Pet Shop Boys praise Moz on BBC Radio 2 Jonathan Ross show earlier


Junior Member
Neil tennant and Chris Lowe also heading to The Palladium tomorrow night.

Jonathan Ross said friends of his thought last sunday's gig was fantastic.
hey bournemoz, we must have posted at the same time, anyway, here's my post again :) (keeping it in the same thread)

Pet Shop Boys was on the Jonathan Ross show (radio) today and they talked briefly about Morrissey when Ross asked them about what they thought of him. Neil Tennant didn't seem like he was a massive fan but he did say he quite liked some of the songs and thought Morrissey was a 'briliant performer'. And I'm not sure I heard right but Chris Lowe said that he (both of them?) was going to see Morrissey tomorrow at the Palladium. Jonathan Ross then said that some of his friends had been last Sunday at the Palladium and they thought it was brilliant, and having been there myself last week I can't disagree.
I have seen Neil and Chris at many Moz shows in London across the years.

The most memorable was in 1995 when I had fron row seats for Drury Lane (last night of the tour) and behind me about 3 rows back were both Pet Shop Boys and Sonya from Echobelly (remember them!)

Mind you, the seats didn't last toolong as as soon as Moz came on the first 4 or 5 rows became a moshpit!
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