Southpaw Grammar/Maladjusted reissues

Has it really? The last time I checked amazon it said the same release date for both.

Edit: It still does.

I just checked myself. This has changed since I last looked (about a forenight ago). Oh well - makes synergizing international orders easier! Had I known that, I would have added them to my recordstore bundle.

And, as if by magic...



Beat me to it!
I am trying to buy SG on friday afternoon "the classic way" like I did in September 1995, when no one talked about amazon or some sin like that.

The german amazon site clearly lists 2 different versions of SG, available from Friday on.
11,99 € for the "pure edition" and 16,99 € for the ecolbook format.

Well, I can have both :)
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Does anybody know what an Ecolbook is supposed to be?

I believe it is simply a case with a bound spine for the liner notes and a pasted sleeve for the CD, usually made out of recycled paper. A good example would be the David Bowie 30th Anniversary editions of Ziggy Stardust and Aladdin Sane that came out earlier in the decade. The "Ecol" tag stems from the lack of plastic packaging.


Or, what Peter said! ;)
i would think both are the same:confused: (the special edition od sg with extra tracks and linernotes)
... the german version released on friday and the british version on monday
if the german one has any extra specials or is any different beside the extra tracks and linernotes..they surely would have advertised it?:confused:..someone on friday will surely be able to make a pic of the german one from the outside when they bought it...(not me, i dont have a digi cam)
but i will scan the missing linernotes then as word has indeed not printed the complete ones
but since i found it too pricey here i will bring it back to the store where i will buy it (media markt: 17,49 euro) listen to it and bring it back to buy it again for the 8 /9 pound they sell it in the UK when i am there at the end of may..its just a few euros a will save through that but i need every euro at the moment

(i just cant wait for a month to hear it)
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Maybe that's gonna be a UK import for Germany.

It costs far too much, the exchange rate doesn't justify such a huge price difference and there is no customs duty either. I wonder why the German edition is different...
linernotes southpaw
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