O2 Highlights tonight on Channel 4 (UK)


I only just joined this forum, but I've been reading here for a while now. I had to post because I was right at the front last night! I got crushed against the barriers and I am very bruised! I did manage to get quite a few photos and some videos too. They are crap quality because I was getting shoved pretty hard by the crowd so the pictures are blurry and the videos make you seasick! I wondered if anybody wanted me to share them here? I have all of the pictures on photobucket. Can I just post them here? I haven't uploaded the videos yet, and it may take a while, so I will try after work tomorrow.

It was an amazing set! I was in tears and I swear I felt faint! I've never seen Morrissey live before, and it was an incredible experience! I was totally overwhelmed! He did sound a little strained, but it didn't take anything away from the performance. I watched the Channel 4 highlights this morning as I got a family member to tape them for me, and he certainly sounded better than that!! I was on the TV too!

Apparently Morrissey banned all meat from the VIP area and all of the bands were forced to eat veggie food all day. I did laugh at that! His jokes about Kylie, George Bush and meat were brilliant too! The crowd went wild every time he spoke! I still can't believe I was actually there and that I have seen my absolute hero in the flesh! I feel faint all over again every time I think about it!

So, yeah, a really long post that I didn't intend to make, but I just wanted to know if anybody wanted to see my pictures/videos?


Jeeeez kid, is this your first ever gig or something? :rolleyes:
Re: All You Need Is Moz

I was wearing a red/white checkered shirt, and jeans. Quite bland really. Brown Hair? Lip piercing?

Cool, I'm not sure.. male/female? Did you enjoy it? I hope my poster didn't get in your way. Unfortunately, I think it did a little for some people but I didn't realise at the time. Morrissey was wonderful wasn't he?
I came back a bit worse for wear after the gig and proceeded to tell 3 14yo girls (my girlfriend's daughter and her mates) that they shouldn't be watching whatever cruddy music channel they were but turn on to Ch4 to see a true music legend. As one of them is a bit of an emo I thought she may be willing for a bit of education (and not in that sense magistrate:eek:)

Anyway waited patiently for Moz and not even a peek-a-boo (geddit?) of Siouxsie who I so thoroughly enjoyed. Don't think they even showed the Courteneers.

Anyway to cut a long story short Morrissey sounded frankly dreadful on the TV and the band sounded as if they were playing through a Casio keyboard c1981 complete with bossanova rhythm setting. The sound wasn't great but it wasn't that bad.
Needless to say the 3 girls looked at me as if I was completely mental. (as did my girlfriend whose one and only time of seeing Moz live culminated in the question; "HAS HE GOT ISSUES?")

I then regaled them with a tale about how my maths teacher got wrongly accused of molesting his stepchildren, by his stepchildren at which point I was told, wisely, it was time for bed!
I came back a bit worse for wear after the gig and proceeded to tell 3 14yo girls (my girlfriend's daughter and her mates) that they shouldn't be watching whatever cruddy music channel they were but turn on to Ch4 to see a true music legend. As one of them is a bit of an emo I thought she may be willing for a bit of education (and not in that sense magistrate:eek:)

Anyway waited patiently for Moz and not even a peek-a-boo (geddit?) of Siouxsie who I so thoroughly enjoyed. Don't think they even showed the Courteneers.

Anyway to cut a long story short Morrissey sounded frankly dreadful on the TV and the band sounded as if they were playing through a Casio keyboard c1981 complete with bossanova rhythm setting. The sound wasn't great but it wasn't that bad.
Needless to say the 3 girls looked at me as if I was completely mental. (as did my girlfriend whose one and only time of seeing Moz live culminated in the question; "HAS HE GOT ISSUES?")

I then regaled them with a tale about how my maths teacher got wrongly accused of molesting his stepchildren, by his stepchildren at which point I was told, wisely, it was time for bed!

"girlfriend" is a bit strong innit avvy? i mean if it's got a teenage offspring the term "girl" is a bit strong surely? I suppose ole workhouse at 40 is still a "lad" and deviant d.p.(with his wondrous wife) is still one of the boys "yawwwwn" .

Unless she had her offspring early,but surely that would contravene your right wing views on teenage pregnancies on council estates.Mind you , you always were the worst form of hypocrite.

I'll get you an a2z next valentines day (yes people,cruellest of ironies avvy was born on valentines day) so you can differentiate between windsor and greater london.

"my mates stanley is a prophet that i think you will be listening to"
:guitar::guitar:work'ouse rawk!
Only one of them has been keeping copies of your abusive e-mails, puerile comments, stalking tendencies (which everyone knew about anyway) since your dad decided to invest in a computer.
Needless to say its noone who isn't related to you. Shocked he was I can tell you at the depth of your internet abuse.
So if being my age isn't a "girlfriend" what does that make you still living at home and sponging off your fat and your parents? Hey?
You never know the housing market may have picked back up by the time
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