Playboys question


Junior Member
I dont think this has been brought before though most likely it has. At the time of Playboys release Morrissey namechecked Bolan Bowie Devoto and himself as the last of... in interview with the enemy. I can see Bowie and Bolan but Howard Devoto? is there something i m missing??
...Maybe nothing to do with anything Allie...BUT...I did meet Howard at a "Ludus" gig in "Eric's", liverpool, centuries ago...( and he was a decent enough chap to chat with..). maybe Morrissey was there too,(?) as the Ludus brought quite a few fans from Manchester down with them to the gig...( I know Mozzer Praises them to the skies, but to me personally, they were just more Yawn-inducing than Ground-breaking...but thats just me...).
Oh, and I don't know about him being a "Playboy", ( famous, Rich, or otherwise...)but he also bought me half of Lager!!!.Cheers Howie!!
I think they were just good friends .Howard was working in a library in Lewisholm a while back........
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