prosecuting the mentally ill

Oh my god. it's Robby!

spontaneously luminescent

last night I was involved in a brutal altercation at work :(
& soon I must decide whether to follow up on our actual complaint
or hopefully just be a witness for someone else
so to help me decide this, I looked up the bastard we had arrested last night*
turns out he has been in and out of mental institutions for years :eek:
he never stays for too long and last night's simple attack by him won't give him much more time
the system really does suck, I mean this guy is a monster!
but time and time again these people are able to use the law against us
I fear I may even have to make sure he is prosecuted just to protect myself
its just wrong man, wrong, why are the mentally ill so often given a free pass when it comes to committing crimes here in San Francisco?
how can that be 'the liberal thing' to do?
it makes our streets, homes and places of businesses unsafe?
this is a good thing?
I just don't get it. :confused:

*=i got his name from his wallet, i find that knowing the name of the person you are calling the cops on can be helpful info to give them in case the person is already wanted or has a previous record :guitar:
Unfortunately, any more, there just aren't that many places for mentally ill people to go. :( Many mental hospitals have closed their doors, for various reasons. The mentally ill need more support than what many of them have right now. :(
File a complaint for your and his own good. One, because your safety is important and you can never be too cautious, and secondly because this person apparently doesn't need to be out on his own for his own--and others--own good.
I was misled. I thought this thread was going to be about Robby being put on trial.
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How did you find out he had been in and out of psychiatric hospitals??

They were bunk mates during the first week of their orientation at the hospital
**lord of the flies pot calls kettle black
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