Morrissey Canada-bound Soon?



As it is a cause close to Morrissey's heart and decisive for his Canadian fans, it might interest some of you to know that PETA is finally getting a response from the powers that be suggesting that a ban on Canadian seal-hunting might be imminent -

Today, Canadian senator Mac Harb introduced a historic bill to end Canada's commercial seal slaughter. Now that Russia—which had imported 95 percent of Canadian seal pelts—has joined the U.S., the E.U., Mexico, and others in banning seal fur, there are no markets for this fur. If passed, Harb's bill would transition people in sealing regions into sustainable economic programs. Senator Harb's bill comes on the heels of Sarah McLachlan's recent appeal on PETA's behalf to Prime Minister Harper urging him to end the slaughter and consider a government buyout of the sealing industry...
We have wanted this to happen for years! Bonus that it will bring morrissey, many letters and protests have happened for this to happen
In more animal rights news as applying to Morrissey, contactmusic are running an unsourced news item about his demand for action to stop a cruel sheep-shearing technique:

Singer Morrissey has stepped up his global animal rights crusade by urging a leading Japanese clothing company to shun farmers who use a controversial sheep-shearing technique.

The practice of 'mulesing', in which chunks of flesh are cut from lambs to prevent maggot infestation, is used by some farmers in Australia during the production of wool for export.

Now former The Smiths rocker Morrissey - a longtime campaigner for animal rights - has written to the boss of Uniqlo demanding the company bans wool from 'mulesed' lambs.

In his letter, on behalf of the Asian wing of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Morrissey writes, "Years ago, I wrote a song called Meat Is Murder, and today I'm tempted to write a follow-up called Mulesing Is Misery... New Zealand farmers did away with mulesing nearly a decade ago, leaving Australia as the only country in the world that still clings to this cruel and barbaric abomination.

"Won't you please join the many international companies that have implemented a ban on wool from mulesed lambs?"
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