Morrissey Technical Rider - Summer 2016

Images from an anonymous person (UPDATE Aug. 28 - these images are excerpts from the technical rider, not the full rider):


UPDATE Aug. 28:

Tweet from @DickieFelton on Aug. 20, 2016. Link posted by Loretta Swit in the comments:

#Morrissey and crew meal from #Manchester Arena

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I would say this is genuine. I know onions are not allowed as they make your breath smell hence the chewing gum.
I personally don't care either way. It doesn't change Morrissey's impact on animal rights one iota.
However, the YOR-era logo on this particular document does make me think it might be a photoshop job of an older rider.

FYI Dickie Felton did tweet a picture of the band/crew catering menu from the Manchester gig, and it has vegan selections on it.

The charge list from the Dickie Fenton tweet showing a Manchester tour menu for Morrissey's crew:

Vegetarian (not just Vegan) salad option
Sour Cream
Pesto (Parmesan)
Paneer cheese

If the menu used Vegan substitutes for the sour cream/pesto/yoghurt/paneer/'butter'/custard and cheeseboard then all that needs explaining is the redundancy of stating both 'Vegetarian' and 'Vegan' salad options.

If ANY dairy products were used in this menu then Morrissey has some explaining to do.

Due to the risible use of the word 'vegetarian' alongside 'vegan' I see no reason not to contingently conclude that Morrissey allowed the use of Dairy for his crew menu whilst lecturing the dietary morals of his audience by stating "What's your excuse" at the end of 'Meat Is Murder'. To which the only logical response is to tell Morrissey firmly that Cheese Bleeds and Milk Is Murder. So, Morrissey: "what's YOUR excuse?"

There is no excuse.
It's over. He is finished.
No, I'm sure lots of people here share your view.However, I can assure Morrissey does not. He knows that if either this tour rider or the crew menu that Dickie Felton tweeted is authentic then I am going to publicly humiliate him in such as a way as to make him an eternal laughing stock whenever his name is mentioned. That will be his legacy. Trust me. I'm no joker and Morrissey knows it.
Moz most likely has no idea who you are. It's both funny and sad that you actually believe he does. You need to leave this fake world and join the real one. At least for a short while.

Let's face it; you're sitting in your basement (I would assume you're not behaving like this for all to see), spending uncountable hours (years, really) trying to deface a pop star from behind your computer screen, writing endless amounts of angry and begrudging posts on this site. And I know we've had this exact conversation before, but...nothing's changed. You're still as unstable. And I know it's useless to try and talk sense into you. One can't reason with ill people (judging from your behavior you're not a well man, and I'm sorry).
TRUE2BENNY. Official Statement 28/8/16

This story Kerrygold but it goes on !

Benny has only just been made aware of this latest development concerning the leaked document above during his morning read and will not be making any further comment on the matter until later in the day when a full statement is expected to be issued at around 17:00 to 18:00 in response to the alleged non vegan rider circa 2016.


Likewise, Mozambiguous will be making no extended comments at this juncture until the veracity of this document can be determined.

However, events will be monitored throughout the day and I will be ready to pounce if and when it's deemed necessary.

In the meantime I will just state that my thoughts go out to the families of all dairy cows who may have lost loved ones in the preparations for Morrissey's tour. I condemn the above document in the strongest terms; whether it was released in 2009 or 2016, it's still a stark reminder of Morrissey's 30+ years of Cheesetarian CrankFraudulence.

And as always, I stand shoulder to shoulder with the dairy cows and remain against any attack on their autonomy as thinking, feeling creatures who deserve to live out the full duration of their lives without being interfered with by a C-list pop singer grasping at their teats because his dressing room requires KerryGold butter.

The symbolic pirate flag of will fly at half-mast in their honour until answers are provided. If indeed the date on the front of this tour rider proves to be accurate I encourage all right thinking people on this website to join together in solidarity against the oppressive, deceptive, charlatan circumlocution of the Morrissey Brand.

A call to verbal arms to combat the lies spewed by the butter junkie attempting to hide the fact that he's been talking out of both sides of his mouth whilst compulsively consuming dairy in whichever side was currently unoccupied.

He's been gulping down the dairy since whatever age he was finally weaned off his mother's milk and it seems after 30+ years in the public eye - if the rider can conclusively be proven to be real - that he hasn't been able to come off the stuff just yet.

He has the mandibular prognathism of a man who's been mindlessly sucking at udders for his entire life - he's got scars that can be seen. If he had found a magnificent real pair of female breasts to put his mouth on regularly then his life may not have been so lonely and desperate that he was reliant on the stuff coming from cows' teats for nourishment. But maybe he ordered his lackeys to request it this time around because he likes to smear KerryGold on his chest and have Damon lick it off; I don't know what this sick f*** does in the privacy of his dressing room surrounded by dairy products. Ignorance is bliss in this case.

It certainly has the air of fetishism about it, though, with all his doubletalk. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets Damon to wear leather and collar him and force him, naked, to kneel on the floor and lick butter from KerryGold tubs. All I know is that whatever the explanation is, it's something perverse and probably stems from his childhood.

At any rate, our resolve will not be weakened against this buffoon. We'll fight in the trenches and we can defeat this chancer and shut his mouth good and proper, FOREVER. Won't be difficult; he keeps giving us opportunities for open shots. I've got one lined up between his eyes right now and all that's needed is confirmation of this rider's accuracy for me to pull the trigger on his b!tch ass.

