Smash Hits


Whilst perusing the new books in Borders the other day i came across a Smash Hits retrorospective annual, obviously published for the xmas market. It does contain, however, both the full texts and photoes of the Moz Meat is Murder interview and the Moz/Pete Burns interview, so you may want to put it on your xmas list to Santa.
I've got an original copy of the Burns/Moz issue. I wonder if it's worth much? As I remember, the interview's just plain silly.
I found an old issue of Smash Hits in my loft the other day, (from 8th february 1989 to be exact), with an article titled "Morrissey: Odd or What?!!?"..It's just basically a load of supposedly 'strange' snippets of info about him. Quite funny...i like the lonely hearts ad which he apparently once placed- (quote from moz)-

"It said, 'I'm dying of loneliness and need to be rescued or else i'll sink into obscurity', which i did. I also put that i was mad, ugly, spotty and totally odorous. No reply."

Smash Hits was brilliant back then..
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