morrissey frink thread!

Excellent, as long as there's HATE in it, it's all good :D


Andy`s jumper looks like one of those bad christmas jumpers that you get of your nan
I think I have it without watermark. If only it was coloured, his eyes would kill me!

Thank you, EP :) It's 'hard' enough to look at it/his eyes in black and white. I can't imagine color. Aren't there some pics that you just look at his eyes and then ... :eek: ACK! 'I can't look at it anymore! I need a 5 minute break!' :p such power in the peepers
Thank you, EP It's 'hard' enough to look at it/his eyes in black and white. I can't imagine color. Aren't there some pics that you just look at his eyes and then ... ACK! 'I can't look at it anymore! I need a 5 minute break!' :p such power in the peepers

Yes, yes, the killer eyes... :rolleyes:


Oh god... This pic deserves more attention, I think.
wow I might just have to join moz_shot! But if it's as frinky as this...I'm not sure my poor old heart could handle it. Twice as much frink and my head might implode!!! I'm crazy enough as it is :D Wow. He's just stunning.

I was just thinking that those pics totally look like they were taken at the Viceroy Santa Monica...out of curiousity I just looked it up.
the bottom left picture totally has the couch that Moz was sitting on in the b&w pic with the photographer :eek:
and the pic second from the bottom on the left is the restaurant with that silver/white wallpaper.

if you check out the pool, it's the same one where the infamous pool-side photos were know the ones that surfaced a while ago?
he must really like that hotel.
I remember reading somewhere that Morrissey dislikes hotels in general. I don't see him hanging out for the fun of it, not that that makes it any less frinky. I could be wrong.

So here we find wet soapy Morrissey writing letters. Do you think he's mailing answers? Because if so that's completely awesome that he would have that sort of dedication, I mean I don't have a problem with that at all, you know, corresponding with fans and whatnot. Yeeeeeah okay I'l shut up now.
So here we find wet soapy Morrissey writing letters. Do you think he's mailing answers? Because if so that's completely awesome that he would have that sort of dedication, I mean I don't have a problem with that at all, you know, corresponding with fans and whatnot. Yeeeeeah okay I'l shut up now.
LOL I wish he was answering his fan mail!!!
Is it just me or is he resting on a clamshell?

Well I'm in a bad mood right now because I'm in the middle of painting my bathroom and it's taking forever. I'm taking a break so I think it's time for some vintage Moz...awwwww he was such a cutie:


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