Morrissey conspiracy theory

:crazy:Peeps are crazier here than they are at the Blue Rose site. Unbelievable but true.
You got Stalin and Mao posting here.:straightface:
Massive Pompey fan and collector of this and that and a picture says more than a thousand words.


Dog be like WTF?

Lets face it, Skinny is jealous of this dude.:rolleyes:
Everytime someone brings his name up hes here in a flash. First in line.
Maybe because he has a couple of blogs while S is a "former" mod in a Moz forum
After Moz racism this is his top topic. More so than Vit C and Fungus.:straightface:
I reckon me spoke with a chap at The Sunset Marquis in 2012 and he said he ran a "famous Morrissey blog", he had a vile foreigner accent that sounded Brittish, so I immediately tried to get away because I thought he was one of those run of the mill foreigners who spend their life savings getting to LA and hang out in front of The Sunset Marquis all day praying that Uncle Steve shows up, but then he told me he lived in LA.
I reckon me spoke with a chap at The Sunset Marquis in 2012 and he said he ran a "famous Morrissey blog", he had a vile foreigner accent that sounded Brittish, so I immediately tried to get away because I thought he was one of those run of the mill foreigners who spend their life savings getting to LA and hang out in front of The Sunset Marquis all day praying that Uncle Steve shows up, but then he told me he lived in LA.
Hello Simon Wratten!

This is more obvious than me not killing myself.
Lets face it, Skinny is jealous of this dude.:rolleyes:
Everytime someone brings his name up hes here in a flash. First in line.
Maybe because he has a couple of blogs while S is a "former" mod in a Moz forum
After Moz racism this is his top topic. More so than Vit C and Fungus.:straightface:
And the Simon Wratten under another name here keep coming.
They're not. If you know where to look you can find VeganCro's god-awful dilettante blog about literature and stuff. Pant-wettingly bad stuff.
I was being completely sarcastic of course, making a joke about its very narrow focus. Ugh. f***ing literature blogs? :lbf:
Simon is one demented bloke. I was observing blue rose for a while but when he was so cruel to that blondie American regular, that was enough to tell me he is insane. New followers usually don't always realise how much the man needs help - are they that dim?
Jesus. Not again.

This is liar, fantasist, and legitimate businessman Simon Wratten, who invented a cast of characters to lure people down his bizarre rabbit-hole. He threatened to sue me multiple times for calling him a liar and a fantasist, but hasn't, and that's because he's a liar and a fantasist.

Please, just shut up. You’re embarrassing yourself. If you have an ounce of common sense, you know full welll that idiot couldn’t sue you for being called a liar and a fantasist.
Simon is one demented bloke. I was observing blue rose for a while but when he was so cruel to that blondie American regular, that was enough to tell me he is insane. New followers usually don't always realise how much the man needs help - are they that dim?

Marianne, is that you?
Jesus. Not again.

This is liar, fantasist, and legitimate businessman Simon Wratten, who invented a cast of characters to lure people down his bizarre rabbit-hole. He threatened to sue me multiple times for calling him a liar and a fantasist, but hasn't, and that's because he's a liar and a fantasist.

Well, you know people at a certain age have a lot of free time. If playing roles as people of different ages, sexes and nationalities is the way some people have to spend their time and entertain themselves and others, comunicate ideas, etc., that is quite harmless and -up to a point- beneficial. Who cares if the the great dane of g23 is a poodle? The thing is he has the talent to make us believe it's a great dane. This is an internet forum, not a notarial office. If you don't oblige others to take wrong decisions or if you don't damage others in any other way, then everything is ok. It's called entertainment, if you can slip one or two good ideas into it, it's great. If the keyboard keeps people out of more dangerous things or ideas, it's even better.
Well, you know people at a certain age have a lot of free time. If playing roles as people of different ages, sexes and nationalities is the way some people have to spend their time and entertain themselves and others, comunicate ideas, etc., that is quite harmless and -up to a point- beneficial. Who cares if the the great dane of g23 is a poodle? The thing is he has the talent to make us believe it's a great dane. This is an internet forum, not a notarial office. If you don't oblige others to take wrong decisions or if you don't damage others in any other way, then everything is ok. It's called entertainment, if you can slip one or two good ideas into it, it's great. If the keyboard keeps people out of more dangerous things or ideas, it's even better.
Im crushed o_O
Well, you know people at a certain age have a lot of free time. If playing roles as people of different ages, sexes and nationalities is the way some people have to spend their time and entertain themselves and others, comunicate ideas, etc., that is quite harmless and -up to a point- beneficial. Who cares if the the great dane of g23 is a poodle? The thing is he has the talent to make us believe it's a great dane. This is an internet forum, not a notarial office. If you don't oblige others to take wrong decisions or if you don't damage others in any other way, then everything is ok. It's called entertainment, if you can slip one or two good ideas into it, it's great. If the keyboard keeps people out of more dangerous things or ideas, it's even better.
It's far more sinister though in the case with Wratten who is in fact a pathological liar just like the guy that murdered Versace and a few others. These people have enough charm to keep going and most often the people in their life don't notice a thing or just put a blind eye to it.
He pretended to be all kinds of people in the chat and mostly women so perhaps he has this dark secret inside of him and wants to be someone else altogether?
Does anyone remember ONELOVESTORY, Burnweed's story of prophecy gradually revealed to him by The Stone Roses? "I decided to be the Messiah to their John the Baptist." This extract is fairly typical:

The next day I called James Chapelle-Gill at Beer Davies Co. I told him that I needed to get my message and music to the Roses. I explained that I was on the same spiritual tip as they were, and that it was urgent that I get this stuff to them. I couldn’t believe it but he had just talked to them, and he told me to hold on, he was going to get them on the phone.

I had to think fast because I wasn’t allowed to talk to them….they had to come to me. “No. I don’t want to barge in on them like that, please let me just come down there and give you this letter and some music, and tell you about my band and what we are about. I’d rather just do it that way if possible.” He said, “Sure, come on down to 50 Margaret street and I can give you a few minutes, it sounds interesting.”

So I went down there and on the way I saw about 10 angel signs. I met with him and he read the letter in a conference room with me. I didn’t tell him about the concept I had to answer their call for the messiah. They had to figure that out for themselves. I was obviously using that letter as a prophecy/sermon and the music I brought for them contained many lyrical references so I was confident they would pick up on it…When he finished it he looked up at me and held his face in his hands….he wanted to tell me something, he looked at me, and said, “they have mentioned that someone would come looking for them….someone dressed in blue.” I was wearing my blue Adidas sweat-jacket, I have it on in the collage that’s up in the web page. He had his hands under his chin and he just stared at me in disbelief. After about a minute of awkward silence he said, “Ian said, ‘beware the blue singer, beware the blue singer’ the last time I saw him.”
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