I can't believe I missed Xena for this rubbish.

But now I must dash, Gremlins 2 is on.
> Though I doubt it, has anyone but me seen that episode of Relic
> Hunter that plays in Germany??

> Thank you whoever is responsible for that programme because I
> haven't laughed so painfully hard in a very long time. But
> well....I know you obviously didn't have millions to blow on
> filming but you could have bothered just a little bit more. I
> mean even Joe Simple from Loonyville, Idaho will have a vague
> guess that not all Germans run around in Lederhosen and Dirndls.
> The best were all the street scenes that were SO clearly filmed
> in L.A. and not in Berlin. And next time you try something
> similar note that the Stasi files can practically be viewed in
> every other public library and are not stored in some Fort Knox
> guarded by Arnold Schwarzenegger rip-offs with blood-thirsty
> german shepards. God I'm so pissed of the programme was
> overdubbed, I would have loved to hear those fake german
> accents. ("Wot arr you doing zere?? Hands ap orr I vill haf
> to shoot you!!")

> Well the whole thing was clearly aimed at raising PRRRRAISE for
> America, the country that brought the world true worthy cultural
> achievements like Howard Stern, Walt Disney and of
> course....(taaa-daaaa!!): quality television.

> God I can't believe I missed Xena for this rubbish.

> But now I must dash, Gremlins 2 is on.
Whar side is that on i've been flicking through and cannot find it (Gremlins 2)
> Whar side is that on i've been flicking through and cannot find
> it (Gremlins 2)

Well stop looking (not only because it's over, but also) because it was on in MY country which is incedentely Germany..... That's why I got so worked up over how that programme presented it - though it was quite a laugh I must admit. But the little worrier in me always worries that some stupid american kid that comes to this site might picture me posting my messages in a dirndl with long blonde plaits to each side of my arian head.... (and all zose liies, vritten liies, tvisted liies...)

And YOU thought you had too much time on your hands on Sundays....

Is it over yet?? Oh yeah it is, beddy time.......thank god.
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