Moz Tour 2002 (London)


Girl Unafraid

I propose that we all carry a bar of Toblerone (sticking out of one of our pockets) in order that we all recognise each other in London. More original than a copy of The Times, don't you think?

We could then throw them all on the stage during a pre-arranged song. Wouldn't THAT confuse the hell out of poor Moz??

We are the biggest Morrissey fans we have a gang called The Toblerone Heads

What about curly scouscer wigs and tracksuits????

> I propose that we all carry a bar of Toblerone (sticking out of one of our
> pockets) in order that we all recognise each other in London. More
> original than a copy of The Times, don't you think?

> We could then throw them all on the stage during a pre-arranged song.
> Wouldn't THAT confuse the hell out of poor Moz??
whatever happened to the gladioli brigade, eh?
just on a point (toblerone, geddit) of health & safety, are toblerones vegetarian, I'd hate for Moz to do a runner, remember 1992 Finsbury park?
Grim O'G.
more sweet things

> What about curly scouscer wigs and tracksuits????

Hey, calm down, calm down!
What about the tic-tac shaking society? Have I lost the plot?
Grim O'G
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