Is Morrissey making your relationship hard?

Well I suppose I'm a lucky man. My wife of 18 years loves Morrissey as well, she was by my side the day I met him in Manchester, but she never uttered a word to him. We both got into The Smiths very early on and things really haven't changed too much. So no, Morrissey certainly does not make my relationship hard, lucky man, eh? :D

I think that makes two or maybe three pairs of us so far that can agree with our partner that Morrissey is deserving of our love and adoration. I think we're the happiest people alive. Just look at the couple from San Diego at the beginning of the "Who Put the 'M' in Manchester?" DVD, all Smiths and Morrissey t-shirts, hugged up, and awfully cute. Don't they look so very happy? Why can't everyone be so lucky? I wish it were so for all of us.
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