In Praise of "The List"

This is why I'm enjoying the queue today in Dallas. This is how queueing should always be:


Photo by Flax, taken from a heated seat.
Copyright © 2009 Flax Inc. All rights reserved.

Oooh. Is that Lulu? HI LULU! XD
yeah, hi lulu!

i am not adding or taking sides on this list business. i just want to make this thread longer than the frink thread.

yeah, hi lulu!

i am not adding or taking sides on this list business. i just want to make this thread longer than the frink thread.


Hi, Shawn. XD
And yet you proudly mock Flax, someone who has actually DONE something nice in the World of Morrissey (i.e. his website). It must be magic being you, love, magic.

nope. I was not mocking flax... he posted from his heated car and I assume he was making fun of the fact that he did spend some time there rather than on the line. I am not mocking him, but I was kind of laughing at it... because ultimately - for those of you who feel they have to try and throw gasoline on a fire and pretend that I am the only negative one - I did not attack flax or call him out or anyone else for that matter - because he did not attack me - He was not acting like the self appointed line police, threatening me and people around me with REMOVAL from the venue because he is down with security... flax did not give me the 3rd degree on how I got to the front when I was not waiting longer than his friend who he wanted on the rail... Flax did not wish physical injury on me - flax did not act like the line police and then leave the line himself.
The bullying, self appointed security, hypocrite who acts like a line nazi but then does not abide by those standards he enforces by threat of physical removal or violence should not be surprised when I get up his ass and have a slight case of lockjaw... esp when I am getting up his ass over something he got in my face about.
As for the rest of you who were not there but seem to have so much stake in it and so much to say... you are the ones throwing gas and thriving on negativity. You were not even there.

Flax I have no beef with you and I hope you don't with me. I was joking about the car not mocking you. I rather enjoyed your company at all the shows and even would have crashed at boston with you but I was feeling very tired from my days on the street and I opted to get a hotel as I knew I would want to hit the boston line a bit later... didn't want to have to get up too early... I enjoyed standing next to you and was super happy for you when you caught the shirts and got your handshakes and I also enjoyed bullshitting with lulu.

Sorry if you also think I was being nasty to you... I wasn't. I just had a pretty bad grudge on Julian after he tried telling me what to do and felt he had the right to because he has been to more morrissey shows than me... thats about the bulk of it.

I am not about to call everyone out on their decisions... unless they try to pull their list enforcement on me when I am already on the rail - through 100% legit luck an work getting there.
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hey suparni, its all good baby

thanks Robby. I don't want trouble with people who are not assholes. :flowers:

but I do actually have issues with some people and the way they conduct themselves with me and in general... and I own it.
Why do kind-hearted posts so quickly turn into hate filled sniping? Can anyone answer this without sarcasm, spite or four letter words?

What?! I wasn't being mean. I was saying hi to Shawn. :[
You know this may be the most I have posted out of Off Topic in a single thread in awhile.
Speaking of lists.....

I had Baja Blast Mt. Dew on my grocery list.

Turns out they only sell it at Taco Bell. :mad:

It is an exclusive. The other night I went out around that time to go get me some.
Speaking of lists.....

I had Baja Blast Mt. Dew on my grocery list.

Turns out they only sell it at Taco Bell. :mad:

It is an exclusive. The other night I went out around that time to go get me some.

ya'll should try steaz, opta energy or any of the like...
its like mt dew with pcp and actually not that bad for you.
Speaking of lists.....

I had Baja Blast Mt. Dew on my grocery list.

Turns out they only sell it at Taco Bell. :mad:

It is an exclusive. The other night I went out around that time to go get me some.

I love that stuff. It tastes like day-old margaritas.

I still wish they carried Dr Pepper, though. :mad:
I love that stuff. It tastes like day-old margaritas.

I still wish they carried Dr Pepper, though. :mad:

Now take Baja Blast Mountain Dew and mix it with a Light Rum or Jack Daniels.


Next week we try it with tequila
adam fw? aint no problem at dmb shows emma ftw flaxy<3 grocery list love flax! lovesuparni shut up suparni wtf adam?
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