Morrissey needs dental work

While we're waiting for Obama to close down Guantanamo Bay, there's one thing he could've done already. He could've called for a special election so the PEOPLE of Illinois could select their new Senator in his seat rather than that criminal, Blagojevich. For some reason, Obama didn't want the people to select their Senator. All he had to do was utter one sentece: "I think the people of Illinois should select the Senator who takes my seat, not Blagojevich". But he didn't. Change we can believe in? I guess he's just relieved that Patrick Fitzgerald cut off his investigation before he got busted in it.....
Yet again more american bullshit. There is nothing wrong with morrisseys teeth. I am shocked that a thread has even started on his teeth. They are very white and very cute. And he has the most unbelievably cute underbite.

Having ''normal'' teeth makes one look disinguished. God it looks so f***ing false and ugly to have a gob like everyone else in america.

And also he's English.....we have more pressing matters than bleached knashers.
quoted for the truth. It just doesn't work with Mr. Ryder does it, although it is an improvement on his old gnashers.
Nice set of gnashers there Shaun :D

David Bowie did it :D (got new teeth) but I preferred his old snaggly teeth.

Freddie Mercury didn't do it (he always said he was worried his voice would change)

I hope Moz keeps his real teeth (even if they DO look like railings on a five bar gate)
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His teeth look fine to me.

He could do with some Just For Men though on his temples.
thank you for thinking that all english people are assholes:confused:

you are becoming the one thing you\'ve complained about....if i am going to be labelled an \'asshole\' then i might as well act like one.

you are talking like a twat:)

please post your nonsense here:

I thought one of the forum rules is you are not allowed to bait people into the Pigsty from anywhere outside the pigsty?? If so, when will this poster be banned?
Exactly,\"stay where you belong\".
Americans make perfect sense IN America,which IS a lovely country with some great people.
It\'s just when you start invading countries and bombing them to bits that the rest of the world thinks \"f*** OFF\"

How come you couldnt stop your country from going along with it and from helping US invade other countries?

We can not stop ours either!! Though Bush is disgraced, Republicans have been voted out of power and maybe things will improve. So yes the system may work to a certain extent. But that isnt good enough for you :rolleyes: you jsut love to bitch about America. I guess it may make you cool in that innocent juvenile way.

That is the way the world works. Go change it or shut the f*** up.
I thought one of the forum rules is you are not allowed to bait people into the Pigsty from anywhere outside the pigsty?? If so, when will this poster be banned?

don't know ask a mod
I don't know why people dismiss dental hygiene. Would you go out without washing your face? No. Well don’t ever go without cleaning your teeth. Bacteria from food lives on your teeth and bacteria, like any living creature, have to excrete and they excrete on your teeth. That's why you need to brush them approx. 20 mins after eating, if you brush before this you spread the acid all over your teeth neutralizing the point of brushing. Also do your flossing. If you are too lazy to floss then go to a hygienist at least once a year and they'll clean your teeth (and do it far better than the dentist) Dentist and hygienist once every year, floss and brush and you'll always have your real teeth.

This really happens a lot? How do you know? Even amongst educated people?

I've always been a dental hygiene nut. My whole family is, actually. I'd always assumed that most educated people are. I mean, for the sake of being considered attractive if nothing else. Who wants to be kissing on a yuck mouth?

I feel like Morrissey's the sort who brushes twice a day. He seems to be all about hygiene.
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