Morrissey Hot Press magazine interview out now

An anonymous person writes:

Issue is out just picked it up in Dublin - very good insightful interview; usual topics covered also says Jesse Tobias is one of the modern world's greatest confirmation on O2 date yet. Recent health issue was "acute fever" and needed a heroin based medication to stabilise him!


INSIDE THE NEW HOT PRESS: MORRISSEY - Hot Press. Link posted by Uncleskinny
A world exclusive with the one and only Morrissey, plus Ryan Adams, Rankin, Eli Roth, John Slattery and more...


Our ridiculously star-studded run of summer issues continues this fortnight. Gracing our cover this issue – and looking extremely cool we must say – is the icon that is Morrissey.
Always a bit wary of the press, the Mancunian star talks exclusively to Hot Press as his new album World Peace Is None Of Your Business kicks Mozzamania into gear.

On the agenda? Global politics, his new album, the Royal Family, Tony Blair, Brendan Behan, Bashar al-Assad and much more, while he opens up about his recent health issues for the first time.


Scans (page 1, 2, 3, 4) posted by @_nowhere_fast_ / Twitter. Link posted by MozRecording, Chickpea.

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I think opiates can cause constipation.
Once his course is finished Moz could be in danger of crapping all over the pla-hay-ha-hace. :-(
The amount of spazzing out that I'm doing as I try to get ahold of this article is staggering.

I think I need to join MA (Morrissey Anonymous).
"Jesse Tobias is one of the modern world's greatest guitarists"

Clearly needs to dial back the intake of opiate-based pain relievers.
Where are you getting this opiates story from? Have I missed a scan or something? Cheers. Maybe you've found hard copies of it.
I mentioned elsewhere that I have 3 copies on the way. Up for grabs, first come, first served. In fact one has already been claimed. Send DM.

Couldn't Brummie just put down his coffee and snap some cellphone pics for us pathetics?
"Having met Pamela Anderson and Patrick Dempsey, well, they're both quite beautiful, and if at least one of them doesn't turn you on then you're probably dead."

Well, then, I suppose I'm dead! In a pinch I guess I'd go with Pam, but to me Patrick Dempsey is forever delivering pizza with extra anchovies.
Well, then, I suppose I'm dead! In a pinch I guess I'd go with Pam, but to me Patrick Dempsey is forever delivering pizza with extra anchovies.

Bahahahahahahaha! I've seen Pam's Playboy spread (and home vids). Not impressed. Patrick Dempsey looks like a blown out Kit Harington. I think I'd go there...IF he didn't smell like extra anchovies.
"I don't transmit sexuality of any kind..."

Ummm...sarcasm? Classic Moz? I'm guessing.

If not, those are some serious meds the dude has been on because they've fried his brain.
Saw this snip on FB...


I think, err, he may get a bit of flak. United King-Dumb?


Not surprising. He's an enemy of the State. It's hard to name an opponent of the UK he does not support.

He's no different to that other plastic Paddy, Lord Haw Haw.
yeah context is always nice. thanks for the scan and/or post. well fred im sorry to say but were at the age to start noticing and taking seriously health complaints. i look around and all of my parents family and loved ones are old and some are getting sickly im sad to say. just the way lifes going i suppose
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