Noises that annoy you...

blue jag

The sound of my mobile alarm in the morning.

Loud snoring.


The sound of someone cracking their knuckles.
- American football

- rednecks speaking to each other

- that strange accent that the Queen speaks in - wtf is that? I've never heard that out of any other English person's mouth.

- most country western music

- most jazz

- most rap

- Ryan Jarman's speaking voice

- drills

- the Disney channel on in the background (I have a young daughter.)

- Bob Dylan's singing voice

(I'll probably be back. Sounds/noises can drive me insane.)
Me too...the noise is horrid and what a boring 'sport'

Can someone tell me how on earth Formula 1 can be intersting? Usually someone leads from start to finish, they just go round and round making a bloody din and get paid £10 million a year.ZZZZZZZZZ.........
Can someone tell me how on earth Formula 1 can be intersting? Usually someone leads from start to finish, they just go round and round making a bloody din and get paid £10 million a year.ZZZZZZZZZ.........

It confuses the hell out of me as well. I used to live in Richmond, VA, where racing is a HUGE thing. It's embarrassing! I think that the thrill of watching it is in hoping someone will be fatally injured. :[

The incessant barking of a nearby dog.

Bamboo wind chimes (what is the point? They sound like a load of tin cans being dragged along the road on the back of a "just married" car)


Burglar alarms going off for hours on end.

people and their bloody crisp packets in the cinema.

Yes Im just completely intolerant and need to live on a desert island (just wait for the post from Superhans saying "we all wish you would").
It confuses the hell out of me as well. I used to live in Richmond, VA, where racing is a HUGE thing. It's embarrassing! I think that the thrill of watching it is in hoping someone will be fatally injured. :[

Formula 1 is so safe these days you could drop a nuclear bomb on the car and the driver would just walk away.Takes the only possible bit of enjoyment away from the sport! (only kidding :lbf:).
Formula 1 - definatley

Foxes at night time screaming

A fly caught in my curtains

Akon, Lil Wayne...any of them really

Timberland! :mad: (as he is on every single song practically!)

The noise msn makes when you have a message
Emergency broadcast system tests on TV - OMG, I have to turn the TV off. It's painful. (Do they have anything like that in England or is that just an American thing?)

Also, the Perry Mason theme song. I'm reaching back in time here, but when I was a child they'd play reruns of Perry Mason on TV and the theme song chilled my blood. I once injured myself trying to get to the TV to turn it off. (Pre-remote control! I'm dating myself.)
Being woken up by a Fire-Alarm is the worst noise i have ever heard.

The post falling on the floor.

The telephone when you're not expecting a call.

Having constipation and hearing a massive fart instead of a sold SPLASH!!!

Hearing really loud dance music from a passing car driven by some mental void.
Being woken up by a Fire-Alarm is the worst noise i have ever heard.

The post falling on the floor.

The telephone when you're not expecting a call.

Having constipation and hearing a massive fart instead of a sold SPLASH!!!

Hearing really loud dance music from a passing car driven by some mental void.

Totally agree with all these!:thumb:What happened to tranquility?!
Hmm, it's been such a long time since i experienced tranquility i forget what it feels like.

And that should read solid splash and not sold, which makes no sense..:)

Hearing other people having great sex when you're on your own trying to toss-Off.

Hearing the phrase "Time gentlemen please" when you're still able to stand.
- The sound of people swallowing their liquid beverages
- People who lick their f***ing fingers loudly when they are sorting through a pile of paper
- Chewing
- Babies/children crying
- Being woken up by cats/foxes yowling in the back garden
- Birdsong at 5am
- LOUD London accents
- The sound of people swallowing their liquid beverages
- People who lick their f***ing fingers loudly when they are sorting through a pile of paper
- Chewing
- Babies/children crying
- Being woken up by cats/foxes yowling in the back garden
- Birdsong at 5am
- LOUD London accents

The licking fingers and the bird song.Really annoying.
Hmm, it's been such a long time since i experienced tranquility i forget what it feels like.

And that should read solid splash and not sold, which makes no sense..:)

Hearing other people having great sex when you're on your own trying to toss-Off.

Hearing the phrase "Time gentlemen please" when you're still able to stand.

If any of us actually ever found any tranquility you can bet your bottom dollar Kewpie would come along and moderate it.
The alarm clock in the morning.

Cliff Richard

My kids arguing.Which is like constant.
bj'smummoaning blue jag <3 blue jag ftw ebola>robby evenjzsh8screed finch=blue jag myeye=bluejag robby
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