Morrissey and Drug Use



This is my second post I am writing regarding this Uncut article.

In the article, Andy Rouke revealed that when he was with the Smiths, in order to hide his heroin habit, he used to go to some dealer and for 50 quid(?), the dealer would set him up will all the pills he wanted, namely barbituates.

The article also stated that this supply was common knowledge to the Smiths "entourage" and that he states that it wasn't unusual for him to have a knock on his door late at night from the most "unlikely of persons" requesting "a handfull of sweets".

My question is who were the Smiths "entourage" and do you think Andy was trying to imply that Morrissey may have been one of those "unlikely of persons?"

> This is my second post I am writing regarding this Uncut article.

> In the article, Andy Rouke revealed that when he was with the Smiths, in
> order to hide his heroin habit, he used to go to some dealer and for 50
> quid(?), the dealer would set him up will all the pills he wanted, namely
> barbituates.

> The article also stated that this supply was common knowledge to the
> Smiths "entourage" and that he states that it wasn't unusual for
> him to have a knock on his door late at night from the most "unlikely
> of persons" requesting "a handfull of sweets".

> My question is who were the Smiths "entourage" and do you think
> Andy was trying to imply that Morrissey may have been one of those
> "unlikely of persons?"
Is a bears bum bacon?

Of course he means Moz, for legal reasons he won't say so - I mean imagine if Moz started countersuing - the royalties would be frozen! We know who he means but who do you believe???


> This is my second post I am writing regarding this Uncut article.

> In the article, Andy Rouke revealed that when he was with the Smiths, in
> order to hide his heroin habit, he used to go to some dealer and for 50
> quid(?), the dealer would set him up will all the pills he wanted, namely
> barbituates.

> The article also stated that this supply was common knowledge to the
> Smiths "entourage" and that he states that it wasn't unusual for
> him to have a knock on his door late at night from the most "unlikely
> of persons" requesting "a handfull of sweets".

> My question is who were the Smiths "entourage" and do you think
> Andy was trying to imply that Morrissey may have been one of those
> "unlikely of persons?"
If he does so what? Morrissey has made no secret of the fact he's used drugs for depression and insomnia in the past.
> This is my second post I am writing regarding this Uncut article.

> In the article, Andy Rouke revealed that when he was with the Smiths, in
> order to hide his heroin habit, he used to go to some dealer and for 50
> quid(?), the dealer would set him up will all the pills he wanted, namely
> barbituates.

> The article also stated that this supply was common knowledge to the
> Smiths "entourage" and that he states that it wasn't unusual for
> him to have a knock on his door late at night from the most "unlikely
> of persons" requesting "a handfull of sweets".

> My question is who were the Smiths "entourage" and do you think
> Andy was trying to imply that Morrissey may have been one of those
> "unlikely of persons?"

why would morrissey then fire him for his drug use?
If the dog didn't stop to poop, would he have caught the rabbit?

Hello Reggie. You are so the one to go to for the poop, and nothing but the poop.

I'm not really suprised by this. It seems plausable. I suspected ol' Moz may have had a "sweet tooth." Maybe in his mind pills were no big deal, but heroin is another matter entirely, thus Rourke was sent packing.

I have a sweet tooth myself, but its limited to dark chocolate and holiday cookies, which I am very excited about, since I recently purchased a "cookie gun" that shoots these bad boys out one cookie a second.

So, as you can imagine, I'm up to my ying-yang in holiday cookies. I'll email you one.

Thank you for the kind words.

> Of course he means Moz, for legal reasons he won't say so - I mean imagine
> if Moz started countersuing - the royalties would be frozen! We know who
> he means but who do you believe???

> Reggie
I'm a poop-raker

Don't email me a cookie coz I'm up to my oxters in shortie!

Do you need a firearms certificate for this cookie gun? is the right to bear them covered in the constitution?

Elvis used to believe that his drugs were OK but the real problem was Heroin , therefore he asked to be an informant/agent for the FBI drugs force despite being a heavy user!

Ah well

till the next story

R Plate

> Hello Reggie. You are so the one to go to for the poop, and nothing but
> the poop.

> I'm not really suprised by this. It seems plausable. I suspected ol' Moz
> may have had a "sweet tooth." Maybe in his mind pills were no
> big deal, but heroin is another matter entirely, thus Rourke was sent
> packing.

