Seeking a button from one of SPM's shows


I was able to catch a button from one of SPM's gorgeous button-ups during his last Myrtle Beach show. It was a "D & G", pearly white with its threading still attached...I'm getting sad thinking of that little button and its sweet company it gave weeks following his show. It's home was a small pouch tucked away in one of my rooms. One dreadful day several months ago, my little ones were playing in this particular room unsupervised. My 2 year old found my special pouch and did something to the button. To this day, I have no idea of its whereabouts. Does anyone have extras they can share?
It was probably DG and not D&G, as Moz would be above D&G.

You could always take a seam ripper into Barneys or Neiman Marcus...
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