thats the f***in third time you posted that comment,,,, retard sandwich!
No, Morrissey is not racist against Mexicans, but sadly most of the people on this board are. If I had a dollar for every racist remark or epithet aimed at Mexicans that I've seen on this board, I wouldn't need a job. I hate to even read this board at all because of the anger I feel every time I do. You all (well, most of you) sicken me and I hope you die a slow and painful death.
Re: huh?

I should explain, if anyone cares. I was just referring to my little, silly, joke about Morrissey fans who wrongly say the tour is cancelled are 'Alarmist Morrissettes'. It's play on the name Alanis Morrisette whose CDs I invariably and infuriatingly find in the racks in music shops when I'm curiously looking to see what Morrissey stock they have.

She just shouts alot doesn't she? - that Alanis.

Oh, and I think these people who say Morrissey is racist, Morrissey likes meat (mmmmmm) and Morrissey has cancelled the tour are alarmist and by-the-by have terribly poor comprehension skills.

And I wasn't referring to you Suzanne. I can't for the life of me fail to agree with you.
Re: El Taco Loco necesita la educación especial!

Errr...Sorry I don't speak Arabic.

Morrissey, PLEASE come home...

"Oh Manchester...You're wonderful!"
Re: You need to travel more often ...

> Errr...Sorry I don't speak Arabic.

> Morrissey, PLEASE come home...

> "Oh Manchester...You're wonderful!"
Ignorant dont even speak well your own language.. hahaha .. well you should at least understand arabic if that was the case ..your country is full of indians and muslims .. hahahahah and they will never get out of there ..
well what can you xpect from someone from the Manchester ? you monolingual anonymous
Re: You need to travel more often ...

> --------------
> Ignorant dont even speak well your own language.. hahaha .. well you
> should at least understand arabic if that was the case ..your country is
> full of indians and muslims .. hahahahah and they will never get out of
> there ..
> well what can you xpect from someone from the Manchester ? you monolingual
> anonymous
I would rather be from Manchester than Tijuana.
Go back to Beunos Aries you beaner f***! Leave us Morisey fans along! Yes we hate Mexicans and all dirty people, Morisey stands for White Love, White Hope, White Peoples! Thank god Morisey really hates you too!

> No, Morrissey is not racist against Mexicans, but sadly most of the people
> on this board are. If I had a dollar for every racist remark or epithet
> aimed at Mexicans that I've seen on this board, I wouldn't need a job. I
> hate to even read this board at all because of the anger I feel every time
> I do. You all (well, most of you) sicken me and I hope you die a slow and
> painful death.
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