Make sure you vote on 4 June 09 and stop the BNP!

I know Searchlight have been around for ages. I could tell you lots of bad stuff they've done to antifascists...

Here we go again with the left fighting each other. I'm very aware of the whole Searchlight/Labour V UAF/SWP argument. As the left we start fighting petty fights that nobody in the 'real' world care about and while we fight look what happens, two BNP MEP's!

It's a joke the one time we needed unite and look what happens!
there's too much about Griffin.....

In 1986 Griffin and two NF leaders took a fundraising trip to Libya as guests of Colonel Gaddafi's regime.
It was his statements denying the Holocaust in The Rune that led to Griffin's conviction in 1998 of distributing material likely to incite racial hatred. He was given a nine-month prison sentence suspended for two years.

During the trial Griffin made his notorious statement: "I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the Earth was flat … I have reached the conclusion that the 'extermination' tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria."

There's just too much!!!!!!! here's the link

I really despise Griffin and his BNP. He and his party use iconic images of Spitfires, the Battle of Britain and general WWII images to their advantage, and to put them across as the 'true' successors to those who fought in the Second World War against the Axis powers. When Griffin says comments like you mentioned above Laney (i.e. holocaust denial) I find that very offensive towards not just the millions of Jewish families whose lives were destroyed, but also the thousands of British men who died for this country. Griffin deserves to be locked up.

Anyway, on a more positive note, there is an article in the Guardian today about how the BNP may well be sued now that they are in the EU. Because their constitution states that they only allow white members, this may hinder them. As they will be using public money to employ people in the EU, they won't be able to discriminate, so they may find that lawyers will be after them.
Dont understand people that don't vote, cause they think it makes no difference anyway so why bother?
BNP would not have got in if more had voted. What were the people of Burnley thinking? They are deluded.
Dont understand people that don't vote, cause they think it makes no difference anyway so why bother?
BNP would not have got in if more had voted. What were the people of Burnley thinking? They are deluded.

It's really strange. We were in London having dinner in Chinatown and we rushed home (40 minutes on the train) and ran up the hill from the station just to make it in time for voting. I have only lived in this country for a year, why do I care more than people who have lived here all their life?
pelted with eggs, it's a start
Nick Griffin said of the protest "It does not represent ordinary people." well I'm ordinary and yes it does, well done.

Protest organiser Weyman Bennett, national secretary of Unite Against Fascism, said: "The majority of people did not vote for the BNP, they did not vote at all.

"The BNP was able to dupe them into saying that they had an answer to people's problems.

"They presented themselves as a mainstream party. The reality was because the turnout was so low, they actually got elected."
Resorting to violence is just pathetic. They've handed valuable publicity to the BNP and made the BNP look like victims. Stupid behaviour.
They are using thuggery to defeat thugs, extremist behaviour to beat extremism, smashing cars and such like, idiots to be honest. They've done more harm to their cause than good.
pelted with eggs, it's a start
Nick Griffin said of the protest "It does not represent ordinary people." well I'm ordinary and yes it does, well done.

Protest organiser Weyman Bennett, national secretary of Unite Against Fascism, said: "The majority of people did not vote for the BNP, they did not vote at all.

"The BNP was able to dupe them into saying that they had an answer to people's problems.

"They presented themselves as a mainstream party. The reality was because the turnout was so low, they actually got elected."

That was silly then.
stop the BNP!

I don't like Lily Allen's music but at least she has a brain.
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Here we go again with the left fighting each other. I'm very aware of the whole Searchlight/Labour V UAF/SWP argument. As the left we start fighting petty fights that nobody in the 'real' world care about and while we fight look what happens, two BNP MEP's!

It's a joke the one time we needed unite and look what happens!

...we don't really have anything in common in terms of politics, beyond being anti-fascist. I still wouldn't be happy with a socialist state. There isn't really much common ground for us to unite over. No offence. I don't think it makes much difference if there's two BNP MEPs, they've actually done worse than they did in 2005. It's just that the mainstream parties did even worse, because their supporters didn't vote. Doesn't mean there's been a massive shift to the right. Also, the Labour government has done their fair share of turning this into a police state, which is one of the features of fascism (the Terrorism Act 2000 being my personal favourite example of this). In the Searchlight/Labour V UAF/SWP argument, I vote Antifa/anarcho-communism.
...we don't really have anything in common in terms of politics, beyond being anti-fascist. I still wouldn't be happy with a socialist state. There isn't really much common ground for us to unite over. No offence. I don't think it makes much difference if there's two BNP MEPs, they've actually done worse than they did in 2005. It's just that the mainstream parties did even worse, because their supporters didn't vote. Doesn't mean there's been a massive shift to the right. Also, the Labour government has done their fair share of turning this into a police state, which is one of the features of fascism (the Terrorism Act 2000 being my personal favourite example of this). In the Searchlight/Labour V UAF/SWP argument, I vote Antifa/anarcho-communism.

I was just going to say, I think the massive shift to the right(at least here in the USA & UK) occured quite some time ago when parties like Labor there and the "Democrats" here basically became centrist parties at best with a decided appetitite for policies involving even more state control :cool:
have you guys noticed that Gordon Brown and Susan Boyle look a lot alike? :eek:
i only mention it here cuz Jon Stewart pointed it out when he was giving me the news about the UK and the crazy EU election results :rolleyes:
There was an interesting protest outside the BBC in Manchester today.
Anti BNP protesters from various organisations including Socialist Worker.
And every one of them was white. Every single one.
have you guys noticed that Gordon Brown and Susan Boyle look a lot alike? :eek:
i only mention it here cuz Jon Stewart pointed it out when he was giving me the news about the UK and the crazy EU election results :rolleyes:

The cartoonist in The Times drew him as her a couple of Saturdays ago.

I didn't cut it out so I'm glad it's around on the net.

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