Morrissey, UK, September

Not heard anything yet. Come on Captain Tractor we are all waiting. Any more to tell us yet?
He'd play the new venue in Llandudno. The place he played in before was a conference centre and I'm really surprised they dumped him in there.
Llandudno is about 45mins into North Wales from Chester.

Ok, I know a lot of rumours are spread on this website claiming to be from "Sources in the know" and it ends up to be total bollocks

Yes and you have just started one.
Come back when it is signed, sealed and delivered. This is simply whipping up excitement in people who will no doubt be let down and then will be seen flogging a two night break in Llandudno on the market place on this site.

I do hope you prove me wrong, but lets just wait rather than speculate and all get worked up over a 'rumour'.

Jukebox Jury
I hope he drops into Ireland on his way back to Italy via the UK
OH MY GOOOOOOOOOD!! I'm gonna be in London in September!!! I'm hoping more than any of you that Morrissey plays when I'm thereee!!

Dear God please help me... Please please please, let me get what I want.. To see Morrissey live!!! Because the have no tour plans for Southamerica :( Buaaahh!! Oh... Praying, hoping, waiting..

ceciiiii - really? I haven't been to london since I was 16 - which was in the 80ies.... - and have been wanting to go again for ages. a moz concert would be the perfect trigger to get me to finally do it - and then we HAVE to go to the concert together ok!!! ??? !!!! wouldn't that be F U N?
OH MY GOOOOOOOOOD!! I'm gonna be in London in September!!! I'm hoping more than any of you that Morrissey plays when I'm thereee!!

Dear God please help me... Please please please, let me get what I want.. To see Morrissey live!!! Because the have no tour plans for Southamerica :( Buaaahh!! Oh... Praying, hoping, waiting..

Oh I hope its true!!Let us girlies meet up pre show and talk Moz!!:D
Wil he finally play Southampton!?


I will travel far to see him though! :)
Yes and you have just started one.
Come back when it is signed, sealed and delivered. This is simply whipping up excitement in people who will no doubt be let down and then will be seen flogging a two night break in Llandudno on the market place on this site.

I do hope you prove me wrong, but lets just wait rather than speculate and all get worked up over a 'rumour'.

Jukebox Jury

It's posts like this which make me wonder I bother telling you people in the first place, I'm quite happy to just keep it to myself. BUT as I know that even the slightest chance of a UK gig excites me, I decide to keep you informed. So if this rumour is bollocks to you, choose not to believe and go look at another post.

In other news, I have had to conduct conversations via f*cking FaceBook as I can't contact her via her work email (if you wish to see the chat, Jukebox Jury, then I'll take a screenshot of it and post it on here if you so wish)

Anyway, the story is I posted a Morrissey picture to my profile, and this was her reply:

Her: "You wouldn't believe how much stress this man is causing me at the moment!


Me: "And you still won't tell me anything. Humph! : ("

Her: "Because he keeps changing his sodding mind! I'm very tempted to put lots of MEAT on the rider...

If he decides he does like what we've offered him, then the date i was telling you about is in the schedule."

Me: "What's the offer and what's the date? Please Please Please : D I'll give you good things.

What's the venue(s)?


Her: "I'll tell you when we confirm :p

The Welsh one is down for the end of Aug.

It's more than my life's worth to say more, plus it may all change again!

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If it does happen its obvious why Moz is playing Llandudno again. As many Scouse/ Mancs do he is obviosuly going to take a week's break in a caravan (maybe near Rhyl) and has decided to do a little turn at the Llandudno Centre while he's there.

Lets hope the Bangor contingent aren't allowed in!!

Can't see this happening my self so I wouldn't boko flights etc just yet. Maybe hes planning to play Boston (Lincolnshire) Northampton and York as the rescheduled shows!
If it does happen its obvious why Moz is playing Llandudno again. As many Scouse/ Mancs do he is obviosuly going to take a week's break in a caravan (maybe near Rhyl) and has decided to do a little turn at the Llandudno Centre while he's there.

Lets hope the Bangor contingent aren't allowed in!!

Can't see this happening my self so I wouldn't boko flights etc just yet. Maybe hes planning to play Boston (Lincolnshire) Northampton and York as the rescheduled shows!

Fingers crossed : P

Can you seriously picture Moz in a caravan with his cardy and a mug of tea? Awww : )
ceciiiii - really? I haven't been to london since I was 16 - which was in the 80ies.... - and have been wanting to go again for ages. a moz concert would be the perfect trigger to get me to finally do it - and then we HAVE to go to the concert together ok!!! ??? !!!! wouldn't that be F U N?

Oh I hope its true!!Let us girlies meet up pre show and talk Moz!!:D

Heeeeeeeey girrrrrls!! That would be a dream come true, hehehe, seeing Morrissey and hanging out with you!!! Oh please Morrissey, come, come to London!

Anyway, with show or not show I'll be there anyway in the week of September the 10th... it will be for work, but the evenings/nights I'll have then free... I hope not too tired :) I'm looking forward to the Morrissey fans meeting!! :D

Ok, I know a lot of rumours are spread on this website claiming to be from "Sources in the know" and it ends up to be total bollocks. (Johnny Marr appearing at the GMex for instance!)

BUT, I DO have a friend who works at SJM concerts... Apparently they are discussing with Moz's manager (is that Merck...?) about potential concerts in the UK.

Llandudno is one place mentioned and a three nighter at a place in London (which holds conferences...don't suppose anyone in the London area would have an idea?!)

Anyway, what's holding it all up (apparently) is that Moz can't have the dates he wants. Rumoured to be September.

I don't know how true this all is, but she has no reason to lie to me. But anyway, I just thought I'd let you know.

I'll ask her for more info now (via email), if you have any relevent questions, please ask and I'll forward them on.

Please don't shout at me for supposed rumour creating as I'm NOT. I'm just as excited and anxious as you are....and hope it comes true!

Oh flucking yes!
My rumour bells are ringing quite loudly, especially as if it is a s you say in september, and it is july in a day or two, then the tix should have already been on sale.. :confused:

The September 2004 UK dates weren't even announced until mid-August!
Fingers crossed : P

Can you seriously picture Moz in a caravan with his cardy and a mug of tea? Awww : )

Um yes. With the rain lashing outside, a bit of toast, Monopoly and a good book.
One of my closest friends has a sister who works in concert sales. I'm trying to get him to talk to her to see if she has heard any rumours. I don't know what comapny she works for, but is based in London. Worth a try. I'll post any news if I uncover any.....

I, too, prey that this is true. :D

So, the detective work begins.... ;)
One of my closest friends has a sister who works in concert sales. I'm trying to get him to talk to her to see if she has heard any rumours. I don't know what comapny she works for, but is based in London. Worth a try. I'll post any news if I uncover any.....

I, too, prey that this is true. :D

So, the detective work begins.... ;)

My friend works for SJM. If that helps at all : )
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