> I have a sweet tooth myself, but its limited to dark chocolate and holiday
> cookies, which I am very excited about, since I recently purchased a
> "cookie gun" that shoots these bad boys out one cookie a second.

> So, as you can imagine, I'm up to my ying-yang in holiday cookies. I'll
> email you one.

> Thank you for the kind words.
> why would morrissey then fire him for his drug use?

According to Marr they didn't fire him for his drug use. They fired him becuase he was so out of it he couldn't play anymore.
Hope you have air-tight trashbags after raking...

Fine, then. After all, who needs sugarballs when you have shorties.

No, I don't need a permit for the cookie gun, although I can get into trouble if I point it at a pesky squirrel. They are state-protected animals in surburbia even though they chew on my television cable and I miss out on Bonanza reruns.

Poor Elvis. He went overboard, didn't he? And squealed on Lennon to boot and almost getting him deported. John was perfectly capable of being deported on his own.

I hope for Morrissey's sake, he doesn't abuse that stuff anymore. As for Andy Rourke, I hope he's ok now, too. I'd ask Andy EI about that but not today. I'll save it for another time.


> Don't email me a cookie coz I'm up to my oxters in shortie!

> Do you need a firearms certificate for this cookie gun? is the right to
> bear them covered in the constitution?

> Elvis used to believe that his drugs were OK but the real problem was
> Heroin , therefore he asked to be an informant/agent for the FBI drugs
> force despite being a heavy user!

> Ah well

> till the next story

> R Plate
Those pesky varmints!

I mean anything that gets between you and little Joe needs a new airvent!

Andy EI will no doubt offer an insight in Andys drugg use whether wanted or not!

Maybe its time for Reg Plate, journalist to the stars, to get a scoop and unearth photographic evidence of Morrisseys crackpipe.

I'll get on the case!

umo> This is my second post I am writing regarding this Uncut article.

> In the article, Andy Rouke revealed that when he was with the Smiths, in
> order to hide his heroin habit, he used to go to some dealer and for 50
> quid(?), the dealer would set him up will all the pills he wanted, namely
> barbituates.

> The article also stated that this supply was common knowledge to the
> Smiths "entourage" and that he states that it wasn't unusual for
> him to have a knock on his door late at night from the most "unlikely
> of persons" requesting "a handfull of sweets".

> My question is who were the Smiths "entourage" and do you think
> Andy was trying to imply that Morrissey may have been one of those
> "unlikely of persons?"

Rumours of Morrissey and drugs have been around from the very beginning of The Smiths.It's no secret that he,like countless millions of others,took anti- depressants in his late teens/early twenties.

The most common story was that Morrissey did in fact partake of prescription drugs.Valium has been the secret drug of choice for musicians for decades and is also one of the most addictive drugs there is.

I think today he dabbles with nothing more than the odd Coronna
Re: Hope you have air-tight trashbags after raking...

> Poor Elvis. He went overboard, didn't he?

Yes that is one of the saddest medals won by man.
Elvis proud FBI Agent seeking out those nasty drug dealers.
It would be comical, if it wasn't so real.

>And squealed on Lennon to boot
> and almost getting him deported. John was perfectly capable of being
> deported on his own.

The most guilty normally do try and deflect their guilt on others.
I'm sure John was quite capable too.

> I hope for Morrissey's sake, he doesn't abuse that stuff anymore. As for
> Andy Rourke, I hope he's ok now, too. I'd ask Andy EI about that but not
> today. I'll save it for another time.

> Ta-ta.
> Mozmic.
> umo> This is my second post I am writing regarding this Uncut article.

> Rumours of Morrissey and drugs have been around from the very beginning of
> The Smiths.It's no secret that he,like countless millions of others,took
> anti- depressants in his late teens/early twenties.

> The most common story was that Morrissey did in fact partake of
> prescription drugs.Valium has been the secret drug of choice for musicians
> for decades and is also one of the most addictive drugs there is.

> I think today he dabbles with nothing more than the odd Coronna

I beg to differ, I took valium for years and it is not one of the most addictive drugs known. (That sounds like a contradiction in terms, what I meant was, it is not hell on earth to come off) It is one of the most useful, maybe that is why they hardly ever prescribe it anymore, apart from a two to four week stint. Or maybe, too expensive.
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