Hopefully for him it'll be found to be a falsified document in which case he might live to fight another day, just about.

Most of the infos in that rider or supposed rider are out there for ages. Could easily be faked. This interview is from 1984:

What would you find in Room 101, the room in Orwell's 1984 where Winston Smith is confronted by his worst fear?

Could anything be more horrifying than garlic and onions? I have this pathetic phobia about them, everything, especially the smell frightens me to death.
i wish he would just finally give up the pretense, and have ham sandwiches, cheesburgers, steaks and the big chinese box with the roasted pig in it, in the rider. i bet they gouge on the cheese and eggs and leave the veggies untouched.
the beer and wine Moz lifts back to the hotel and what he doesnt drink in the lobby he takes back for home consumption.

just free yourself of your veggie dogmatism and do what you want to do, have a meat platter ffs, enough of the secret kerrygold riders
The fake document contains (at a quick glance) seven basic literacy errors and inconsistencies.

Anyone else see Morrissey requesting "nice" flowers in a "nice" vase?

Brummie, Morrissey will never, ever respond to anything reported on Solo. To do so would give Solo a level of recognition it really doesn't deserve. Whilst that is sad for those who genuinely like Morrissey/Morrissey's music, it is hardly surprising.

Anyway, thanks for the entertainment.
The fake document contains (at a quick glance) seven basic literacy errors and inconsistencies.

Anyone else see Morrissey requesting "nice" flowers in a "nice" vase?

Brummie, Morrissey will never, ever respond to anything reported on Solo. To do so would give Solo a level of recognition it really doesn't deserve. Whilst that is sad for those who genuinely like Morrissey/Morrissey's music, it is hardly surprising.

Anyway, thanks for the entertainment.

Actually, he has.
Statement from Morrissey re: Mike Joyce on BBC 6 - - Nov. 30, 2005

Statement from Morrissey:

The latest statements from M Joyce on a BBC 6 radio interview as faithfully reported on the MorrisseySoLow site have been brought to my attention and I feel I should make this reply as an attempt to put the matter straight.

Brummie, Morrissey will never, ever respond to anything reported on Solo. To do so would give Solo a level of recognition it really doesn't deserve. Whilst that is sad for those who genuinely like Morrissey/Morrissey's music, it is hardly surprising.
The last rider we saw requested gluten-free bread, marmelade without gelatine and unsalted cashew nuts and suddenly there can be gluten in the bread, gelatine in the marmelade and salt on the nuts?
LOL! Look at how quickly DavidT and UnkSkinny rush in with their fleeting moments of forcing his hand! You two are pathetic ticks on the man's career and your desperation for further recognition reeks like an ugly cologne.

Accepted, but this was two years ago and related to a pretty serious allegation. I'm not so sure that he will feel the need to comment on whether he does, or does not, eat a type of cheese.

I could be wrong. I usually am.

Skinny, you are clearly an intelligent and rational youngish man. You have already hinted that you think this is fake...then why on earth has it been given space on Solo? It is no different to some photoshop gunslinger putting together an image of Morrissey stamping on kittens and inviting comments from some of the buffoons who live here.

All it does is invite ridicule and scorn for the moderators and the 'agenda'. There can be no significant debate when the source material is a fabrication.
Statement from Morrissey re: Mike Joyce on BBC 6 - - Nov. 30, 2005

Statement from Morrissey:

The latest statements from M Joyce on a BBC 6 radio interview as faithfully reported on the MorrisseySoLow site have been brought to my attention and I feel I should make this reply as an attempt to put the matter straight.

...and this was 11 years ago. David, you are better than this...well, you used to be. I'm still hopeful.
You used the words 'Morrissey will never, ever respond to anything reported on Solo', is that only supposed to go back a few months or so? And these are the cases where something was directly said about Morrissey-solo, many sources are uncredited nowadays on TTY.

...and this was 11 years ago. David, you are better than this...well, you used to be. I'm still hopeful.
You people think this is real? So obviously fake. Hahaha. Butter? Nice flowers? Oh boy. Someone had too much time on its hands.
You used the words 'Morrissey will never, ever respond to anything reported on Solo', is that only supposed to go back a few months or so? And these are the cases where something was directly said about Morrissey-solo, many sources are uncredited nowadays on TTY.

Well, we could argue over semantics and the use of the word 'will' instead of 'has', but that would be a bit dull for everyone.

The only point worth making is that inviting comment on a piece of fabricated documentation seems like a totally pointless exercise. Unless of course the people responsible for creating, posting and hosting the document have a vindictive agenda. If that is the case, then it's all very sad and unfortunate.
It is not fabricated, you think I would post it if I knew it was?

We could argue over what you said - we're providing empirical proof and you're claiming to be able to read Morrissey's mind.

Well, we could argue over semantics and the use of the word 'will' instead of 'has', but that would be a bit dull for everyone.

The only point worth making is that inviting comment on a piece of fabricated documentation seems like a totally pointless exercise. Unless of course the people responsible for creating, posting and hosting the document have a vindictive agenda. If that is the case, then it's all very sad and unfortunate.
You people think this is real? So obviously fake. Hahaha. Butter? Nice flowers? Oh boy. Someone had too much time on its hands.

Is the Dickie Felton tweet also fake?

Bots continually dig their own graves.

Morrissey is obsessed with himself and this website. The bots thinking he doesn't trawl here are thick pricks.

Gregor Samsa, you're the thickest prick of all.

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