Morrissey on The James Corden Show November 7 to promote Back On The Chain Gang - Morrissey Central


I am just happy to be able to see him back on TV. I thought how James handled Paul on his appearance shows he really cares about the music. I think Morrissey would do well to open himself up to the moment. Paul did and it was quite entertaining:

Fek I reckon word down at studio 56 is that this fat Brittish dude is throwing a lot of money at Air Morrissey to get him to do carpool careyokey. Fatty is f***ing up the CBS budget. I reckon I would rather see Air Morrissey showing off his dunks with a basketball hoop on stage mate inn n n dint in n n n it.
Fek I reckon word down at studio 56 is that this fat Brittish dude is throwing a lot of money at Air Morrissey to get him to do carpool careyokey. Fatty is f***ing up the CBS budget. I reckon I would rather see Air Morrissey showing off his dunks with a basketball hoop on stage mate inn n n dint in n n n it.

Do shut up you boring c***.
Do shut up you boring c***.

Keep buying t-shirts from the mporium uk so Air Morrissey won't have to leave home in Moz Angeles to go all the way to your foreigner country Brittin and get your money delusional boring lazy foreigner c***.


I was hoping Morrissey was appearing on The Late James Corden show. Now that would be appealing.
back on the chain gang single

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