Moz T-shirt Advice...

Explosive Kegs

Dear God, I LOVE IT!
I love to screen print homemade Mozzer t-shirts for me & my friends, so I was thinking for London I would do the Je Suis Morrissey. tshirts in different languages...

I am Morrissey (this one is obvious)
Sono Morrissey (Italian)
Ich bin Morrissey (German)
Estou Morrissey (Portuguese)
Jeg er Morrissey (Danish)
I-KIRJAIN olen Morrissey (Finnish)
EG er Morrissey (Icelandic)
Estoy Morrissey (Spanish)
JA jestem Morrissey (Polish)
JAG er Morrissey (Swedish)
Dwi Morrissey (Danish)
EGO sum Morrissey (Latin)

Which do you guys think would be cool? OR, you can let me know if you think it's a stupid idea...LOL. Also, let me know if I spelled something wrong.
I love to screen print homemade Mozzer t-shirts for me & my friends, so I was thinking for London I would do the Je Suis Morrissey. tshirts in different languages...

I am Morrissey (this one is obvious)
Sono Morrissey (Italian)
Ich bin Morrissey (German)
Estou Morrissey (Portuguese)
Jeg er Morrissey (Danish)
I-KIRJAIN olen Morrissey (Finnish)
EG er Morrissey (Icelandic)
Estoy Morrissey (Spanish)
JA jestem Morrissey (Polish)
JAG er Morrissey (Swedish)
Dwi Morrissey (Danish)
EGO sum Morrissey (Latin)

Which do you guys think would be cool? OR, you can let me know if you think it's a stupid idea...LOL. Also, let me know if I spelled something wrong.

Latin one is OK; Spanish one should be "Soy," not "Estoy."
Thanks for the corrections everyone. I just got the translations from the cheezy internet translators... I REALLY like some of your ideas...if I go with one of the ideas I will send you a t-shirt!
How about this one for wearing in London.....

'I am the editor of the NME':D:D:D

Jukebox Jury
what about a good acronym for NME?

Morrissey being the second word obvious.

I'm not sure about T-Shirts but we ought to customise the chanting :D


Just another correction:

Portuguese: Eu sou Morrissey

and if you want to add japanese:

Watashi wa Morrissey desu
Is mise Morrissey. or Is mise O' Muirgheasa - Irish. (As Gaeilge) Pronounce mise as misha. Is has a soft s.
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