POLL: Tea or coffee?

Re: Tea. Coffee is a yucky American drink.

Yeah, A usless South American invention popularised by the people that had to save your sorry limey asses in TWO world wars. Not once but TWICE!
mostly tea. no sugar, with milk. can't drink it after certain time periods or will never be able to go to sleep that night no matter how tired i am, or unless i'm going out that night and it's the weekend, then i'll drink it.

Coffee is good when served as frozen, sweetened drink with lots of cream. sometimes hot, but has to be a good quality coffee. No instant. Coffee flavored icecream is good.
Neither, I drink Diet Coke, water, red wine or beer. That's it.
Coffee is NOT of American origin...RETARDS!!

For us Westerners coffee is three hundred years old, but in the East it was widespread as a beverage, in every level of society, since earlier times. The first definite dates go back to 800 b.C.; but already Homer, and many Arabian legends, tell the story of a mysterious black and bitter beverage with powers of stimulation. In the year 1000 about, Avicenna was administering coffee as a medecine. And there is a strange story, dating from 1400, of a Yemeni shepherd who, having observed some goats cropping reddish berries from a bush, and subsequently becoming restless and excited, reported the incident to a monk. The latter boiled the berries, and then distilled a bitter beverage, rich in strength, and capable of dispersing sleep and weariness.

However the discovery occurred, the fact remains that the coffee plant was born in Africa in an Ethiopian region (Kaffa). From there it spread to Yemen, Arabia and Egypt, where it developed enormously, and entered popular daily life.
I can have both

I like'em both.

As far as coffee, it has to be good, strong espresso coffe. not the sort you get from Starbucks either. There are very few cafes here in Auckland where I can coffee at .... but there is nothing more beautiful than a double flat white, with thick crema. I developed a nasty caffine addiction a few years ago, drinking at least three double espressos a day, maybe more. But now I'm in control ...

In my opinion, instant "coffee" isn't really coffee. It's like calling methalated spirits wine.

I love tea, too, but mostly just Earl Gray. I realise that this tea tends to polarise people, but I love it, and drink it every day.
Re: POLL: Tea or coffee? Greasetea please.
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