johnny steals from marr



did anyone notice that the harmonica riff in electronic`s single (chorus:"..what am i gonna do...") is identical to the music in bigmouth strikes again, when morrissey sings:" de da, ha ha..."
i know there are always similarities, but those parts are identical!
> did anyone notice that the harmonica riff in electronic`s single¿ (chorus:"..what am i gonna do...") is identical to the¿ music in bigmouth strikes again, when morrissey¿ sings:" de da, ha ha..."¿ i know there are always similarities, but those parts are¿ identical!
It seems very possible, but you could also say..
... that not only did the Smith's do a medley of Elvis's "his latest flame" and their own "Rushholme ruffians", but if you listen to the original Elvis tune- other than the bass line, and a few other minor effects, it's the same song - After all, its a Leiber/Stoller song and Johnny Maher did say that they were his favorite songwriters... or you could say that Blur's "song2" is a Nirvana rip-off...or that Radiohead has lifted directly from Morrissey and the Beatles...or that the beatles had songwriters killed to hide the origins of their music...who was that man on the grassy knol??!!?l...
Dear God!!! Where is Oliver Stone when you need him!!??!!!!
lenny kravits also got the sawing guitar riff that opens "fly away" from nirvana`s, ehm, "he`s the one who likes all our pretty songs.."
maybe they were reffering to lenny.
or maybe he`s plainly stealing from hendrix, with no need to be over sophisticated
we could go on...

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