Severed Alliance/Visual Documentary – contradiction


Junior Member
I didn't want to open an extra-thread, but the Severed-Alliance-thread I found were read-only... so...

I'm just reading the Severed Alliance and was surprised to find an obvious contradiction which made me wonder how accurate the book is...

from the Visual Documentary by Johnny Rogan:
10 May 1979
"'There are no lengths I would not got to in order to live in Paris.' Morrissey fantasizes, as several of his local friends head off for France." (no mention that he travels, too)

from the book by Johnny Rogan describing the same time:
"Morrissey barely lasted a month in Thatcherite Britain* before whisking off to Paris for a week's holiday."

I don't know if there are more mistakes, as I'm not really comparing the books... Did anyone compare?

*after returning from London
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